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If you would banish an Item 2, it is gone. Your deck has no memory of its history.
That being said, in the upgrade section of the guide (pg 7) it states "After upgrading your deck, when rebuilding the rest of your character deck, choose extra cards, if needed, from your Class Deck." Since this says "if needed", I've been playing that if you needed to banish a card while playing, after the upgrades are done, you can use the remainder cards that are pooled for potential rebuild cards. If there are none available, the next line is applicable. "Use the Starting Character rules, which are similar to the standard game rules." (In other words, start with B and Basic …)

elcoderdude |

Since this says "if needed", I've been playing that if you needed to banish a card while playing, after the upgrades are done, you can use the remainder cards that are pooled for potential rebuild cards.
I think the rule says "if needed" because you won't need to add cards to your deck unless you banished one or more cards, which in many scenarios, you won't. I don't think the rules intend for you to take in effect another upgrade to rebuild your deck. Instead, immediately follow "Use the Starting Character rules".

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So, let's say I'm playing at Tier 1. One of my deck upgrades includes Weapon (1) and I have swapped out a Basic weapon with a Weapon (1).
During my current scenario, I banish that Weapon (1) and at the end of the scenario there are no Weapon (1) cards that have been acquired with which to upgrade. Does that mean I have to use the hierarchy, resulting in replacing that card with a Basic card and losing my previous upgrade?
Second question. Let's say in the above situation there is a Weapon (1) card acquired during the scenario. Can I replace my weapon and still have a separate upgrade, or would I have to use my upgrade for the scenario to "re-acquire" the weapon?

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1. Yes, if you are missing a Weapon after doing upgrades you would revert to a B Basic (or the next available card, following the Hierarchy).
2. You do upgrades and finish adding/replacing those cards in your deck before checking for missing cards, so if you take a Weapon 1 it would fill in the missing slot. (p. 10 of the Guide 5.0: "After upgrading your deck, (...the rules for missing cards...).") You are free to select a non-Weapon upgrade and fill in with a B Basic Weapon, of course.

elcoderdude |

+1 to Parody.
To clarify #2 further for Alric: Guild play isn't like base set play (I know you know this, but I am reiterating). Nothing says you can take a card you acquired during an OP session and use it to fill a spot in your deck *except* upgrades and rewards.
So, in Alric's #2 example, yes, you would have to use an upgrade to put an AD1 weapon into your deck (and the only reason you can use AD1 instead of B-Basic is that your party acquried an AD1 Weapon which you can use for your upgrade).

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Thanks folks, think I've got it.
One more situation, just to make sure we're rock solid.
Flenta, from the Fighter CD, starts with 3 Spells but has no Arcane or Divine skill. All but one spell (Masterwork) are banished anytime she uses them.
For the sake of this situation, let's assume she uses (banishes) all of her spells each scenario. The fighter deck is pretty short on spells to choose from. For Base and AD1:
B - Strength - Basic
B - Call Weapon - Elite
1 - Obscure
1 - Speed
First, unless she uses an upgrade or reward she is always going to go through the hierarchy and grab first Strength, then Call Weapon, then Obscure or Speed from her box even if the party acquired a dozen spells during the scenario. Even if she uses an upgrade she is still going to be stuck with Strength and Call Weapon as her only fill-in options.
Second, unless she uses an upgrade every scenario she will never be able to advance her deck beyond that hierarchy, assuming the party acquires an AD2 or greater spell each scenario. Meaning she would have to choose from "upgrading" a spell each scenario just to maintain her previous deck level or revert to those same hierarchy spells if she wanted to upgrade any other part of her deck (Weapon, Armor, Item, Ally, Blessing). Also meaning, unless she gains some form of additional reward upgrade, (before she starts Adventure 4) she will not be able to have more than one spell in her deck that is above AD1.

Yewstance |

[...] Flenta, from the Fighter CD, starts with 3 Spells but has no Arcane or Divine skill. All but one spell (Masterwork) are banished anytime she uses them. [...]
Sorry to disappoint (as mentioned elsewhere, something I'm all too good at), but a FAQ for the Fighter Class Deck confirms that you have to banish Masterwork if you don't have the Arcane or Divine skill; the printed version is a typo.