QuietBrowser |
So, as we all know, the big "thing" for classes in 5e is that they rely on the PC taking a specific "path" (or archetype, or whatever you want to call it) at around level 3. Fighters becoming Champions or Eldritch Knights, Monks adopting one of the Ways, Wizards becoming Specialists, etcetera.
Naturally, this clearly indicates that a big focus for the future of class-related splatbooks (PHB2, Complete X, whatever) will be the unveiling of new paths for the various existing classes.
But I'm curious; for the existing classes, what new paths are you hoping WoTC will eventually officially write up and release for the players to use?
Myself? Well...
The first thing that immediately hits my mind is a Monk path based on the Iron Soul or, especially, the Soaring Blade from back in 4e. It's great that the monk can actually be decent with just their naked fists, but since the monk ate the (always rather unnecessary, in my opinion) ninja via the Way of Shadow path, I'd like to see them do the same to the samurai. At least, the kensai/swordsaint interpretation of the samurai. There's room in D&D 5e for a "naked swordmaster", if you will, a character that relies on swiftness, agility and mastery of body and weapon to slay and defend themselves rather than armor. And I think it works expertly as a Monk path.

QuietBrowser |
I have to ask; isn't the Blackguard kind of obsolete now? Paladins are about Oaths rather than alignment, and we have an Oathbreaker in the DMG.
Likewise, can't you be a Bear Warrior already by taking the Bear spirit benefits to the Totem Warrior Barbarian?
Not meaning to be rude, I certainly want to hear what people want to see as new class options, but these two just leave me personally feeling kind of "huh" or "eh".

Diffan |

The DMG is already out? If that's the case, what exactly does the Oathbreaker do? As for Blackguards, alignment is largely irrelevant with them. If the oath breaker casts curses, summons fiends, and generally dark in nature then we're covered.
As for the bear warrior, I'm talking about turning fully into a bear of various power as they level, like a druid. And using rage in bear form. However Im away from a PHB now and don't really know what totem barbarian entails.
Also, I want an Aveger-based class and right now the Oath of Vengeance paladin sadly fails in this regard overall.

Southeast Jerome |
The DMG is already out? If that's the case, what exactly does the Oathbreaker do? As for Blackguards, alignment is largely irrelevant with them. If the oath breaker casts curses, summons fiends, and generally dark in nature then we're covered.
DMG is not out yet, but they released a preview of villainous classes.
[edit: the Facebook link I posted wasn't working - it's out, I swear :) ]
Oathbreaker has the type of abilities you're looking for, but might be more eeeevil than you want. Still room for a middle ground, for sure.

Diffan |

Diffan wrote:The DMG is already out? If that's the case, what exactly does the Oathbreaker do? As for Blackguards, alignment is largely irrelevant with them. If the oath breaker casts curses, summons fiends, and generally dark in nature then we're covered.
DMG is not out yet, but they released a preview of villainous classes.
https://m.facebook.com/dungeonsanddragons/photos/a.98724281070.125189.73340 321070/10152774106171071/?type=1&theater
For some reason the link isn't working.
Oathbreaker has the type of abilities you're looking for, but might be more eeeevil than you want. Still room for a middle ground, for sure.
I saw 1 spell (Misty Step) that I felt was "Avenger-ish" however there's no alternative to not wearing armor (I'd gladly give up all armor + shield proficiency for Armor of Faith which puts your AC at 12 + Dex + Cha) and there's still quite a few prayers that Avengers had access to that Paladin's don't. Not only that but an Avenger has no need for Lay on Hands, so I'd love some sort of alternative to that. It's not a terrible Oath, but definitely not close enough for my tastes. I, however, fully realize that my tastes shouldn't be specifically catered to.

Adjule |

Adjule |
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I guess I could contribute. What class path/subclass would I like to see? More bloodlines for sorcerer other than draconic. That's what the 3rd edition sorcerer's drawback was, that everything dealing with sorcerers was that they got their magic from dragon ancestors. It's why I like the Pathfinder sorcerer better, because they improved on those bloodline feats from Dragon magazine and made them an integrated part of the sorcerer, giving them a larger selection of ancestry that provides them with innate magic.
I would have liked more options within the PHB that is more than just 2-3 for the vast majority of classes (only cleric and wizard get more than 2-3).

lorenlord |

I'm hoping for more interesting Warlock Pacts, with alot of RP flavor. That and, as was posted before, more Sorcerous Bloodlines. other than that, I could see them putting out "archtypes" that are race-specific, much like the "Races of" in 3.5. hopefully if they do that they add race-specific bacgrounds too.

2097 |
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I'm pretty happy with what we have and I don't want an explosion of too many, either.
JoeJs "ranger as a subclass of fighter" sounds great but I don't want both that and the ranger. One of the two is enough.
OTOH, I'd love to see setting specific stuff such as classes appropriate to 1920's, modern or future settings, or psionics for Dark Sun.

JoeJ |
I'm pretty happy with what we have and I don't want an explosion of too many, either.
JoeJs "ranger as a subclass of fighter" sounds great but I don't want both that and the ranger. One of the two is enough.
Maybe have a ranger subclass replace the standard ranger class for a lower magic setting, like they did in 2e with the Historical Reference supplements.

Matthew Koelbl |
Yeah, I do like how feats + background lets you build some surprising variations on classes without much difficulty.
For me, I'd like to see the Elemental Monk get a bit more finely tuned (it is the only class path I'm less than impressed with.)
More sorcerer bloodlines is a good one. I'd like to see another option for the ranger, as well. Maybe something like the 4E Warden?

