AndIMustMask |
TL;DR: I need some 'achievements' of sorts to add enchantments to gear as my players go along.
Some context (feel free to skip):
To that end, I'm going with the Lord of the Rings-esque approach of giving equipment enchantments and increases as it accomplishes various Deeds and gains a reputation for itself through them. A sword that killed 100 orcs would likely gain the Bane [orc] enchantment, and might get things like rolls to intimidate orcs when it's drawn as it kills more. a shield that has withstood gouts of dragonfire might get the [element]-resistant enchant, and so on.
basically as the item's legend builds, it grows in power according to what it or it's wielder has accomplished.
I realize this sorta turns standard gear progression on it's head, So I'm planning to have the enhancement bonus naturally scale as they level, with auxiliary effects being added through the player's deeds.
a few enchantment pre-req ideas to get things started:
Bane: slay 50-100 enemies of [subtype]
Keen: 5-10 confirmed natural-20 critical-hits
Heartseeker: delivered 5 coup de graces in combat
Furious: 200-300 rage rounds used while wielding the weapon
Phase-locking: Slay 3-5 opponents who had previously escaped combat against you with teleportation
Menacing: slay 100 opponents while flanking (halve this rate for characters with the 'sneak attack' class feature)
Spell Storing: receive 50 buff spells relevant to the weapon itself (abilities such as divine bond, judgment, the magus' arcane pool, and similar do not count towards this)
Distance: successfully land 50 attacks while suffering a ranged penalty of at least 2 range increments (each additional increment beyond this adds +1 towards the rate this is completed)
Ghost Touch: slay 50 incorporeal undead or similar targets
Deathless: successfully save against 10 negative levels
Spell Storing: receive 50 buff spells relevant to the armor itself (see above)
Rallying: 25 allies succeed saves vs. fear due to your assistance (such as bardic performance, aura of courage, etc.)
Creeping and/or Shadow: successfully evade detection by enemies 10-20 times (more for greater variants of the enchants)
Fortification: Survive 25/50/100 critical hits and/or sneak attacks
Spell Resistance: successfully save against 200/300/500 harmful spell effects.
Impervious: 25-50 successful saves vs effects that would damage or destroy the equipment specifically (such as sunder combat maneuvers, rust monster's ability, and so on)
Ghost Touch: successfully avoid or save against 50 attacks from incorporeal undead or similar targets
Beyond plot achievements (for killing notable foes and the like) which i'll be controlling personally, suggestions for other enchantments tied to things like those listed above would be appreciated.
advice or comments on the ones listed here (like increasing or reducing the requirements) would also be very helpful.
Aleron |
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I like the idea and have done something a bit similar in my game. I don't take credit for this, the original idea was found here on the forums (I can't recall where off hand, sorry) but I adopted it to my own use.
The idea being to divorce the standard 'main 6' bonuses from items leaving more room to make them interesting and not be stuck always having the same belt in your belt slot on a given character. I can say it caused some unforeseen consequences with spells and whatnot (some needed to be changed or removed), but overall it's been a big success.
Suggesting you could use something like this to cover your basic enhancement bonuses and ability bonuses and integrate it with what you are considering for more interesting weapons/armor/items.
Note: Weapons do not require the regular +1 enhancement before applying other properties due to the use of heroic distinctions. A Flaming sword (longsword with only the flaming property) is possible under these rules. A weapon still must be masterwork before any enchanting can be done.
Note 2: Masterwork weapons bonus does not stack with the Offensive Training distinctions. Masterwork armors do not stack with the Defensive Training distinctions.
Note 3: Offensive training bonuses apply to all CMB checks as well.
Defensive Training: The character receives a +1 training bonus to the effective armor bonus worn and reduces the ACP by 1 of any one type of armor (Note: Unarmored character may select clothing and treat it as armor, but this would not stack with the bonus from Bracers of Armor).
Improved Defensive Training: The character receives a +2 training bonus (+3 training bonus to AC if unarmored/cloth armor) to the effective armor bonus, reduces the ACP by 2 for any one type of armor worn. A character must be at least 6th level and have the Defensive Training distinction before selecting this distinction.
