
Homebrew and House Rules

Like an Oracle's curse, except a being who takes neither Oracle or Mutant as a class will get only the curse, any skills, and any feats. Other classes can take more than one mutation only by taking defects.
Sorcerers cannot normally take Defects/Curses. They can be cursed, but it can be removed. It's not a part of the character.

1: The gods have consigned you to always be an outcast from traditional allies, if a Mutant or Oracle your illusory dichotomy lets you befuddle and confuse enemies.
Concept by Westphalian_Musketeer. Final alterations by Oly .
At 1st level, to people and objects the Oracle shows the worst alignment possible to anyone who reads it and any magic item that depends on it. Additionally, Diplomacy cannot improve an attitude above indifferent; and even when telling the truth, if what the Oracle says sounds even slightly hard to believe, the Oracle must succeed at a Bluff check at +2 against Sense Motive or be thought to be lying. Use Magic Item becomes a class skill; but regardless of her actual alignment, the Oracle must use the skill to emulate the needed alignment to use an item, as any alignment-based item will not work for her otherwise. Bluff is a class skill as well, since the Oracle becomes so dependent on it to be believed, and additionally provide an incentive to put points into Diplomacy despite it being much weaker for those with the curse. That might be a negative consequence if you don't, like perhaps if you fail a Bluff check, even to make someone realize you're telling the truth, you have to make a Diplomacy check of a DC equal to the target's level + the target's Charisma modifier or (insert very negative consequence here).
The negative consequence might be attitude dropping 3 levels (meaning to Hostile if it wasn't Helpful) or a large penalty (like -10) to any Charisma-based checks with the same target as long as the target recognizes you, maybe also a +1 morale bonus to damage rolls against you if it becomes a fight.
Those are large consequences, but intended to be, as the check is designed to be easy to make if you're about the same level and put some ranks into Diplomacy. It's just meant to encourage players to put those ranks in, rather than saying "Diplomacy is useless to my character, so I'll just ignore it."
At 5th level, the Oracle adds Charm Person to his list of spells (magically getting somewhat around the Diplomacy problem), and gains +2 to alignment-based Use Magic Item checks, also gaining a +4 to the above Bluff check if what he says is actually true. (A mutant gets the spell as a bonus spell once a day)
At 10th level, the save DC vs. the Oracle's Charm Person increases by 2, and Diplomacy checks that succeed by 5 above the DC can increase an Indifferent person's attitude by one level to Friendly (note than normally success by 5 over the DC would bring it two levels up to Helpful). Her bonus to alignment-based Use Magic Item checks becomes +4, and on other Use Magic Item checks she gains a +2. (A mutant gets the spell as a bonus spell once a day)
At 15th level, the Oracle adds Charm Monster to his spell list and may, for up to 60 minutes per day, give off no alignment aura to people sensing for it. These need not be consecutive but must be spent in 10 minute increments. Magic items are unaffected by this masking. He also gains a +6 to all Bluff checks to convince people he is telling the truth, whether he is or not. (A mutant gets the spell as a bonus spell once a day)

A wall of text is difficult to read, which will make people not want to read it. Adding an empty line

between each paragraph or thought will help with that, as will using boldface on special headings.

[b]1: Mistrusted[b/]
The gods have consigned you to always be an outcast from traditional allies, if a Mutant or Oracle your illusory dichotomy lets you befuddle and confuse enemies.
Concept by Westphalian_Musketeer. Final alterations by Oly .
[b]1st[b/] To people and objects the mutated person shows the worst alignment possible to anyone who reads it and any magic item that depends on it. Additionally, Diplomacy cannot improve an attitude above indifferent; and even when telling the truth, if what the Oracle says sounds even slightly hard to believe, the Oracle must succeed at a Bluff check at +2 against Sense Motive or be thought to be lying.
Use Magic Item and Bluff are class skills for Oracles and Mutant classed characters. Regardless of their actual alignment, the character must use Use Magic Item to emulate the needed alignment to use an item, as any alignment-based item will not work for them otherwise. If you fail a Bluff check, even to make someone realize you're telling the truth, you have to make a Diplomacy check of a DC equal to the target's level + the target's Charisma modifier or (insert very negative consequence here). The negative consequence might be attitude dropping 3 levels (meaning to Hostile if it wasn't Helpful) or a large penalty (like -10) to any Charisma-based checks with the same target as long as the target recognizes you.

