Savage GM |
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Viktoriya Natalia Dragunov
Viktoriya Natalia Dragunov was born in Absalom to the Dragunov family of House Morilla. Her father Viktor is a wealthy businessman, member of the lesser council, and head of the city’s trade commission. He has many connections not only in the city but in many other places throughout the Inner Sea region. Her mother, Natalia Romanov of House Candren, is cousin to Grand Councilman Goodman Hugen the First Harbormaster and owner of Sea King Shipyards. Their arranged marriage was of course to solidify the holdings and positions of both houses but it grew a romance of which bards tell tales. The couple was childless for many years and rumors began to circulate. Natalia sought help from Seraphina Madinani a close friend and sorceress who helped her conceive.
Nine months later, Viktoriya Natalia named after her parents, was born. A beautiful baby with brilliant blue eyes, raven black hair, and fair skin. She was an only child, spoiled and doted upon by the entire clan. Natalia fully expected her daughter to follow in her footsteps as the matriarch of the family. The child lived a life of luxury never wanting for anything. She was a bright and intuitive young child. Viktoriya advanced in her studies quickly. It was at puberty that her abilities blossomed. Secretly, Natalia asked Seraphina to examine the child. The sorceress claimed it was a possible effect of the arcane energies at conception, a secret that she keeps to this day. Viktor seeing his daughter’s talent as an opportunity to get a foothold in the Aranimarium enrolled her in the prestigious academy.
Viktoriya, 14 years old, was too young to enroll, however, as a prodigy she amazed the instructors with her raw talent and was granted admission. Her eyes were opened to the many forms and methods of manipulating arcane energies. She could feel the arcane energy flow through her body, a most exhilarating and sensual feeling, as she cast her first spells. Viktoriya was hooked, she vowed to herself to harness this fascinating energy. In time she developed the ability to actually see magical auras. The young apprentice, in her history studies, learned of many powerful magical artifacts and locations and was intrigued by their legends and myths. She wanted to find these magnificent items and feel the arcane power locked within.
Many of her classmates were jealous. Kryton Malinka, in particular, a very talented young man was obsessed with being the best. He was infuriated when Viktoriya, 2 years younger, earned first chair in their class. Calling her a privileged spoiled brat, he has harbored a deep hatred for her ever since. Viktoriya went on to more advanced studies where she began to combine her arcane abilities with the teachings of the wizard masters of the academy to become one of the few arcanist students. At the age of 17, Viktoriya graduated a year early with honors from the academy.
Viktoriya, now a young woman, seeks the artifacts and myths she learned of in her studies at the academy. With financial backing of her family, she wants to explore the world seeking limits of the arcane arts. Viktoriya travels using her father’s connections with many trading consortiums. Her ultimate goal is to be able to tap into the raw arcane essence of existence and feel it flow through her being.

Muad'Dib |

Nice work Savage GM, really enjoyed your explanation of how she came into her powers.
Some food for thought.
When I GM I look for story seeds in players backstories. one of the primary seeds you planted is Kryton Malinka. All good heroes need a good villain right?
IMO Kryton Malinka's motivations are a bit weak. At the time of Viktoriya's graduation he would be several years older and probably starting his career. Hard to imagine petty jealousy would still be in issue. My suggestion is to give a little meat to that story. Perhaps Kryton was her mentor, a good guy, handsome and a star on the rise. While working with a young Viktoriya (who probably was in awe/crushing on Kryton) her inexperience with arcane energies resulted in his disfigurement or damaged his hand making spell casting difficult for Kryton.
The bitterness of Kryton's situation turns to anger and resentment as Viktoriya rose through the ranks and took the first chair that he can no longer hold due to his damaged hand. This set up gives Kryton some pathos and could explain Viktoriya's desire to master her abilities so nothing like this happens again. Maybe she feels responsible for his condition. Anyway a lot more places a GM can go with Kryton at this point and can easily transition into a full on villain.
Anyway those are some suggestions, not that you need em' but you did ask for thoughts.
Again, great backstory. If I was your GM I'd be chomping at the bit to run a game for this character.

Muad'Dib |

Also I think Seraphina Madinani is worth examining. What are her motivations?
She helped the couple conceive. Why, how? Maybe she was a worshiper of Lamashtu? Could she have made a pact with her god to bring some child into this realm? What implications does that mean for Viktoriya?
Or maybe she was a force for good and channeled the gods allowing a celestial being to be born. Maybe Seraphina is an angel? the name certainly has that implication. And again, what implications does that mean for Viktoriya?
Another great story seed you planted for your GM.

