Sworn of Cayden Caylen |

Ok so I wanted to Convert a character from 3.5 to Pathfinder.
It was a Stonechild gestalt character, classes would be changing into Pathfinder classes so they don't so much matter.
Now Stonechild has a ECL of 6 before it begins past his Monster Class Progression due to his +4 LA adjustment and 2 RHD.
However would I keep all that LA when I convert to Pathfinder?
I heard many people drop 1 or more LA.
Stonechild from D&D Tools
Now I know it is insanely strong and durable and gains blind-fight as a bonus feat, it does have 2 RHD and I am fine with some LA but I was curious if I kept it all.
Oh and side question. Stonechild is immune Acid and Poison, but mine had Troll Blooded (Again Gestalted for feats 1 from class and 1 level 1) which gave him Regen 1 with a weakness to Acid and Fire, but immunity to Acid was weird making him only weak to fire. Does that work? I mean I have heard a rumor it is suppose to kick off Regen completely.

Sworn of Cayden Caylen |

Outsider (Native) (3 RP)
Medium Size (0 RP)
Normal Speed (0 RP)
Linguist (1 RP)
Specialized (1 RP)
[+2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Cha
Advanced Intelligence (4 RP) +2
Advanced Strength (12 RP) +6
Advanced Constitution (12 RP) +6
Static Bonus Feat (2 RP)[Blind Fight]
Natural Armor (2 Rp) +1
Improved Natural Armor (6 RP] +3
Elemental Immunity (4 RP) [Acid]
Poison Immunity (4 RP) [Custom]
Spell-Like Ability, Lesser (3 RP) [Magic Stone]
Total: 54
I didnt include the Weapon and Armor proficiency or skills or whatever.
According to the chart at level 6 he is +2. Well this character will fall into the +2 range so now what?

Chess Pwn |

ask your GM what he want to do with that.
Or build your guy so he's more around 15 or lower in points. If you get it under 15 it should be fine since playable races are 15 or lower. If it's more, talk with your GM about it. Is he fine with you having a super race no penalty? Does he want you to be levels lower?
Thing is Pathfinder doesn't have level adjustment rules. They get by this by restricting what you can play as.

Sworn of Cayden Caylen |

Well according to the ARG it does have a level adjustment system. The class says 30 points at 1-5 is +3 levels 6-10 +2 and so forth. So I would say its possible to be a +4 at Level 8 which is what I am at. Which would mean 4 CR levels and 4 Class levels, or possibly still 6 total ECL for racial levels.