[b]5th[b/] The Oracle adds Charm Person to his list of spells (magically getting somewhat around the Diplomacy problem), and gains +2 to alignment-based Use Magic Item checks, also gaining a +4 to the above Bluff check if what he says is actually true. (A mutant gets the spell as a bonus spell once a day)

[b]10th[b/], The save DC vs. the Oracle's Charm Person increases by 2, and Diplomacy checks that succeed by 5 above the DC can increase an Indifferent person's attitude by one level to Friendly (note than normally success by 5 over the DC would bring it two levels up to Helpful). Her bonus to alignment-based Use Magic Item checks becomes +4, and on other Use Magic Item checks she gains a +2.

[b]15th[b/] The Oracle adds Charm Monster to his spell list and may, for up to 60 minutes per day, give off no alignment aura to people sensing for it. These need not be consecutive but must be spent in 10 minute increments. Magic items are unaffected by this masking. He also gains a +6 to all Bluff checks to convince people he is telling the truth, whether he is or not. (A mutant gets the spell as a bonus spell once a day)

Goth Guru wrote:

1: Mistrusted

The gods have consigned you to always be an outcast from traditional allies, if a Mutant or Oracle your illusory dichotomy lets you befuddle and confuse enemies.
Concept by Westphalian_Musketeer. Final alterations by Oly .
1st To people and objects the mutated person shows the worst alignment possible to anyone who reads it and any magic item that depends on it. Additionally, Diplomacy cannot improve an attitude above indifferent; and even when telling the truth, if what the Oracle says sounds even slightly hard to believe, the Oracle must succeed at a Bluff check at +2 against Sense Motive or be thought to be lying.
Use Magic Item and Bluff are class skills for Oracles and Mutant classed characters. Regardless of their actual alignment, the character must use Use Magic Item to emulate the needed alignment to use an item, as any alignment-based item will not work for them otherwise. If you fail a Bluff check, even to make someone realize you're telling the truth, you have to make a Diplomacy check of a DC equal to the target's level + the target's Charisma modifier or (insert very negative consequence here). The negative consequence might be attitude dropping 3 levels (meaning to Hostile if it wasn't Helpful) or a large penalty (like -10) to any Charisma-based checks with the same target as long as the target recognizes you.

5th The Oracle adds Charm Person to his list of spells (magically getting somewhat around the Diplomacy problem), and gains +2 to alignment-based Use Magic Item checks, also gaining a +4 to the above Bluff check if what he says is actually true. (A mutant gets the spell as a bonus spell once a day)

10th, The save DC vs. the Oracle's Charm Person increases by 2, and Diplomacy checks that succeed by 5 above the DC can increase an Indifferent person's attitude by one level to Friendly (note than normally success by 5 over the DC would bring it two levels up to Helpful). Her bonus to alignment-based Use Magic Item checks becomes +4, and on other Use Magic Item checks she gains a +2.

15th The Oracle adds Charm Monster to his spell list and may, for up to 60 minutes per day, give off no alignment aura to people sensing for it. These need not be consecutive but must be spent in 10 minute increments. Magic items are unaffected by this masking. He also gains a +6 to all Bluff checks to convince people he is telling the truth, whether he is or not. (A mutant gets the spell as a bonus spell once a day)


2: Clouded Vision The mutant has something wrong with their vision.

1st level) They can see nothing beyond 30 feet but if they are an Oracle or Mutant up to 30 feet they have apparent dark vision.

5th level) Oracles and Mutants have up to 60 feet apparent darkvision.

10th level) Oracles and Mutants have blindsense out to 30 feet.

15th level) Oracles and Mutants have blindsight out to 15 feet.

Special: If they use glasses to improve their sight to blurred, they must take the glasses off to use any ocular powers. A generous GM will grant beings with neither class microscopic vision out to 5 feet.

3: Deaf They cannot hear and are continually deafened. They take a -4 penalty on initiative checks and fail all perception checks based on sound. They take a -4 on other opposed perception checks such as disguise. They are unaffected by mind effecting sonic attacks such as a Harpy's song.

1st level) Oracles and mutants get silent spell as if a bonus feat without increase in spell level or casting time. Without silent spell they would have a 20% chance of spell failure when casting spells with a verbal component. They replace common with common sign language or lip reading.

5th level) They gain a +2 competence bonus on perception checks that do not rely on hearing, and the initiative penalty for being deaf is reduced to -2.

10th level) Oracles and mutants gain scent and no longer suffer initiative penalties due to deafness.

15th level) Oracles and mutants gain tremorsense out to 30 feet.