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
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A Marauder Path barbarian that is stealth, and possibly skirmish, based.
A Warlord Path barbarian that is based on Charisma, being scary (de-buffing) and inspiring (sharing rage).
College of Runes bards that specialize in true speech.
College of Wards bards that specialize in protective buffs.
Clerics of Celerity, Craftsmanship, and Inquisitions.
Circle of the Sea druid, specializing in underwater combat.
Circle of the Sun druid, specializing in blasting and blinding magic.
Circle of the Stars druid, specializing in aberrations and the weird darkness between the stars.
Circle of the Stones druid, specializing in standing stone rituals of divinations, transformations, and transportations.
Armored Hulk fighters.
Teamwork Feat-like fighters.
Mounted Knight fighters.
Way of the Pilgrim monks specializing in quarterstaffs and mobility.
Way of the Ghost monks specializing in necromancy.
Way of the Mind monks that are psionicky.
Oath of Radiance paladins specializing in healing.
Oath of Friendship paladins specializing in diplomacy and teamwork.
Trapper archetype Ranger, specializing in sabotage.
Silver-tongued Rogues specializing in Charisma skills.
Investigator Rogues like Sherlock Holmes.
Templar Rogues that are like divine tricksters.
More Sorcerer Bloodlines!!! Especially Abyssal, Hellish, Undead, Celestial.
More Warlock Patrons!!! Some positive, like angelic or sphinx. Maybe even white-mage healer-types.
Elementalist Wizards, Psionic Wizards, Magical Skill Monkeys, possibly based on the various ability scores. Maybe something Duskbladey or Magus-like.

Southeast Jerome |
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The only class that feels incomplete is the Sorcerer. First thing, I'd add a generic, versatile bloodline, like the Arcane BL in pathfinder, as a Sorcerer option. Draconic and Wild Magic are both good bloodlines to include, but they're both very specific. In general, I'd also like all the classes to have at least three unique paths, one generic and two specialized.
Overall, my hope is that new standalone classes are kept to a minimum and that they put new options into existing classes whenever possible. Using Pathfinder as an example, most of the standalone PF classes are either already essentially covered by a 5E archetype (Hunter, Skald, Warpriest, etc.), or could be easily adapted and slotted into existing 5E classes as new archetypes, without building a whole new class (Bloodrager -> Barbarian path, Shaman -> Cleric domain or Druid circle, Swashbuckler -> Rogue archetype, Samurai -> Paladin oath or Fighter archetype, etc.).

lorenlord |

The only class that feels incomplete is the Sorcerer. First thing, I'd add a generic, versatile bloodline, like the Arcane BL in pathfinder, as a Sorcerer option. Draconic and Wild Magic are both good bloodlines to include, but they're both very specific. In general, I'd also like all the classes to have at least three unique paths, one generic and two specialized.
Overall, my hope is that new standalone classes are kept to a minimum and that they put new options into existing classes whenever possible. Using Pathfinder as an example, most of the standalone PF classes are either already essentially covered by a 5E archetype (Hunter, Skald, Warpriest, etc.), or could be easily adapted and slotted into existing 5E classes as new archetypes, without building a whole new class (Bloodrager -> Barbarian path, Shaman -> Cleric domain or Druid circle, Swashbuckler -> Rogue archetype, Samurai -> Paladin oath or Fighter archetype, etc.).
I agree about keeping the standalone classes to a minimum. i'm hoping they just keep adding interesting archetypes to them, and maybe more backgrounds that arent so class-specific sounding.

2097 |
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Swindler/Charlatan bard? Just use the charlatan background with the bard class! Or go for the Arcane Trickster rogue build.
Warlord? Battlemaster Fighter or Valor Bard.
To me everytime something becomes a class of its own, it takes away other classes' ability to build that concept. Like, I've been on a swashbuckling kick lately and playing that type of character using the existing classes. If a "Swashbuckler class" appears, suddenly that limits what a Fighter and a Rogue can be.
A lot of these would be very welcome as backgrounds, keeping the classes themselves open.
Remember that 5e isn't as feat- and power-laden as 3e/4e. If you're going to use melee basics, then go with fighter. That can mean axes, swords, bows, anything. No need for an "archer" class.

Laurefindel |

Class Archetypes is one of 5e D&D's easiest "plug-in" element of the game (along with backgrounds). It's also one of the most "tread carefully" element of the game IMO: I really hope we'll not be drowning in archetypes in two years from now.
Every class has rooms for one or two extra archetypes but otherwise, most concepts can be done in combination of background/multiclassing/feats selection. I do think that "local" archetypes could open interesting setting regional diversity however.
Of the things I can think of:
A amazon/unarmored athletic warrior for Barbarian class.
A "druidic" bard for that snow-white vibe (although that can easily be built with lore college bard)
Some kind of hope domain for clerics
A potion maker/party buffer druid
A commander/marshal fighter (although there are manoeuvres for that).
A mystic healer monk
A feudal knight/samurai code paladin
ranger... I just wished its path were a bit more permissive...
A con-artist rogue
A fiendish/celestial bloodline sorcerer (the other obvious source of innate magical abilities)
A ancestors pack warlock
I actually hope there will not be more wizard options; 8 is more than enough.

![]() |

A mounted, knight-type Fighter is the biggest gap. (Paladin would work, but I really can't think of a good Oath that wouldn't just be a rehash of the Oath of Protection.)
A Rogue that focuses on admixtures and splash weapons. (Good alchemist stand-in.)
And definitely more Sorcerer bloodlines. Draconic or Wild is pretty limited.