Greater Defensive Training The character receives a +3 training bonus (+4 training bonus to AC if unarmored/cloth armor)to the effective armor bonus, reduces the ACP by 2, and reduces the movement penalty by 5 feet for any one type of armor worn. A character must be at least 9th level and have the Improved Defensive Training distinction before selecting this distinction.
Penultimate Defensive Training: The character receives a +4 training bonus (+6 training bonus to AC if unarmored/cloth armor)to the effective armor bonus, reduces the ACP by 3, and reduces the movement penalty by 5 feet for any one type of armor worn. A character must be at least 12th level and have the Greater Defensive Training distinction before selecting this distinction.
Perfected Defensive Training: The character receives a +5 training bonus (+8 training bonus to AC if unarmored/cloth armor) to the effective armor bonus, reduces the ACP by 3, and reduces the movement penalty by 10 feet for any one type of armor worn. A character must be at least 15th level and have the Penultimate Defensive Training distinction before selecting this distinction.
Shield Training: The character receives a +1 training bonus to the effective armor bonus of any one type of shield worn.
Greater Shield Training: The character receives a +3 training bonus to the effective armor bonus of any one type of shield worn. A character must be at least 7th level and have the Shield Training distinction before selecting this distinction.
Perfected Shield Training: The character receives a +5 training bonus to the effective armor bonus of any one type of shield worn. A character must be at least 14th level and have the Greater Shield Training distinction before selecting this distinction.
Offensive Training: The character receives a +1 training bonus to attacks and damage with a category of weapons (use the fighter weapon training for how to break down the weapon categories).
Improved Offensive Training: The character receives a +2 training bonus to attacks and damage with a category of weapons. A character must be at least 6th level and have the Offensive Training distinction before selecting this distinction.
Greater Offensive Training: The character receives a +3 training bonus to attacks and damage with a category of weapons. . A character must be at least 9th level and have the Offensive Training distinction before selecting this distinction.
Penultimate Offensive Training: The character receives a +4 training bonus to attacks and damage with a category of weapons. A character must be at least 12th level and have the Greater Offensive Training distinction before selecting this distinction.
Perfected Offensive Training: The character receives a +5 training bonus to attacks and damage with a category of weapons. A character must be at least 15th level and have the Penultimate Offensive Training distinction before selecting this distinction.
Ambidexterity: When the character is fighting with two weapons, they reduce the penalty by 2 to their attack rolls.
Perfect Ambidexterity: When the character is fighting with two weapons, they reduce the penalty by 4 to their attack rolls (this cannot reduce the penalty further than 0). A character must be 7th level and have the Ambidexterity distinction before selecting this distinction.
Maneuver Training: Select one type of maneuver (Feint, Trip, Dirty Trick, Overrun, Drag, Grapple, Reposition, Steal, Disarm, or Bull Rush). The character gains that maneuver's 'Improved' feat as a free bonus feat. You don't have to meet the feat's requirements.
Greater Maneuver Training: The character gains the 'Greater' feat for the type of maneuver they selected for maneuver training. The character does not need to meet the feat's requirements. A character must be at least 6th level and have the Maneuver Training distinction before selecting this distinction.
Lucky: The character receives a +1 resistance bonus to their Fortitude, Reflex, and Willpower saves.
Blessed: The character receives a +3 resistance bonus to their Fortitude, Reflex, and Willpower saves. A character must be at least 7th level and have the Lucky distinction before selecting this distinction.
Exalted: The character receives a +5 resistance bonus to their Fortitude, Reflex, and Willpower saves. A character must be at least 13th level and have the Blessed distinction before selecting this distinction.
Nimble: The character gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC.
Artful: The character’s dodge bonus increases to +2. A character must be at least 7th level and have the Nimble distinctions before selecting this distinction.
Deft: The character’s dodge bonus increases to +3. A character must be at least 14th level and have the Artful distinction before selecting this distinction.
Hardened: The character's natural armor bonus improves by +1.
Grizzled: The character's natural armor bonus increases to +3. A character must be at least 7th level and have the Hardened distinction before selecting this distinction.
Iron Skinned: The character's natural armor bonus increases +5. A character must be at least 14th level and have the Grizzled distinction before selecting this distinction.
Strong: The character receives a +2 training bonus to strength. A character must be at least 5th level before selecting this distinction.
