Culsandar |
So here soon we will wrap up book 3 of RoW that I am running (have a lot for the obits thread, hovering around 10 PC deaths!), and I'll get to play in a MM campaign.
My initial idea was a debuffing rimed-frostbite hexcrafter Magus. But the more I thought about it a character that deals non-lethal damage and focuses on statuses undead are immune to may not work in a campaign likely focusing on undead.
Without revealing too much, can you vets tell me if this build would do okay in this AP or are there a lot of undead and he wouldn't get to shine? My backup is regular witch, so a similar role.
Thanks for any input!

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Familiarize yourself with the mummy's mask players guide. This will give you an idea of local fauna ( undead, vermin, constructs, elementals) and other character flavor related matters.
Witches are nasty but weak against mindless beings. Dealing non lethal damage as a speciality will yield mixed results as well I would think. One trick builds will likely shine brightly or not at all, so have a built in back up plan.

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We currently have,
Android Unlettered Arcanist 3rd
Human Slayer 3rd
Elf Fighter(polearm)/Ninja ½
Human Dragon Shaman 3rd
Kasatha Skald 3rd
And a Flacon headed bird creature WarPriest 3rd (playing as a race created by Ra)
Seems to be working fine, the slayer and the Ninja are the main damage dealers, you will need a lot of healing which is covered by 4 members of the party. (both the slayer and the Ninja are two handed weapon specialists and they both deal impressive damamge)
DR is common even with low level undead. So something that can blast through DR of 5 or even 10 is very handy.
The Skald is not a great combatant but with a few levels and the players increasing system mastery will become an interesting addition. (he needs to learn to buff before entering combat)
With 6 players it takes some work to make it challenging but not all turn up on a night so most of the changes are on the fly.
Already killed off one party with this AP, this is the replacement party … They decided to make a party of damage dealers.
Hope this helps.

Majuba |

Since you wanted to go magus, perhaps play an Evoker, with a variety of elements at your disposal. Play an Ouat Dwarf and use a battleaxe when you get in the thick of it, or a foreign-born half-orc with an arcane bond falchion. Maybe go Eldritch Knight later on.
Whatever you choose, be versatile. A one-trick pony will not do the job in this AP.

Culsandar |
Reading over the Player's Guide it is likely I will have the same problem with Witch that I will with Magus, as most hexes won't work either.
The rest of the group is looking like Undead Lord Cleric, some type of rogue/bard/skill type for traps, and two undecided (although one of those is likely to do a high HP heavy). Can you get by in this one without arcane support? It seems like doubling up on divine casters, like Warpriest or Inquisitor, would be the way to go.
Another question; Is Diplomacy important throughout the adventure path? Running RoW there was multiple encounters in each book where the party could talk themselves out of (or into) combat. In WotR the only time you needed it was when babysitting NPCs, so you could delegate that role to just one person as a face. Is this an AP where tanking Charisma is okay or no?

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Without spoiling to much, my party had a cleric, rogue, monk, and paladin for a while. They lamented lack of control effects and knowledge skills, but could heal quite well. Arcane types will do well in this AP, and there are moments where things can be settled with words.
Basically this is a well rounded campaign. If you lack certain abilities it will come back to bite you.

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My players have rotated the following party configurations:
Rog, Rng, Ocl, Mnk, Alc
Rog, Rng, Ocl, Ftr, Alc
Rng, Ocl, Ftr, Alc
Slr, Ocl, Ftr, Alc
Inv, Ocl, Ftr, Alc
They are melee mostly, with the 2nd Rng settling on Investigator recently and opening up to a switch hitter. We are obviously deficient on the arcane front, and the social skills fall to the Oracle who, due to her blasted hands, actively tries to not be the party face. Face duties are typically handled by the dwarf fighter who cannot speak Taldane very well at all, but they've managed to do well enough. Through the middle of Book 2, the non-combat encounters tend to be their weak point.