Any Pathfinder card group in Paris, France?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

Hello fellow Pathfinders,

I'm looking for a place to play PACG OP in Paris and wherever I checked I found nothing so far.

Of course I contacted my VL who told me he managed only PFRPG.
I contacted my VC thrice, on different email addresses to be sure he gets at least one message (including PM on; to no avail. I'm not really sure he's still performing VC duty for my area.

To make matters worse; the nearest PACG-VOs are located in London or Amsterdam!

I wrote to Mike Brock asking for assistance; if he can point out stores/people in my area where I could look for OP (maybe some LGS have registered and I'm not aware of). While I'm still waiting for his reply, I thought it wouldn't hurt to also send my request for help on the messageboards.

I'm considering going to some stores and talk with the staff about OP. I'm not really comfortable doing that since I have limited knowledge and time for OP but I'll do what I can to make things happen.

Thanks for anyone who can share tips about how I should proceed.

Vive Pathfinder! ;-)

Not much help I can offer, but there is a French translation that was published of RotR. And from this forum on that translating company's website it looks like they want to also translate skull and shackles and the class decks and start organized play.

I do not know French (I'm relying on Google Translator) but you might be able to find some info there about if/when they still plan to release class decks and if there is anything more about organized play in France once the translations are available. I'd assume that having it available in French would greatly help organized play get started.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

Not much help I can offer, but there is a French translation that was published of RotR. And from this forum on that translating company's website it looks like they want to also translate skull and shackles and the class decks and start organized play.

I do not know French (I'm relying on Google Translator) but you might be able to find some info there about if/when they still plan to release class decks and if there is anything more about organized play in France once the translations are available. I'd assume that having it available in French would greatly help organized play get started.

Thank you Hawkmoon for your reply. When I initially posted, I had a strong feeling that if somebody would answer me; it would be you!

I was aware of BBE, I'm still waiting for my account to be activated so I can post on their messageboards. I'll try again with them.
The last post on this topic is dated from August 7th and I'm a bit surprised to see that nothing has been posted since.

It's true that France is probably not a good market for games that are not translated in French (unlike Germany and Netherlands). I was assuming that, people who learned how to play RotR with the French edition would "jump" on S&S and OPs since it's quite easy to grasp the additional contents once you know how to play the game (imho). Then again, maybe PACG OPs will really start here once the class descks are released in french (that would be bad since it would be many months from now!)

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