Chaos in Sarlona: looking for three new players [Eberron]


I've had three people drop out of a current campaign, and I am looking for replacements.
The remainder of the party consists of an inquisitor, a vitalist, and a magus.

Original recruitment thread
Gameplay thread
Discussion thread
Information from the previous recruitment thread:
Setting:This game will be set in the Eberron campaign setting, originally written for 3.5. While it will start in Dvaarnava, it won't stay there, and I expect the game will go to a wide range of locations in Adar, Riedra, and Syrkarn. Familiarity with the setting is recommended, though not required. Eberron Wiki is a good free resource for information about the setting. The books Eberron Campaign Setting and Secrets of Sarlona are more comprehensive.

A world away from the rest Eberron, Sarlona remains a land of mystery. It holds the secrets of the origins of humans. And an increasing number of scholars in both Khorvaire and Argonesson now believe that the source of the Mourning lies somewhere in Sarlona.
For the first time in more than a thousand years, the formerly secret port-city of Dvaarnava is being opened to Khorvairian ships. Dvaarnava is in a part of Sarlona which is largely shielded from the influence of the Inspired. But it is under constant threat of an attack from Riedra.
Within Riedra, not everyone is as unified as they appear. There is a rift within the ranks of the Inspired, and the two groups have very different goals. Moreover, rumors persist of a far more sinister, hidden group operating across Sarlona.

Original recruitment thread wrote:

Character Creation:

What I am looking for:
First and foremost I am looking for commitment. Given the slow pace of pbps, this game could run for years into the future. Secondly, I am looking for interesting characters. Well-written backstories, personalities, and motivations will improve your chance of being

Character story stuff: Submissions should include a backstory, your character's goals/motivations, and a brief description of your character's personality. Optionally, include your characters greatest fears.

Starting level: 3

Ability scores: 20 point buy

Allowable books/sources:
Pathfinder books: Core, APG, UM, UC, ultimate psionics, path of war, and ARG are preapproved. All Rite Publishing books are also allowed.
3.5 books: All the Eberron books are preapproved. If you are unsure of how to convert something to pathfinder rules, ask.
Anything else is available by request.

Your character should have action points (as explained in ECS, pg 45).

Favored Class Bonus: No race-specific FCBs. You can spend your FCBs on extra hp, skill points, or pp as normal.

Traits: Two bonus traits. No campaign traits.

Starting gear/wealth: Standard 3rd level wealth (3000 gold pieces, spent however you want.)

"Wait! What happened since the campaign started?":

Well, you can read through the gameplay thread. But here is the TL, DR version:
Most of the PCs arrived in Sarlona by boat (two were already there). After meeting up, they were recruited by a group of kalashtar fighting against the Dreaming Dark. The group was traveling to Sykarn to investigate some unusual phenomenon, but got sidetracked by a mysterious group of yuan-ti. The yuan-ti seem to be opposed both to the Dreaming Dark and to the kalashtar, and their motivations are currently unclear to the party. The party found an ancient 'abandoned' city underground from before humans and kalashtar occupied the region. They've just discovered that the city is not actually abandoned, and were about to search it for someone who they think is hiding there...
...and then three of the players contracted severe cases of Real Life.

This is my character from an Eberron game in which the DM went AWOL. I am trying to recruit a new DM for that campaign and someone has expressed possible interest. If that does not pan out, I will apply here.

From the other recruitment page:

1. What is your character's long term goals:
2. What is your motivation for doing what you are currently doing:
3. What are your short term goals:
4. What is your character's greatest fear:

1. Tierney wants to continue his father's work into learning the truth about the Day of Mourning. This is complicated by the fact that he has little aptitude as a researcher.

2. For the time being, Tierney wants something to take his mind off of his grief over his father's death. He looks to occupy himself with something that forces him to concentrate on his immediate surroundings, as he did when he worked as a bodyguard.

3. Tierney desires to establish some relationships with others, if not actual friendship. His life has been one of some isolation, despite efforts by his father to get him to overcome his social limitations.

4. The prospect of a slow, progressive death frightens Tierney more than anything. The idea is disturbing enough that he is only vaguely aware of this fear. For the most part, he avoids the thought.

Hi DM_Ben,

Dreaming Warforged here, with a changeling rogue.

Let me know if you have thoughts or questions.

Since we're in Sarlona I was thinking of an exotic wuxia-type warrior. Maybe a swordsage/Path of War Stalker or a psychic warrior.

This is Kirin, from Shadows of Breland, by the way.

Tierney: The alias profile looks like it has several possibilities. If you end up joining this game you'll need to clean it up somewhat. Other than that it looks reasonable.

Nik'o: The story and motivations are solid, but what about his personality? Fears?

Karlprosek: Either a stalker or psychic warrior would be preferable to a swordsage, simply due to not needing any conversions.

What type of cleanup would you require?

Tierney got to 3rd level in the inactive game. I regressed him back to first level on the request of a DM in a recruitment thread for another game. His third level profile is in a spoiler on his page.

The inactive game covered some, of even most of, Whispers of the Vampire's Blade and (I believe) Shadows of the Last War. Tierney acquired a magical, whispering, rune-covered, black sword. But nothing bad could possibly come of that. If you want it to be just a regular +1 magic sword, that is fine by me.

Stryx are not native to Eberron, would that be permissible? I like Kiana, but she's had bad luck with games failing. *sigh* She was originally written up as a lone survivor/pirate, for two different pirate campaigns. I think that could still work, honestly, as a background. I'm thinking big storm at sea, blown in, only survivor of her ship?