4: Haunted “Malevolent spirits follow you wherever you go, causing minor mishaps and strange occurrences(such as unexpected breezes, small objects moving on their own, and faint noises).” Your mere presence sets off haunts. Retrieving any stored item requires at least a standard action. Any item you drop lands 10 feet away on the same side as the arm or whatever holding it. In combat, a nat. 1 is an automatic fumble.

1st level)Add mage hand and ghost sound to spells known if spellcaster. If a mutant can cast each spell once a day as a SA. Add ritual Séance to mental inventory.

5th level) Add levitate and minor image to spells known if spellcaster. If a mutant can cast each spell once a day as a SA. Can see invisible and hear silenced only undead. Can even see incorporeal undead lurking in walls and floors.

10th level) Add telekinesis.

15th level) Add reverse gravity.

5:Cursed By A God "Misfortune follows behind you, on a good day. On a bad day misfortune races ahead to set traps" You are -1 to every die roll. While a guaranteed miss only happens on a nat. 1, this happens on skill checks and saving throws too. As they learn about their condition, they learn to share their misfortune with enemies.

1st level)Add true strike to spells known if a spellcaster. If a mutant can cast each spell once a day as a SA.

5th level)Add Bestow curse.

9th level)Add Feeblemind.

13th level)Add Eyebite.

17th level)Add Greater Curse.

Notes: Greater curse is 4 spell levels higher than Bestow Curse. The curse must be inscribed on a tablet or scroll, It can cause lycantrophy, make a subject rise as a specific undead as soon as they die, or make them turn into a specified cursed monster. They must will save each day or the curse takes hold. The scroll or tablet must contain the name of the target, the details of the curse, and how the curse can be broken. Destroying the scroll or tablet just robs the victim of information on how to remove the curse. The curse can also be removed with a wish or a Greater Remove Curse.

6: Lame One of the character’s legs seems wounded or twisted. If base speed is 30 or more subtract 10. If base speed is less than 30 subtract 5.

1st level) speed is never reduced due to encumbrance.

5th level) Immune to the fatigued condition. but not exhaustion.

10th level)Speed is never reduced by armor.

15th level) Immune to the exhausted condition.

7: Wasting appearance You look like you have a wasting disease. You take a -4 to charisma checks except intimidate. +4 competence bonus against disease.
5th level immune to the sickened condition (but not nauseated).
10th level Immune to disease.
15th level Immune to the nauseated condition.

Improved some entries.

2: Clouded Vision[b/] The mutant has something wrong with their vision.

1st level) They can see nothing beyond 30 feet but if they are an Oracle or Mutant up to 30 feet they have apparent dark vision. Bluff +5 for all creatures affected.

5th level) Oracles and Mutants have up to 60 feet apparent darkvision. Fighters of any type gain blind fighting.

10th level) Oracles and Mutants have blindsense out to 30 feet.

15th level) Oracles and Mutants have blindsight out to 15 feet.
Special: If they use glasses to improve their sight to blurred, they must take the glasses off to use any ocular powers. A generous GM will grant beings with neither class microscopic vision out to 5 feet.

[b]3: Deaf They cannot hear and are continually deafened. They take a -4 penalty on initiative checks and fail all perception checks based on sound. They take a -4 on other opposed perception checks such as disguise. They are unaffected by mind effecting sonic attacks such as a Harpy's song.

1st level) Oracles and mutants get silent spell as if a bonus feat without increase in spell level or casting time. Without silent spell they would have a 20% chance of spell failure when casting spells with a verbal component. They replace common with common sign language or lip reading.

5th level) They gain a +2 competence bonus on perception checks that do not rely on hearing, and the initiative penalty for being deaf is reduced to -2.

10th level) Oracles and mutants gain scent and no longer suffer initiative penalties due to deafness.

15th level) Oracles and mutants gain tremorsense out to 30 feet. If not a mutant or oracle, they must be barefooted to use this.

4:Haunted: Malevolent spirits follow them wherever they go causing annoying pranks. There are unexpected breezes, small objects moving on their own, and faint noises. Retrieving any stored object from gear takes a standard action unless it would take longer. Any item dropped lands 10 feet away from them in a random direction.

1st level)If they have spells add Mage Hand and Ghost sound to spell list. If a mutant they can use each once a day as a supernatural ability. If any kind of fighter, can use quick draw for one main weapon.

5th level) Levitate and Minor Image added to spell list. If a mutant they can use each once a day as a supernatural ability. If an alchemist they can use quick draw for all alchemical substances.

10th level) Telekinesis is added to spell lists. If a mutant they can use once a day as a supernatural ability. If a fighter they can use quick draw fully.

15th level) Reverse gravity is added to spell lists. If a mutant they can use once a day as a supernatural ability. If affected by reverse gravity can land on their feet and run on the ceiling.

