sylvansteel |

So my group recently brought me into an interesting Situation. At the Hambley Farm (ghoul farm with the scarecrows) there are two NPC infected with Ghoul fever. My Players rescued them, talked to them only to see them perish in combat before they could be healed. I told them that do to the infection they would rise the next midnight (they attacked the farm late at night, so I ruled 24 hours)as new ghouls. After some talking the Party came to a decision, which I would have never expected:
Since ghouls keep a certain degree of their personality. Why not let them raise and then teach them to be good ghouls?
I told them, that it is very unlikely for undead to be good, the reminded me that it is only unlikely. They argued for their Point pretty good in game, and made plans for holy and unholy water to use. Because it was late anyway, I declared the session as over to get time to think.
I am no one to say no to something my Party wants (and Boy, they were excited about it). Since the Party is rather large I wouldn´t mind a subplot in Kaer Maga after Book2, but I still Need a good start.
Party: F. Tiefling Paladin of Shelyn LG (argued pretty well for the idea based on the Paladin Code in Inner Sea Gods
F. Human Cleric of Gorum CG (Excited about it)
M. Human Monk LN (talked a lot about reincarnetion)
F. Halfling Rogue N (not sure about the idea, but agreed to help)
M. Dhampir Wizard CN (fascinated by process, wants prove that undead taint of evil can be overcome
M. Gnome Gunslinger CG (Quote "I have blown up a goblin god (Malfeshnekor, he threw Barrels of gunpowder into his room), I´ll be damned if I can´t redeem undead")
M. Kitsune Ninja LN (thinks idea is stupid, but is interested if they can actually pull it of.)
I won´t let the Paladin receive visions of their gods telling them not to do it, since I don´t want to pressure anyone into disagreeing to something everyone else wants to do (and is morally somehow arguable)