Which Summoner Concept is Better?


Liberty's Edge

So, I'm building a summoner, and I have a couple great concepts in my head, but I need some advice as to which you guys think is the best. I'm excited to play any of them, so I just want your own opinions. I have three ideas:
1. A younger guy who spent the majority of his life trying to become a wizard, but a lab mistake while making a golem gets him a rather rambunctious and chaotic eidilon who is always setting of the summoners OCD and generally being a prankster. The eidilon would be played by a really funny muppet that I have, so think it could be a memorable character.

2. A young girl (only about 10-ish) lost someone close to her when she was a toddler, and the gruesome vision haunts her memories. As such, she has trust issues, and rarely speaks. Her eidilon is a teddy bear that she carries around, and transforms when she wants him to. His name is Mr. Teddy Pennysworth, and his entire purpose is to protect the little girl he loves. This is probably one of my favorite ideas, with a little girl and giant teddybear with a big sword.

3. A very disturbed girl, probably half drow, who's very gothic and quiet. Her eidilon is a black, thin, apparition that looks like the grim reaper and carries a scythe. Massive intimidate scores, very dark concept. I don't know how well this gritty character will fit in to my group, but hey, could be fun.

So what do you think? Which concept is your favorite, and how would you execute it? If you have any other neat concepts you wanna share, that's fine too. I especially would appreciate some Panda feedback, considering it's you guys who will be playing with the character. Thanks all!

Shadow Lodge

1. This is funny and has a lot of potential, unless your group is serious i think it will work nice

2. Isnt this Annie the Dark child from league of legends?Just kiddding. Its cool tought i think the idea is pretty neat has a lot of personality. You coudl explore the origin of the bear. Is it an angel or an eldritch abomination. It coudl even get some ideas to the dm

3. Gothic halfdrow are not my favorite ive seen too much of them

Liberty's Edge

I gotta say the goth is my least favorite, too. And no... my group is definitely NOT serious. And, I'm a DOTA player, so I wouldn't know about LoL characters. I'll look though.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

1) Can get annoying, basically it sounds like a fluffy Malkavian and no one likes fluffy malks.

2) Can be a lot of fun, I'd like it even better if she was actually a really old lady (venerable bonuses) who still clings to the comforts of childhood. Prolly second pick for me.

3) I like the angsty teen goth girl and I'd play with that quite a bit. Half drow orphan with a lot of street skills/smarts could be very cool. A level of cleric for trickery and and luck (worship Calistra she's quite goth.)

High Cha, Int, and moderate Wisdom with poor physical scores. She uses her mind to get vengence not her body.

Grand Lodge

I shall share 2 concepts I enjoy myself. Also, of the 3 you suggested, I love the goth chick with the scythe eidolon, but I love scythes in general so...

Concept 1

Eric Scale

Bastard son (half elf, raised in human lands) of a King of a dragon realm. Most/everyone there has some deep connection to dragons in their blood. Lots of sorcerers and blood ragers, those who are not, tend to be barbarians with dragon totem. Exiled from the realm by evil half sister as he is the rightful heir since daddy died.

His eidolon is dragon shaped. Typically explained as the spirit of his dragon forbearer come to guide him to his rightful place. (You can pick the color you like best.)

Concept 2

The Pimp

Basically, he is a pimp, with a more exotic focus in services available. The eidolon is a human (or half elven or full elven) looking woman, with a stinger tail. Later, she looks like a succubus once she gains wings. Later then that, she gains multiple arms.

Liberty's Edge

GM_Solspiral wrote:
1) Can get annoying, basically it sounds like a fluffy Malkavian and no one likes fluffy malks.

I don't know how he's fluffy malk, but okay... haha

I like the idea of beating up dragons with a teddy bear. Just saying.

I'd say go with the 1st, but make sure it's a CHARACTER, and not a Caricature.

Meaning, make sure he's realistic; OCD more commonly manifests through internalized mental paralysis, and not the explosive episodes media likes to make. The occasional meaningful outburst will please your party more then a thousand repeats of the same old joke.

Dafydd wrote:

I shall share 2 concepts I enjoy myself. Also, of the 3 you suggested, I love the goth chick with the scythe eidolon, but I love scythes in general so...

