PFS legal?

Pathfinder Society

Sovereign Court 1/5

Is the White-Haired Witch archtype legal in PFS?

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5 **

Yep. I have a friend playing one right now. +15 to grapple with her hair at level 4 (though she dipped bloodrager). Check Archives of nethys (website). They have a list if things that are legal vs. illegal.

Sovereign Court 1/5

Thank you.

I was considering a White-Haired Witch 2/ Magus [Hexcrafter] x build for PFS.

So, is everything on that site PFS legal?

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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As mentioned in the free Guide to Organized Play, if you have questions about what options are legal/illegal, the Additional Resources document is where you would look first.

Archives of Nethys is an excellent site (and better than d20pfsrd), but it's still not the official source like the links I've provided are.

And when asking about specific PFS you are better off asking in the PFS forum instead of the rules forum.

There really are three sites that I use:

This site is for when I want to be absolutely certain about the specific wording of a rule.

The d20pfsrd
This is for ease of use... Whenever I don't really care about the exact wording I simply go for the first link my eyes catch after having searched in google. Sometimes it is this site, sometimes it is the PRD.

Archives of Nethys
I mostly use this site for adventure path specific stuff... Like when I find and identify the Icicle Wand from Reign of Winter then I go here to find out exactly what it does. (With GM permission naturally). I have used it for other stuff aswell but I don't play PFS so that other stuff is rare.

Sovereign Court 1/5

Thank you all.
I normally use d20 for ease of use, but I am liking Archives also.


Nefreet wrote:

As mentioned in the free Guide to Organized Play, if you have questions about what options are legal/illegal, the Additional Resources document is where you would look first.

Archives of Nethys is an excellent site (and better than d20pfsrd), but it's still not the official source like the links I've provided are.

Wow, all this discussion about other sites and only this post answers the question.

When asking is [white haired witch] PFS legal, the poster has already discovered [white haired witch]. Possibly they found it perusing a book. More likely they found it on one of the three (great resource) sites mentioned.

Regardless of how they found it, only the Additional Resources officially answers the question. Please remember to tell folks the answer can be found here. Please also remind them a copy the additional resources document needs to accompany said resource when a player brings it to the table.

Most likely the person asking such a question is new to PFS. They deserve the simplest, most accurate answer.

Paizo Glitterati Robot

Removed a series of posts. This discussion of which resource site is better than the other really doesn't relate to this person's question and probably belongs elsewhere.

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