Savage GM |

Morgana Lachevalier
Morgana is the illegitimate product of a brief but tumultuous affair of Ruby Lachevalier and Robert Morgan Bartholomew, a shackles pirate ship captain. He was one of the Free Captains that raided north of the Eye of Abendego. Nobody is sure if the captain and his crew is alive or not. His ship, Hell’s Harlot, has not been seen or heard from in years.
The circumstances of Morgana’s birth are quite extraordinary. She was born in Quent on Motaku Isle during a powerful hurricane aboard ship in the harbor. Her mother’s shack apparently had been damaged by the high winds so the woman took to the streets looking for refuge. She was able to beg for refuge aboard the Guiding Star. The stress of the situation of course caused Ruby to go into labor. Within a few hours of hard labor during the fury of the hurricane Morgana came into the world, incidentally at the same time the storms eye passed over the island and briefly everything was calm and then the fury of the storm returned. Morgana’s life would be like the passing of storms. During the delivery, her mother began bleeding badly, the ship’s surgeon could not stop the bleeding and she died that night. They say that the storm-born are ill-fated. Morgana was thrice fated born of blood, storm, and gun.
The crew smitten with the newborn went to Calistria’s Stolen Kisses, a known and well-respected house of ill repute, to hire a wet nurse. After some negotiation with the Madam of the establishment the ship’s surgeon managed to secure a contract. Morgana, would literally grow up aboard ship.
The young girl was a luck charm of sorts to the crew. They experienced victory after victory with Morgana aboard. Some even said that she was blessed by Besmara herself. Morgana soon established herself as a skilled sailor and gunner. By the time she was 12 she was first gunner’s mate. After turning 15 she was promoted to third officer, angering one of the crew. In the duel that followed she ran the bastard through, Morgana’s first kill in one on one combat. Nobody ever questioned her resolve and skill again.
A few more years later Morgana decided it was time to strike out on her own. Today she seeks not only her fortune, but if per chance a clue about her father crops up, she might be inclined to seek him out too.
Morgana has a secret fetish for tattoos and piercings which is based in her Varisian heritage. She has spent much gold on very intricate and expensive body art and jewelry. Morgana has a confident relationship with a tattoo artist in Port Peril.

Savage GM |

and another
Bailey is the daughter of Sharaera Moonshadow and Tanner Magnum. Tanner was a longtime friend and adventuring companion of Sharaera Moonshadow. The two adventures were very successful however made some very powerful enemies. One of which was the very powerful wizard Callus Darklore. They decided the best place to retire and hide from the arcane evil doer was Alkenstar in the middle of the mana wastes. Tanner figured their nemesis’ magic would not work there, and rightly so.
In time Tanner and Sharaera became romantically involved. They married and not long after that Bailey was born. Since they were both out of the adventuring business Bailey’s parents worked as artisans building guns for the local industry. She grew up with a fascination for firearms and knew nothing of her elven heritage and ancestor’s culture. Her mother was determined to raise Bailey as far away from magic as possible and kept that aspect of her past hidden from the child. Tanner also did his best to teach Bailey the evils of magic and how it can corrupt men with its power. He encouraged her to learn how to build firearms and go into the family business.
Bailey’s family life was happy and wholesome. Even when her father blew up the barn with some of his experiments in designing more powerful firearms, life was good. Her mother kept a close eye on her as well and taught the young girl to defend herself. Sharaera was secretly concerned that one day Darklore would find them and exact his revenge. Bailey grew up unaware of the shadow that loomed over her family.
In time Bailey matured and grew restless as most young teenagers do. Her mother and father were proud of their daughter yet discouraged her from a life of adventuring. They said it was too dangerous and she could have a wonderful life in the city. They wanted her to marry a fine man and settle down so they could dote on the grandchildren.
However, it was not to be. Agents of Lord Callus Darklore finally located the couple. Their master was delighted that the couple had a child and was so happy. “The more tragic their fall will be”, he thought. Callus formed a plan to cause the most pain and anguish to the Magnum family, to destroy everything they love. His agents set trap capturing the former adventures. They also set fire to their home destroying everything. His plan…to bring them back to his lair to punish and torture them until Bailey came to rescue them. Then he would capture her and turn her against them. His agents left a note for Bailey so she would know who it was that tore apart her family and destroyed her home.