Produce Flame and other Touch Atk / Ranged Touch Atk spells


Just curious if anyone else interprets this the way I do. At the gaming table last night my druid cast Produce Flame and it was ruled that the spell takes 1 standard action to cast but the attack(s) doesn't happen till the following round. It doesn't say that in the spell description and if that were the case wouldn't that rule apply to ALL touch attack/ranged touch attack spells? That would be a serious hindrance to spell casters in my opinion.

The DMs rebuttal was that it is simply because the spell lasts longer than 1 round (ie it lasts for 1 minute per level or for a number of attacks for each caster level ... whichever comes first).

I agree with your GM. It doesn't come up for other spells because they have the duration 'Instantaneous'; shooting the ray is part of the attack. Produce Flame's effect is to create a flame in your hand, which you can then manipulate.

Scarab Sages

Your GM is right, but not for the reasons stated. Produce Flame is not a touch spell, it's a spell that creates a flame you can use as a touch attack.

Other multi-touch spells that are touch spells like chill touch and frostbite DO allow you to make a free touch attack as part of casting the spell.

Seconded. The spell produces the flame as a standard action. Thereafter it's a weapon you can use as with any other weapon, a standard action (usually).

Other touch spells go off instantly. Either the ray fires or you touch as part of the casting. It's the entire reason for the "holding a spell" mechanics.

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