So are these feats or what?

They are defects. I took the Oracle curses and applied them to anybody.

Note that The Blind Swordsman was an iconic hero in Japanese myth.
There are movies.

You made these defect better than oracle curses as oracle curses treat all other other class levels as 1/2 oracle levels. Would be better:


Can take a oracles curse as defect. Each two levels after taking defect is counted as one oracle level for purpose to determine the effect of defect.

Any feat that raise character's caster level can be used to raise instead character's oracle level in purpose to determine effect of the defect.

Bunnyboy wrote:

You made these defect better than oracle curses as oracle curses treat all other other class levels as 1/2 oracle levels. Would be better:


Can take a oracles curse as defect. Each two levels after taking defect is counted as one oracle level for purpose to determine the effect of defect.

Any feat that raise character's caster level can be used to raise instead character's oracle level in purpose to determine effect of the defect.

I can't wrap my head around that.

How about I reset the defects as oracle curses, and waive the feat tax vs feats that were learned to offset defects. Thus a blind fighter can take blind fighting. The extra mutation would be his compensation for not even being able to see a bench ahead of him(he would need a cane).

Curses: Restarted
Like an Oracle's curse, except a being who is not an Oracle or Mutant will get only the curse, and the skills, and feats they learned to survive. Mutants gain the mutation and it’s benefits. Other classes can take more than one mutation only by taking defects.
Some NPCs only get the defect and the skills and feats they needed to survive. It can be removed. It's not a part of the character.

Sorcerers cannot normally take Defects/Curses. They can be cursed, but it can be removed. It's not a part of the character.

1: Mistrusted
The gods have consigned you to always be an outcast from traditional allies, if an Oracle your illusory dichotomy lets you befuddle and confuse enemies.
Concept by Westphalian_Musketeer. Final alterations by Oly .

1st To people and objects the affected person shows the worst alignment possible to anyone who reads it and any magic item that depends on it. Additionally, Diplomacy cannot improve an attitude above indifferent; and even when telling the truth, if what the Oracle says sounds even slightly hard to believe, the Oracle must succeed at a Bluff check at +2 against Sense Motive or be thought to be lying.
Use Magic Item and Bluff are class skills for Oracles. Regardless of their actual alignment, the character must use Use Magic Item to emulate the needed alignment to use an item, as any alignment-based item will not work for them otherwise. If you fail a Bluff check, even to make someone realize you're telling the truth, you have to make a Diplomacy check of a DC equal to the target's level + the target's Charisma modifier or (insert very negative consequence here). The negative consequence might be attitude dropping 3 levels (meaning to Hostile if it wasn't Helpful) or a large penalty (like -10) to any Charisma-based checks with the same target as long as the target recognizes you.

5th The Oracle adds Charm Person to his list of spells (magically getting somewhat around the Diplomacy problem), and gains +2 to alignment-based Use Magic Item checks, also gaining a +4 to the above Bluff check if what he says is actually true. (A mutant gets the spell as a bonus spell once a day)

10th , The save DC vs. the Oracle's Charm Person increases by 2, and Diplomacy checks that succeed by 5 above the DC can increase an Indifferent person's attitude by one level to Friendly (note than normally success by 5 over the DC would bring it two levels up to Helpful). Her bonus to alignment-based Use Magic Item checks becomes +4, and on other Use Magic Item checks she gains a +2.

15th The Oracle adds Charm Monster to his spell list and may, for up to 60 minutes per day, give off no alignment aura to people sensing for it. These need not be consecutive but must be spent in 10 minute increments. Magic items are unaffected by this masking. He also gains a +6 to all Bluff checks to convince people he is telling the truth, whether he is or not. (A mutant gets the spell as a bonus spell once a day)
Non Oracles or Mutants: Diplomacy and Bluff are class skills for all cursed characters.

2: Clouded Vision The mutant has something wrong with their vision.

1st level) They can see nothing beyond 30 feet but if they are an Oracle up to 30 feet they have apparent dark vision.

5th level) Oracles have up to 60 feet apparent darkvision.

10th level) Oracles have blindsense out to 30 feet.

15th level) Oracles have blindsight out to 15 feet.

Special: If they use glasses to improve their sight to blurred, they must take the glasses off to use any ocular powers. A generous GM will grant beings with neither class microscopic vision out to 5 feet.

To be a defect, it must be true blindness. Everything is considered to have concealment, but they have blind fighting. Any creature very smelly or noisy has no concealment to the blind character. Silent and odorless creatures have full concealment from them. Visual only illusions, including invisibility, have no effect on a blind creature. Same with all gaze attacks.

