Hogeyhead |
So I've been out of pfs for a while and wanted to get back into it, however I was wondering what I'd need to do to update my characters? I believe the last season I played was 4. I understand there are some issues with Assimars now, and one of my characters was an Assimar so I'd like that adressed in particular.
Sorry if this information is easy to find, but I looked and could not, so here I am.
Katie Sommer |
What about the item sheet thing?
The Item Tracking Sheet is also grandfathered in - namely you don't need to do anything until your character(s) buy something this season.
I would recommend putting wands or ammunition on them for convenience, as I find it easiest to track wand charges and ammunition used on the sheets, but again, its not required until you buy a NEW item this season.
Starglim |
You should also update to a current faction. If your faction was previously Lantern Lodge or Shadow Lodge, I believe you still have a free faction change from Season 5, which doesn't use up the free change that all characters get sometime in Season 6. If it was previously Andoran, Cheliax, Qadira, Osirion, Sczarni or Taldor, it updates as per the latest Guide. Grand Lodge and Silver Crusade haven't changed.
kinevon |
nosig wrote:and here I was thinking this was going to be a thread about PCs of advanced years... you know, "old characters".Yeah, Ezren's getting kinda old and crusty.
And it's the GM's job to knock the crust off of him.
I suspect that, if Ezren saw more use as the GMNPC, he would have more deaths... Right now, other pregens, who get used more often, have died more.
And, unfortunately, it is sheer numbers of deaths, not the ratio of uses vs deaths, that sees most tracking. I am fairly confident that Kyra probably has the highest number of pregen deaths racked up, but that is also because she is one of the most often used pregens.
Caliban_ |
I'm a returning player as well, and I have a character with the "Eastern Mysteries" trait, gained from the old Qadira faction.
The new Pathfinder Society guide says traits from retired factions are retained, but the only place I can find the Eastern Mysteries trait is in the old version of the Pathfinder Society guide, so I'm not entirely certain it's OK to keep it.
Starglim |
I'm a returning player as well, and I have a character with the "Eastern Mysteries" trait, gained from the old Qadira faction.
The new Pathfinder Society guide says traits from retired factions are retained, but the only place I can find the Eastern Mysteries trait is in the old version of the Pathfinder Society guide, so I'm not entirely certain it's OK to keep it.
You keep traits from retired factions, in this case from Qadira. You should print a copy of the relevant page from the old Guide to keep with your character as a rules reference.
Kageki Venture-Lieutenant, Texas—Houston |
So I've been out of pfs for a while and wanted to get back into it, however I was wondering what I'd need to do to update my characters? I believe the last season I played was 4. I understand there are some issues with Assimars now, and one of my characters was an Assimar so I'd like that adressed in particular.
Sorry if this information is easy to find, but I looked and could not, so here I am.
Welcome back to Pathfinder Society. I see a lot of people have answered your questions, but feel free to ask us - am me for anything you need updates on :D
Fromper |
We have a local gm who insists on playing pregens as bloody idiots. It's a hoot to see Ezren run into melee and eat aao's instead of fireballing mooks!
Believe it or not, that's exactly how I got my first PC kill as a GM in PFS. It was an experienced 3.5 player who had never played Pathfinder before, rushing into melee with level 1 pregen Ezren, failing the acrobatics roll to get past the halfling barbarian in First Steps 1, and taking a crit to the face.