Iconic Heroes Miniature Sets Available For Preorder

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

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You can preorder sets 1 & 2 of the Iconic Heroes Miniatures now.

Set 1
Set 2

I don't see any discount applying right now, but I'm hopeful that is just an oversight and the card game subscribers will get a discount. I know Liz said subscribers will get a discount, and I'm really hoping she didn't just mean adventure path subscribers.

These will be really awesome. Really stoked about these.

Hopefully they will keep this line going and branch out into the class deck heroes as well... would love one of these for Wu Shen and Darago.

Of course... the title is "Iconic Heroes Miniature Sets", so wishful thinking.

It isn't too wishful.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
It isn't too wishful.

As always, thanks for the link Hawkmoon, very good to see they would be willing to do that for the ACG players, provided that these sell well.

Done and done. Paizo take all my money....

Couldn't help it..

Order up. Is it January yet?

Hmm... are the pictures here actual photos, or computer-generated images, I can't quite work it out.

Based on these pictures, I'm not a fan - the colours look garish, and the faces are a bit odd- would much prefer unpainted metal minis.

That said, I DO really like the idea of the extra cards- I assume there won't be a way of getting the cards separately?

(tbh, I don't know why I'm even thinking about this, when I haven't even seen any sign of my character add-on deck or adventure 2 for S&S)

The lack of depth and shadows has me leaning towards computer-generated, which would also explain the somewhat off colors.

Meatal-Minis of most Iconics exist (as well some as unpainted plastic), if you dont dislike Reaperminis. just this week they added the Warpriest, Swashbuckler, Bloodrager, Investigator and Arcanist.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm pretty certain that what we're looking at there are the digital sculpts (i.e. computer-generated renderings), not photographs of actual pre-production figures. I'm sure Erik will post shots of the actual figures once he gets hold of them.

As for the boon cards - the text on the actual product pages states quite emphatically that these cards will only be available in the Pathfinder Battles sets.

Those are the digital sculpts. You can see a few of the paint proofs in the Paizo blog.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Card Game subscribers should now get their 20% discount for the Iconics Sets. If you've already placed a preorder for them, the prices will be adjusted accordingly.

Liz Courts wrote:
Card Game subscribers should now get their 20% discount for the Iconics Sets. If you've already placed a preorder for them, the prices will be adjusted accordingly.

Wasn't actually expecting this, and just confirmed it did apply to pre-existing orders. Phenomenal surprise, thanks!

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