Every blind character will have a cane, staff, and or a seeing eye animal companion. They are permitted to have a sword cane and or an animal companion in places others are not. If brail exists at all in your campaign world, blind characters get brail as a bonus language.

3: Deaf They cannot hear and are continually deafened. They take a -4 penalty on initiative checks and fail all perception checks based on sound. They take a -4 on other opposed perception checks such as disguise. They are unaffected by mind effecting sonic attacks such as a Harpy's song.

1st level) Oracles get silent spell as if a bonus feat without increase in spell level or casting time. Without silent spell they would have a 20% chance of spell failure when casting spells with a verbal component. They replace common with common sign language and gain lip reading as a bonus language.

5th level) They gain a +2 competence bonus on perception checks that do not rely on hearing, and the initiative penalty for being deaf is reduced to -2.

10th level) Oracles gain scent and no longer suffer initiative penalties due to deafness.

15th level) Oracles gain tremorsense out to 30 feet.
If not an Oracle, they still replace common with lip reading. They gain sign language as a bonus language.

4:Haunted: Malevolent spirits follow them wherever they go causing annoying pranks. There are unexpected breezes, small objects moving on their own, and faint noises. Retrieving any stored object from gear takes a standard action unless it would take longer. Any item dropped lands 10 feet away from them in a random direction.
1st level)If they have spells add Mage Hand and Ghost sound to spell list. If any kind of fighter, can use quick draw for one main weapon.

5th level) Levitate and Minor Image added to spell list. If an alchemist they can use quick draw for all alchemical substances.

10th level) Telekinesis is added to spell lists. If a fighter they can use quick draw fully.

15th level) Reverse gravity is added to spell lists.
Any: If affected by reverse gravity can land on their feet and run on the ceiling till out of range.

5:Cursed By A God "Misfortune follows behind you, on a good day. On a bad day misfortune races ahead to set traps" You are -1 to every die roll. While a guaranteed miss only happens on a nat. 1, this happens on skill checks and saving throws too. As they learn about their condition, they learn to share their misfortune with enemies.
1st level)Add true strike to spells known if an Oracle, Ranger, Paladin, or Blackard.

5th level)Add Bestow curse if an Oracle.

9th level)Add Feeblemind if an Oracle.

13th level)Add Eyebite if an Oracle.

17th level)Add Greater Curse if an Oracle.

Notes: Greater curse is 4 spell levels higher than Bestow Curse. The curse must be inscribed on a tablet or scroll, It can cause lycanthropy, make a subject rise as a specific undead as soon as they die, or make them turn into a specified cursed monster. They must will save each day or the curse takes hold. The scroll or tablet must contain the name of the target, the details of the curse, and how the curse can be broken. Destroying the scroll or tablet just robs the victim of information on how to remove the curse. The curse can also be removed with a wish or a Greater Remove Curse.
All: +2 reflex saves due to constant accidents.

6: Lame One of the character’s legs seems wounded or twisted. If base speed is 30 or more subtract 10. If base speed is less than 30 subtract 5.

1st level) speed is never reduced due to encumbrance if an Oracle..

5th level) Immune to the fatigued condition. but not exhaustion if an Oracle..

10th level)Speed is never reduced by armor if an Oracle.

15th level) Immune to the exhausted condition.

All others, speed is never further reduced by broken terrain due to their stumbling gate.

If doubled, character cannot walk at all. They are confined to a wheelchair, horse, or other vehicle. Ride is a class skill.

7: Wasting appearance You look like you have a wasting disease. You take a -4 to charisma checks except intimidate. +4 competence bonus against disease.

5th level immune to the sickened condition (but not nauseated).

10th level Immune to disease.

15th level Immune to the nauseated condition.

Non Oracles only take a -4 to charisma checks except intimidate. Fighters get a +4 to intimidate.

