RavenStarver |

So after our second session, two more players joined and several NPCs introduced, my Half-Elf Wardblade is the only male in the party of eight people. BTW this is a pirate campaign.
Should I be worried about anything? Our group has no qualms with "risque" material and have had plenty of inter character relationships in the past

Black Moria |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

And your problem is what exactly?
I don't consider your situation an issue or even odd. My table has always had a few women players and more than a fair share of male players have played female characters.
Our Skull & Shackles campaign had two male characters and 4 female characters. We had fun. As will you, so don't sweat it.

RavenStarver |

If you are all friends, then I wouldn't be worried about anything. Girls are people too. If you do not know one or more of them well, it would be courteous to at least act mature until you have a rapport. Basically, don't be the first person to blurt out "That's what she said."
Actually "that's what she said" jokes make up about half of our sessions :P

Gambit |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Raven, have you checked out Path of War, the Tome of Battle system update for Pathfinder?
A Warlord with the Privateer archetype would make for an awesome character in a Pirate campaign.

Ciaran Barnes |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

Sounds like you have nothing to be worried about then.
But, since you brought the question up, I will suggest that a gentleman would not not cross certain lines with a woman unless she does so first, or she says its OK. But if you already know that a line is OK to cross before a particular woman lets you know it is, then you don't need to be asking advice from people on the internet.

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Raven, have you checked out Path of War, the Tome of Battle system update for Pathfinder?
A Warlord with the Privateer archetype would make for an awesome character in a Pirate campaign.

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STD's and surprise pregnancy
Still not seeing the problem. STD's can be passed between any gender of people who are intimate with each other, so I don't think having 7 females and 1 male increases the risk. If you are worried about getting all of them pregnant (assuming that all 7 of them are actually sleeping with you) might I suggest some bachelor snuff?

Lostcause78 |
I'm new to rpg so maybe I'm missing the point.
I don't understand the purpose of this threat, are you making some kind of blog? I know you ask if you should be worried, but it strikes me as a rhetorical question upon reading further comments.
You don't seem too distressed about the concept. Or do you want advice on which character(s) to seduce?

SiuoL |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Okay, are all other players and the GM are girls or just the characters? If all players are girls expect you, you are one of the luckiest guy in gaming and you should be able to survive this if you play it right. Who knows? you might even gain something at the end.
If they are all guys playing as girls, don't fall for that trap, stay away from the gross and awkward moments. Just keep you and your character's head straight, focus to the main story. Trust me, it's gross. Everytime my character cherish another female PC as a friend, that player will automatically think that my character is hitting on her. Which sucks because that's what most male players that plays female characters think about...

Tacticslion |
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For those asking what the problem is: he has created a lusty character, and is now in a situation where that lusty character is surrounded by temptation. Based off of either past experiences, exposure to stories, or intuition, he is now at a point of potential discomfort, as he doesn't want (for various social reasons) to potentially cause awkward moments between himself and the other players by creating romantic tension between the PCs, or creating awkward moments between characters due to romantic entanglements in general.
The best way to handle things, in such a context, is as Ciaran has stated: be polite, let the other indicate through clear social cues whether or not the character's nature is welcome.
If this is a little out-of-character, that's fine: just have it be a form of internalized character growth. Something about being part of this crew, maybe.
Either way, relax, have fun, and goid gaming!

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Congratulations, you're starring in a whimsical Harem story with a pirate theme.
Make sure you figure which of the
love interestscharacters is the Tsundere, and which is the Yandere and you should be fine.
Make up rules with the GM for the constant nosebleeds! (Fort save vs faint? Con damage?)

Vagabonds. |

For those asking what the problem is: he has created a lusty character, and is now in a situation where that lusty character is surrounded by temptation. Based off of either past experiences, exposure to stories, or intuition, he is now at a point of potential discomfort, as he doesn't want (for various social reasons) to potentially cause awkward moments between himself and the other players by creating romantic tension between the PCs, or creating awkward moments between characters due to romantic entanglements in general.
The best way to handle things, in such a context, is as Ciaran has stated: be polite, let the other indicate through clear social cues whether or not the character's nature is welcome.
If this is a little out-of-character, that's fine: just have it be a form of internalized character growth. Something about being part of this crew, maybe.
Either way, relax, have fun, and goid gaming!
If he wants, he could ask the GM for a coustom item, a cursed glove of sexlesness, which removes the wearers lust and gender. Somewhat silly answer, but still one.