Concept 1

Eric Scale

Bastard son (half elf, raised in human lands) of a King of a dragon realm. Most/everyone there has some deep connection to dragons in their blood. Lots of sorcerers and blood ragers, those who are not, tend to be barbarians with dragon totem. Exiled from the realm by evil half sister as he is the rightful heir since daddy died.

His eidolon is dragon shaped. Typically explained as the spirit of his dragon forbearer come to guide him to his rightful place. (You can pick the color you like best.)

Concept 2

The Pimp

Basically, he is a pimp, with a more exotic focus in services available. The eidolon is a human (or half elven or full elven) looking woman, with a stinger tail. Later, she looks like a succubus once she gains wings. Later then that, she gains multiple arms.

If we're adding concepts now...

My favorite is a "Gemini" Warrior summoner. Basically, his eidolon is himself seen through a planar lens (Most common example of this in media is shadow, so changing that up could be interesting). My favorite was a Tiefling w/ claws, and an angelic eidolon with claws that was the severed part of his humanity that resided in heaven.

Liberty's Edge

Issac Daneil wrote:

I'd say go with the 1st, but make sure it's a CHARACTER, and not a Caricature.

Meaning, make sure he's realistic; OCD more commonly manifests through internalized mental paralysis, and not the explosive episodes media likes to make. The occasional meaningful outburst will please your party more then a thousand repeats of the same old joke.

actually, the majority of males on my fathers side actually have mild OCD, including myself, to some extent. That's part of the reason I liked the character. the other thing is that my other character doesn't always follow the rules, and after having a real life experience with lawlessness (my phone was stolen), I liked the idea of someone who saw order and regulation as the most important part of life.

kestral287 wrote:
I like the idea of beating up dragons with a teddy bear. Just saying.

Oh yeah. Me too. :D

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

I like the girl with the teddy bear the best, but a ten-year old probably wouldn't be old enough to go on full fledged Pathfinder missions.

After that, I like the muppet eidolon. Muppet... eidolon..... made of win.

Liberty's Edge

Charlie Bell wrote:

I like the girl with the teddy bear the best, but a ten-year old probably wouldn't be old enough to go on full fledged Pathfinder missions.

After that, I like the muppet eidolon. Muppet... eidolon..... made of win.

A ten year old can go on an adventure, provided she has a huge teddy bear body guard. I... i think. That's how it works in Pokemon, I think. I may end up going muppet eidolon, though, because it could be downright hilarious.

I like 1 Best. Scale it, so you dont become a nuisance, and it Will be great.
The other two, not so good for me.

Grand Lodge

The only problem I see with teddy bear is the fact that, making it look like a teddy bear means at best small size, for one of those giant carnival prize teddy bears.

Limited damage from small size means it does not make a great bodyguard.

However, I can see a master summoner with the teddy bear being the conduit/guide on the forces she calls.

For the poor wanna be wizard with OCD, Eidolons share your alignment. You are basically 2 parts of the same soul. However, the eidolon shares a mental link with the summoner, and would thus know exactly how to set off the OCD.

Liberty's Edge

Dafydd wrote:

The only problem I see with teddy bear is the fact that, making it look like a teddy bear means at best small size, for one of those giant carnival prize teddy bears.

Limited damage from small size means it does not make a great bodyguard.

However, I can see a master summoner with the teddy bear being the conduit/guide on the forces she calls.

For the poor wanna be wizard with OCD, Eidolons share your alignment. You are basically 2 parts of the same soul. However, the eidolon shares a mental link with the summoner, and would thus know exactly how to set off the OCD.

The teddy bear is normal, but when she summons her eidolon, it grows to large size. It basically is just a little fluff detail.

I didn't know that eidolons share your alignment, that's sorta dumb, but the Muppet would end up having multiple personalities due to the Story Summoner archetype. When I draw a card, he changes.

Cap. Darling wrote:

I like 1 Best. Scale it, so you dont become a nuisance, and it Will be great.
The other two, not so good for me.

Trust me, I've learned how to make sure things don't become obnoxious.

Grand Lodge

Brom the Obnoxiously Awesome wrote:

Trust me, I've learned how to make sure things don't become obnoxious.

Says the guy with "Obnoxiously" in his name. lol

I am a total noob when it comes to PFS, but I can still give input on the background ideas, yeah?

They all sound pretty cool, but my fave would be the third one. Reminds me of Soul Eater kinda.

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