8:Tongues. In times of stress or unease, you (your character) will speak in another language. Pick one of the following languages: Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Ignan, Infernal, Terran, or some game specific ancient language. In the Cleaves it could be Fennish. When in combat or otherwise distracted, you(your character) can only speak and understand the selected language

9: Harming Touch
They Harm 1 point per level to anyone they touch with their bare skin. This is a touch attack. Any item that extends touch attacks also works with this.
5th level: Channel energy as a -4 level Cleric.
Bonus feat: Command Undead (When channel energy is available)
Oracle Bonus spells: Bonus spells 3rd-Spectral Hand, 5th-Death Knell, 7th-Vampiric Touch, 9th-Slay Living, 11th-Eyebite, 13th-Control Undead, 15th-Horrid Wilting, 17th-Energy Drain, 19th-Wail of the Banshee

10: Beast-scarred Face
Source Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Angels
Adapted for defects, to apply to mutants or NPCs affected by magical fallout. carred-Face
Your face is deformed, as though you were born with a wolf's (or other animal’s) muzzle instead of an ordinary nose and jaw. Many mistake you for a werewolf (or other monster), and in areas plagued by lycanthropes, you must take pains to hide your face.
You have a severe speech impediment, and any spells you cast with a verbal component have a 20% chance of failing, wasting your action but not expending the spell. If you come from a civilization where everyone has this, (such as Equestria) spellcasting was developed differently, and there is instead a -5 to Spellcraft to identify the spell being cast. You gain a natural bite attack if you are some kind of fighter, that deals 1d4 points of damage if you are a Medium creature or 1d3 points of damage if you are Small.

11: Food Memory.

Normally, when such a person eats any part of anything, they become connected to it. Eating beef will make them moo for a little while, but intelligent creatures are a long term problem. Something like a unicorn can become magic jarred in their body and try to possess them, whenever it wants to.

3rd level: Augury
5th level: An oracle only can use it to speak with dead as if the bonus spell.
9th level: Commune.

11: Hereditary insanity
Page 250 of the game mastery guide. They are not recommended for PCs. While the presence is hereditary, the specific insanity is the result of environment. While it makes mind reading hazardous, it also makes such things as mind link rings worse than useless.
I’ve included some additional madness’ that would only show up in a game or fiction. Once again, PCs be warned, You could lose control of your character.

1- Amnesia (They lose any prejudices their race has too.)

2- Mania/Phobia (If you ignored my advice about PCs, you should include the triggers somewhere in the campaign. No defect should be a free ride.)

3- Multiple Personality disorder (Any mental contact may result in contacting something like a baker wondering why they are in this terrible place. They are worried about who is baking the biscuits.)

4- Paranoia(Here’s someone who never volunteers to test the magic items.

5- Psychosis(They can use evil items, sometimes, but the Lawful Good characters will get tired of watching them constantly.)

6- Schizophrenia(This is the one that is like the spell insanity.)

7- Robot/Construct envy. They think they are the listed artificial life form. They don’t acknowledge subdual damage until they pass out. They try to use their construct powers instead of their real spells or skills. Somebody has to tell them to eat and drink as if they were designed to simulate this. They overestimate their ability to hold their breath.

8-Delusional. There is a 10% a round chance that they will see something that isn’t there. When they make a spot check they may see a huge spider coming down from the ceiling. While trying to sneak through enemy territory, they might start arguing with someone who is not there. If they are a summoner, their Eidolon might take the form of their latest delusion. Such an Eidolon will be combative and disruptive, with 3 extra evolution points in their evolution pool.
A defect can be cured by high level magic, but if they need it for their class or to balance their mutations, they might rebuild with a less problematic defect. An oracle gets access to all the summon monster spells.

12: Nephilim
One parent or ancestor was an outsider who was not really humanoid. They usually have a partial extra face and physical deformities. All charisma and dex. based skills are -4. It is often paired with enlargement or outsider bloodlines. Their spells known are all temptations.
3rd-Death Knell
5th-Bestow Curse
9th-Insect Plague
11th-Symbol of Fear
13th-Symbol of Weakness
17th-Storm of Vengeance

13:Radiation addiction
They heal only in an area with radiation, or from healing spells. Safe but detectable levels let them heal normally. Dangerous levels give them fast healing 1 point a round. Actual contact with radioactive materials will affect them like a heal spell.

Spells: (Converted from Starfinder as directly as possible)
1st-Detect Radiation
7th-Remove Radioactivity

Had to renumber.

