Khelvan |
Its a simple question.
I looked in the board but i didnt find an explicit anwer.
If one fights with 2 weapons he only adds 1/2 strengh to damage
at second weapon.
But what is with to hit?
Assuming strengh 18 he gets only +2 on damage but does he get
the +4 on hit for the second weapon?
Any advice welcome.

Scythia |

If they have the two weapon fighting feat, there is no difference in "to hit" (attack bonus) between main hand and off hand. If the off hand weapon is one handed, both main hand and off hand get a -4 to attack rolls. If the off hand weapon is light, both main hand and off hand get a -2 to attack roll.
Edit: so yes, they get the full +4 to hit from strength on the off hand attack, as long as they have the two weapon fighting feat.

Kazaan |
You always use your full Strength (or other stat if using a stat sub ability for attack rolls like Weapon Finesse) regardless of it being main-hand or off-hand. The Half Bonus to off-hand is damage only. Now, if you lack the TWF feat, you take -6 to your main-hand and -10 to your off-hand weapon, but these have nothing to do with your Str modifier; it's still the +4 Str mod to each attack roll and the -6/-10 apply on top of this. Using a light weapon in the off-hand (there's almost never a good reason to not do this) drops these penalties by -2 each so -6/-10 becomes -4/-8. Having the TWF feat takes -2/-6 off these penalties so -6/-10 becomes -4/-4. Having both TWF feat and a light off-hand nets you -2/-2. These still have nothing to do with your Str mod so it's +4 Str -2 TWF penalty on both main-hand and off-hand weapons. Separately, it's +4 from Str bonus on your main-hand weapon and +2 from Str bonus on your off-hand weapon.
Lastly, remember that TWF =/= Fighting with two (or more) weapons. You can fight with any number of available weapons (ie, a weapon in each hand, Armor Spikes, and a Boot Blade) and stay within your BAB allowance (BAB/BAB-5/BAB-10/BAB-15) and it isn't two-weapon fighting; all these attacks get full Str bonus to damage (1.5x Str if applicable) and none suffer TWF attack penalties. It only becomes two-weapon fighting if you are trying to go above your normal attack allotment from BAB.