Dextrous: The character receives a +2 training bonus to dexterity. A character must be at least 5th level before selecting this distinction.
Hearty: The character receives a +2 training bonus to constitution. A character must be at least 5th level before selecting this distinction.
Intelligent: The character receives a +2 training bonus to intelligence. A character must be at least 5th level before selecting this distinction.
Wise: The character receives a +2 training bonus to wisdom. A character must be at least 5th level before selecting this distinction.
Charismatic: The character receives a +2 training bonus to charisma. A character must be at least 5th level before selecting this distinction.
Mighty: +4 Training bonus to strength. A character must be at least 10th level and have the Strong distinction before selecting this distinction.
Adroit: +4 Training bonus to dexterity. A character must be at least 10th level and have the Dextrous distinction before selecting this distinction.
Unyielding: +4 Training bonus to constitution. A character must be at least 10th level and have the Hearty distinction before selecting this distinction.
Inspired: +4 Training bonus to intelligence. A character must be at least 10th level and have the Intelligent distinction before selecting this distinction.
Attuned: +4 Training bonus to wisdom. A character must be at least 10th level and have the Wise distinction before selecting this distinction.
Majestic: +4 Training bonus to charisma. A character must be at least 10th level and have the Charismatic distinction before selecting this distinction.
Herculean: +6 Training bonus to strength. A character must be at least 15th level and have the Mighty distinction before selecting this distinction.
Alacritous: +6 Training bonus to dexterity. A character must be at least 15th level and have the Adroit distinction before selecting this distinction.
Titanic: +6 Training bonus to constitution. A character must be at least 15th level and have the Unyielding distinction before selecting this distinction.
Brilliant: +6 Training bonus to intelligence. A character must be at least 15th level and have the Inspired distinction before selecting this distinction.
Enlightened: +6 Training bonus to wisdom. A character must be at least 15th level and have the Attuned distinction before selecting this distinction.
Awe Inspiring: +6 Training bonus to charisma. A character must be at least 15th level and have the Majestic distinction before selecting this distinction.
Magical Training: The character receives a +1 trait bonus to concentration checks.
Improved Magical Training: The character receives a +2 trait bonus to concentration checks. A character must be at least 6th level and have the Magical Training distinction before selecting this distinction.
Greater Magical Training: The character receives a +3 trait bonus to concentration checks. A character must be at least 9th level and have the Improved Magical Training distinction before selecting this distinction.
Penultimate Magical Training: The character receives a +4 trait bonus to concentration checks and a +1 trait bonus to the DCs of their spells. A character must be at least 12th level and have the Greater Magical Training distinction before selecting this distinction.
Perfected Magical Training: The character receives a +5 trait bonus to concentration checks and a +2 trait bonus to the DCs of their spells. A character must be at least 15th level and have the Perfect Magical Training distinction before selecting this distinction.
AndIMustMask |
I was planning on using the idea to sidestep the usual boring must-haves (headband/belt of [STATS], amulet of natural armor, ring of protection, cloak of resistance) by having them scale natively, similar to the weapon/armor enhancement scaling as noted in the OP. I'll definitely take a hard look at those heroic distinctions though.
Also, I know this thread is toeing the line between the advice and homebrew boards, which is why i'm trying to keep it to balance suggestions/critiques and enhancement prereq suggestions.