12: Hereditary insanity
Page 250 of the game mastery guide. They are not recommended for PCs. While the presence is hereditary, the specific insanity is the result of environment. While it makes mind reading hazardous, it also makes such things as mind link rings worse than useless.
I’ve included some additional madness’ that would only show up in a game or fiction. Once again, PCs be warned, You could lose control of your character.
1- Amnesia (They lose any prejudices their race has too.)
2- Mania/Phobia (If you ignored my advice about PCs, you should include the triggers somewhere in the campaign. No defect should be a free ride.)
3- Multiple Personality disorder (Any mental contact may result in contacting something like a baker wondering why they are in this terrible place. They are worried about who is baking the biscuits.)
4- Paranoia(Here’s someone who never volunteers to test the magic items.
5- Psychosis(They can use evil items, sometimes, but the Lawful Good characters will get tired of watching them constantly.)
6- Schizophrenia(This is the one that is like the spell insanity.)
7- Robot/Construct envy. They think they are the listed artificial life form. They don’t acknowledge subdual damage until they pass out. They try to use their construct powers instead of their real spells or skills. Somebody has to tell them to eat and drink as if they were designed to simulate this. They overestimate their ability to hold their breath.
8-Delusional. There is a 10% a round chance that they will see something that isn’t there. When they make a spot check they may see a huge spider coming down from the ceiling. While trying to sneak through enemy territory, they might start arguing with someone who is not there. If they are a summoner, their Eidolon might take the form of their latest delusion. Such an Eidolon will be combative and disruptive, with 3 extra evolution points in their evolution pool.
A defect can be cured by high level magic, but if they need it for their class or to balance their mutations, they might rebuild with a less problematic defect. An oracle gets access to all the summon monster spells.

13: Nephilim
One parent or ancestor was an outsider who was not really humanoid. They usually have a partial extra face and physical deformities. All charisma and dex. based skills are -4. It is often paired with enlargement or outsider bloodlines. Their spells known are all temptations.
3rd-Death Knell
5th-Bestow Curse
9th-Insect Plague
11th-Symbol of Fear
13th-Symbol of Weakness
17th-Storm of Vengeance

14:Radiation addiction
They heal only in an area with radiation, or from healing spells. Safe but detectable levels let them heal normally. Dangerous levels give them fast healing 1 point a round. Actual contact with radioactive materials will affect them like a heal spell.
Spells: (Converted from Starfinder as directly as possible)
1st-Detect Radiation
7th-Remove Radioactivity


15:Big Boned
Double actual body weight. Twice the width of normal for their race. While it does add a lever of encumbrance, it also gives them +4 to avoid being pushed back or over.

Goth Guru wrote:

15:Big Boned

Double actual body weight. Twice the width of normal for their race. While it does add a level of encumbrance, it also gives them +4 to avoid being pushed back or over.

Spelling corrected.

They have no pigmentation. Their hair is white while their skin and pupils are pink. Normal sunlight does a point of damage a round to them. Stealth is -4.
Bonus Spells: Darkness and Deeper darkness.

17:Radiation Burn
They will build up radiation in their body to the point where they take con. damage, add levels to their mutations, and radiate measurable radiation. Every exposure adds 1 to all 3 numbers till they find a way to reduce the internal radiation.

18. Sensitive skin
Your skin chafes in all but the most loose or purposefully made outfits.

Drawback Outfits and armor (not shields) require an additional 50% base cost or they will be uncomfortable and debilitating.

Wearing outfits or armor without this modification results in rash, chafing, and increasing levels of discomfort. Each hour in such circumstance causes 1d3 nonlethal damage (bypassing DR) and results in a –2 penalty to skill checks and the fatigued condition until the damage is removed, which cannot occur until the victim is freed from the clothing for 10 minutes, even with magical healing, though an effect that removes disease can end the penalty and allow healing, possibly at the same time, such as with heal. Immunity or resistance to disease does not protect against or prevent this rash, however, only appropriately made clothing. Effects that suppress pain can allow the victim to ignore the penalties from the damage.

Benefit You receive a +2 racial bonus on checks made where touch might benefit you, such as Disable Device to open a lock, or an Appraise check to determine the value of an item that you can hold, feel, or otherwise gauge the value of based on weight or tactile detail, such as a sculpture or gem but not likely a painting, or to pat down and search a target for items. You also get a +2 to saves to disbelieve an illusion that you touch (such as the target of a disguise self).

3rd (Ex) Once per day, you may restore 1d3 nonlethal damage per 2 character levels and suppress the effects your rash for 1 minute. During this time, the rash damage can be healed even if in restrictive clothing and you lower any current fatigue effects by one (exhausted becomes fatigued). This doesn't prevent new fatigue effects from affecting you during this time.

5th (Sp) Endure elements 1/day, self only.

7th (Sp) Inflict pain 2/day as a touch attack (CL equals half character level).

Note This defect does not typically apply to individual items of clothing, like footwear, hats, belts, etc. Only if no other appreciable clothing is worn and the item is suitable covering will that item need to be modified at the additional cost, such as wearing no other outfit and a magical robe or cloak.

Pizza Lord wrote:

18. Sensitive skin

Your skin chafes in all but the most loose or purposefully made outfits.

Drawback Outfits and armor (not shields) require an additional 50% base cost or they will be uncomfortable and debilitating.