I'd need to tweak her obviously and level her up. If you think this would work well, I can do so.

After looking over the gameplay thread and discussion thread, I'm thinking an Enlightened Zen Archer Monk.

Deranged_Maniac_Ben wrote:

Nik'o: The story and motivations are solid, but what about his personality? Fears?

I've added the following to my profile. Let me know what you think.

Nik'o is going through a transition phase. He's like a moth who suddenly realized half his life might be over and all he's done really is get born... He wants to see and taste everything, moving as far away as possible from the leeching life that carried him through his adolescence.

Working different miens, he's learned quickly how different people are. How some speak too much, some too little. Some are aggressive, some gentle. This is confusing to him, and he sometimes fear he might lose his own self going from one personal to the next. Yet as he tries different personalities, he gets a sense of the luck he has, for he can perhaps choose who he is, not knowing that there is no such thing.

Like a teenager, he's barely aware of death. What he understands is that he's already old for a Changeling, and that he has but a few years to live, but he doesn't get that living life to its fullest carries its own risk. What he fears truly is apathy. He hasn't learned to fear anything else.

Tierney Quade wrote:
What type of cleanup would you require?

Right now your profile contains several different versions of the character, which I assume is contingent on what game you end up using it in.

Kiana/mdt: The obvious place to put strix in Eberron would be Droaam. It could work, but I wasn't planning on making pirates a big part of this game.

Nik'o: Looks good.

Oh yes, the different backgrounds are for that very reason. I forgot that I had moved one ahead of his Eberron background. I will correct that immediately and move the rest way down to the bottom of his profile or erase them.


Pirates wouldn't have to be, it'd just be her background. But if it's an issue, I won't push it.

Tierney: Okay.
Kiana: The Strix fluff in the ARG seems to be based around racial prejudice, which in Eberron is not as common as national and/or cultural prejudice. Making them native to Droaam fits nicely, since most non-Droaamites have a low opinion of Droaam. Maybe she wanted to leave Droaam for some reason (to become a pirate?) but faced discrimination in the Lhazaar Principalities, and heard from other pirates about a voyage to Adar? (I'm just throwing out suggestions off the top of my head). It could certainly work.

So it looks like there are two mostly complete characters, one incomplete character, and one idea. I'll wait until at least one of you (karlprosek or mdt) finishes before deciding.


Kiana was born in a small colony of Strix on a small island they simply named 'Home' in Strix. It lay just off the coast of Droaam, in the Thunder Sea.

For centuries, their life was one of relative peace and quiet. That is until a ship of the King's found the small island. Thinking the Strix demons, they bombarded the island, nearly destroying it with their cannons before landing and attacking, claiming the Strix were demons and in league with the pirates.

Kiana was small enough to hide in a small crevice high up on the side of the dormant volcano that had given birth to their island. She watched the destruction of her people, and then the burning of their homes. It was days before hunger drove her to leave the crevice, despite the humans having left.

There were other survivors, she saw many fly off north toward the mainland, but she was too young to join them at the time. She grew up on the ruined island, practicing daily until her fingers bled with the bows left behind. Eventually, she was old enough to fly away from the island on her own.

She eventually fell in with a pirate crew. Kiana's folk had always been fishers and flyers, maintaining a small fleet of fishing craft, and she had always as a child loved being on the boats with the salt spray in her face.

The pirate crew, which was made up of mostly non-human crew, said she was Blessed by the sea and the air themselves with a natural affinity for both. Unfortunately, her ship was hit by a typhoon, and sank. She barely survived the storm, making it into the center of the eye and limping along on injured wings until she could make landfall.

Having made land, she felt that perhaps a change from the sea might be needed, her luck thus far had not been good. She still vowed to hunt for the killers of her island, but that hunt was as likely to show fruit from the land as the sea, and so she hunted on solid ground... or rather, over it...

I'll update the character shortly.

Traits? Drawbacks?


I'll go ahead and drop out. It would be the weekend at least before I can put a sheet together. Have fun.

karlprosek: Okay then. Sorry about that.

Kiana: When Kiana was a child the last war would have been ongoing, so it is likely that the attackers were likely from an enemy nation.

For traits, you can start with two traits (no campaign traits). If you want a drawback, you also get a third trait.

Everyone: Now comes the obvious question of how to have you join the rest of the group. In the interest of getting the game up and moving, I'll go with the simplest option: The only way to get to Sarlona from Khorvaire is by boat, and there has only been one boat that's gone directly to Adar (which the original group arrived on at the start of the campaign). Since all three of you made Khorvairian characters, all three of you were also on that boat.
Once the boat landed, Qara hired six of its passengers to investigate a manifest zone collection in Sykarn see pages 1-2 of the gameplay thread. But shortly after they left, Qara found and recruited three other passangers (Kiana, Tierney, and Nik'o) for a seemingly unrelated mission investigating an ancient abandoned yuan-ti city buried under northwest Adar. The first group got sidetracked and ended up in the same city as the second group. Coincidence? Actually, I do have an in-universe explanation.
With that said, we have three mostly complete characters, so all three of you (Tierney, Nik'o, and Kiana) are in. If you still want to be a part of this campaign, please confirm by posting in the discussion thread.
And then we can resume the game!

I replaced one of Tierney's campaign traits, but the replacement has the same game effect. I am considering taking the attached drawback in exchange for picking up reactionary. The drawback page says that you would pick the object that Tierney is attached to.

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