Shub-Niggurath's cousin Al |

I'm currently in the planning stages of a campaign, and I need a bit of advice. The BBEG (a bard lich) has will have two fairly high-level lackeys, a pair of brothers. One will specialize in creating the various undead for the unliving army, while the other will specialize in making constructs to bolster the army and guard important locations.
That's about as far as I've gotten. I'm thinking of making the necro an Undead Lord cleric, and the other a wizard/Mage of the Third Eye, but I don't actually know if that's optimal. Are there any ways I could do this idea better? They would be around 15th level, if that helps.

Vritra |

A Wizard/Mage of the Third Eye is good at building constructs, much better for replacing fallen constructs. However, for actually keeping constructs in good repair it become fairly ineffective. An Artifice domain cleric with a Construct Channel Brick and Forge Variant Channeling can easily use channels to heal up his constructs.
However, I'll also say that the Wizard is better for building constructs, since his casting stat also aids craft checks and such. Golems are most likely better for Clerics though.
As far as the necromancer goes, a Juju Cleric that goes into the Agent of the Grave can control more undead. If you're wanting to heavily optimize him/her, you can also make him/her a Words of Power Oracle to gain more versatility, if you're comfortable with that system.

Stabbald |

If you're after an actual army of undead, then you'll need more than one Necromancer. Having one of the brothers in charge of a cult of death and the other brother in charge of some group of wizardly inventors gives you the option of having as many HD of zombies and golems as you want without bothering to optimize anything. It's also far more interesting for your players as they are unlikely to find out these dude's stats anyway.

Shub-Niggurath's cousin Al |

If you're after an actual army of undead, then you'll need more than one Necromancer. Having one of the brothers in charge of a cult of death and the other brother in charge of some group of wizardly inventors gives you the option of having as many HD of zombies and golems as you want without bothering to optimize anything. It's also far more interesting for your players as they are unlikely to find out these dude's stats anyway.
Yeah, I worded that a bit wrong. The brothers would be directing the cabals of necromancers and golemcrafters from a bronze-and-flesh tower in the liches city-state. They would be in charge of filling out production orders and experimenting, for the most part. They tend to get a bit 'artsy' with their work, what with their boss being a bard.

lemeres |

Also, might I suggest some collaborative works in later parts of the campaign?
Fleshgolems and undead with crude prosthetics (try looking at monster designs from the videogame Rise of Nightmares for some good examples).
Because confusing the players on what they are actually fighting seems like a fantastic way to make them feel the pressure. Do you use channel energy on this thing? Is it safe to use magic? Is it even only one enemy type, or are there a few of the other side mixed in, preventing you from simply wiping them out?
Heck, since they are artsy, have them purposefully apply disguise checks in order to add more confusion and REALLY make the players use their perception and knowledge checks.

Shub-Niggurath's cousin Al |

Also, might I suggest some collaborative works in later parts of the campaign?
Fleshgolems and undead with crude prosthetics (try looking at monster designs from the videogame Rise of Nightmares for some good examples).
Because confusing the players on what they are actually fighting seems like a fantastic way to make them feel the pressure. Do you use channel energy on this thing? Is it safe to use magic? Is it even only one enemy type, or are there a few of the other side mixed in, preventing you from simply wiping them out?
Heck, since they are artsy, have them purposefully apply disguise checks in order to add more confusion and REALLY make the players use their perception and knowledge checks.
Oh, yes. Definitely planning on using some unholy mashups, along with the good old "animated object corpse" ruse.