Wearing outfits or armor without this modification results in rash, chafing, and increasing levels of discomfort. Each hour in such circumstance causes 1d3 nonlethal damage (bypassing DR) and results in a –2 penalty to skill checks and the fatigued condition until the damage is removed, which cannot occur until the victim is freed from the clothing for 10 minutes, even with magical healing, though an effect that removes disease can end the penalty and allow healing, possibly at the same time, such as with heal. Immunity or resistance to disease does not protect against or prevent this rash, however, only appropriately made clothing. Effects that suppress pain can allow the victim to ignore the penalties from the damage.

Benefit You receive a +2 racial bonus on checks made where touch might benefit you, such as Disable Device to open a lock, or an Appraise check to determine the value of an item that you can hold, feel, or otherwise gauge the value of based on weight or tactile detail, such as a sculpture or gem but not likely a painting, or to pat down and search a target for items. You also get a +2 to saves to disbelieve an illusion that you touch (such as the target of a disguise self).

3rd (Ex) Once per day, you may restore 1d3 nonlethal damage per 2 character levels and suppress the effects your rash for 1 minute. During this time, the rash damage can be healed even if in restrictive clothing and you lower any current fatigue effects by one (exhausted becomes fatigued). This doesn't prevent new fatigue effects from affecting you during this time.

5th (Sp) Endure elements 1/day, self only.

7th (Sp) Inflict pain 2/day as a touch attack (CL equals half character level).

Note This defect does not...

Before the trolls chime in these benefits are only for oracles or mutants of sufficient class levels. Other class levels do not count. Disable device and appraisal are class skills for mutants with this defect.

19: Cyclops
They have one big eye instead of 2 smaller ones. They take double the range penalty due to lack of depth perception. They have an eye beam only if they otherwise possess an energy attack such as the force born. The monster, cyclops, has that already factored in. They are +4 more vulnerable to blinding attacks. Spells known include gaze attacks such as evil eye.

20. Leadfoot
You have cumbersome, heavy feet.

Drawback You have a –4 penalty to Stealth checks when moving (with your feet) and a –2 Reflex save penalty against effects and traps that involve your feet (such as pressure plates, tripwires, bear traps, or pit traps opening under you). Any fly speed you receive is reduced by 5 feet (minimum 5).
Additionally, during combat (not just running or moving), any round when you take an action where you intend to move at least your movement speed in distance, you must make a DC 15 Acrobatics check or you provoke Attacks of Opportunity upon entering a threatened space. This counts as a movement-triggered AoO for that action, similar to leaving a threatened square, which means opponents cannot normally take another against you during the same action for entering or leaving additional squares they threaten.

Benefit (Ex) You increase the speed of any mount of vehicle you are driving or piloting by 5 feet per 20 feet of movement with a successful Ride, Handle Animal, or other appropriate check (DC 15) at the start of your turn. This applies only to normal creatures and vehicles, not magical constructs or spell effects whose movement is their main quality or based on magic. For example, it works when driving a wagon, even an enchanted wagon, or a horse, even a summoned horse, but not the construct of a mount spell or when using a flying carpet or broom of flying (GM's call). This bonus movement is considered an enhancement bonus and does not stack with magical effects that increase speed, though it may stack with other equipment of non-magical benefits (such as enhanced fuel or thrusters. GM's call).

(Ex) Your kicks deal damage as a monk of your oracle level. It is still non-lethal unless you possess Improved Unarmed Strike or a similar ability. If your kicks already do damage as a monk of your level, they deal +1 additional damage instead. You may use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to your oracle level.

1st (Sp) Thunderstomp 1/day.

3rd (Ex) You are considered to have DR equal to half your oracle level (rounded down) for any physical, non-energy damage done through your feet, such as caltrops, spike growth, floor spikes, etc. but not electrified or hot floors, falling and landing on your feet (such as with boots of the cat or tumbling), or a bear trap that snapped on your shin but not your foot.

(Sp) Effortless armor 1/day.

5th (Sp) Thunderstomp, greater 1/day.

7th (Sp) Water walk, communal 1/day.

9th Any mounts or teams of creatures that make up a vehicle that you directly control or pilot gain the benefits of your increased damage to their kicks (and subsequent trample damage) and damage reduction to foot damage. This applies as long as you are the rider or driver, even if you temporarily lose control but not if you are struggling with another for control.

21: Unnoticeable
Anyone has to save Will 10+cha bonus DC to notice them. They also have to save to remember them. If they attack, it is suspended for that round only.
Spells known: One mind effecting per spell level.

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