edit: threw together a linear advancement chart for 'item' scaling
1 - NONE
2 - NONE
3 - +1 to all saves (resistance bonus)
4 - +1 AC (natural armor)
5 - +2 to one mental or physical stat (enhancement bonus)
6 - +1 to all saves (resistance bonus)
7 - +1 AC (deflection)
8 - +2 to a different mental or physical stat (enhancement bonus)
9 - +1 to all saves (resistance bonus)
10 - +2 AC (natural armor)
11 - +2 to a different mental or physical stat (enhancement bonus), increase a previous +2 to a +4
12 - +1 to all saves (resistance bonus)
13 - +2 AC (deflection)
14 - +2 to a different mental or physical stat (enhancement bonus), increase a previous +2 to a +4
15 - +1 to all saves (resistance bonus)
16 - +2 AC (natural armor)
17 - +2 to a different mental or physical stat (enhancement bonus), increase a previous +2 to +4 and a previous +4 to +6
18 -
19 - +2 AC (deflection)
20 - +2 to a different mental or physical stat (enhancement bonus), increase a previous +2 to +4 and a previous +4 to +6
+5 all saves
+5 AC (natural armor)
+5 AC (deflection)
+6/6/4/4/2/2 [STATS]
+2 str
-> +2 str/dex
-> +4 str, +2 dex/con
-> +4 str/dex, +2 con/wis
-> +6 str, +4 dex/con, +2 wis/int
-> +6 str/dex, +4 con/wis, +2 int/cha
+2 [casting stat (CS)]
-> +2 CS/dex
-> +4 CS, +2 dex/con
-> +4 CS/dex, +2 con/(one of wis or int)
-> +6 CS, +4 dex/con, +2 (two of wis, int, or cha)
-> +6 CS/con, +4 dex/(one of wis, int, or cha), +2 str/(one of wis, int, or cha)
I note two things: (1) that i'm lacking some sort of boon at 18th level, and (2) that due to the nature of WBL, the scaling might be a little too slow to keep up with monsters around their level (particularly the AC ones).
any suggestions?
Bob Bob Bob |
So the only problem I have with achievement based systems (mythic trials in the playtest, not sure how it changed) is that you create incentive to do the achievement, not actually play the game. Believe me, I've done this in a lot of video games. When you need to kill 100 orcs for orc-bane, you're going to hunt down orcs just to kill them. The story is lost, you worry about kill stealing, it's a terrible place to be. "Don't kill him yet, I still need 2 more knockouts!" "Only if I get to coup de grace him after." "Wait, let me trip him a couple times first. Stand him up real quick." It's also a nightmare to track.
It's better to either story-fluff the challenges (climb the highest mountain and wave the weapon until it's struck by lightning) or allow the players to pick what they want and provide a specific limited challenge to grant that. Orc-bane could be killing an orc chieftain or destroying a warcamp or some other specific, short-term "kill all orcs" thing. Keen could involve killing something with DR 30/crits or something similar (jabberwocky?).
This gives the players more agency to decide what they want their weapon to be and then, when the time is right, unlock the ability they wanted without worrying about whether they tallied the achievement correctly or how close they are. "This weapon has served me well, but I know it can be keener than this. Let us find the mythical beast who can only be damaged by a lucky strike and test my sword's luck against its luck."
AndIMustMask |
So the only problem I have with achievement based systems (mythic trials in the playtest, not sure how it changed) is that you create incentive to do the achievement, not actually play the game. Believe me, I've done this in a lot of video games. When you need to kill 100 orcs for orc-bane, you're going to hunt down orcs just to kill them. The story is lost, you worry about kill stealing, it's a terrible place to be. "Don't kill him yet, I still need 2 more knockouts!" "Only if I get to coup de grace him after." "Wait, let me trip him a couple times first. Stand him up real quick." It's also a nightmare to track.
It's better to either story-fluff the challenges (climb the highest mountain and wave the weapon until it's struck by lightning) or allow the players to pick what they want and provide a specific limited challenge to grant that. Orc-bane could be killing an orc chieftain or destroying a warcamp or some other specific, short-term "kill all orcs" thing. Keen could involve killing something with DR 30/crits or something similar (jabberwocky?).
This gives the players more agency to decide what they want their weapon to be and then, when the time is right, unlock the ability they wanted without worrying about whether they tallied the achievement correctly or how close they are. "This weapon has served me well, but I know it can be keener than this. Let us find the mythical beast who can only be damaged by a lucky strike and test my sword's luck against its luck."
i'm not planning on having them as a hard-coded thing--more as guidelines of what might grant them. likewise, i dont plan on revealing these mechanics to the players to avoid such an attitude from them (guys we need to raid another orc camp papa needs his bane enchant). major achievements and plot-related ones (such as killing an up-and-coming orc warchief granting the bane enchant) would bypass the usual guidelines.
while i'm also trying to set the 'usual' enchants for certain classes to be obtained naturally (like the furious enchant being gained when you rage enough with the weapon), you make a good point. I'll have the players make a wishlist of sorts for me to set them up with as they go.