Need advice on 2 more characters to fill group.

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

We have Damiel and Oloch. Any advice on 2 more to round it out, we really can't decide. The gunslinger, swashbuckler and magus have been bounced around. This is for the S&S campaign.

I think it depends on strategy. Both Oloch and Damiel reward grouping together. If you want to magnify that strength, I would encourage you to take Ranzak and Feiya (possibly Lem, but it looks like you want to avoid the RotR iconics). That party has amazing synergy and encourages a lot of teamwork. Feiya reduces difficulty for most banes, damiel heals and boosts combat rolls, Ranzak burns through locations like no ones business and enhances boon acquisition and Oloch keeps everyone alive and serves as your heavy.

If you want characters that are more independent, I would suggest Jirelle and Alahazra. Jirelle gives you a finesse weapon user with great non-combat skills and amazing reliability. Alahazra gives unprecedented scouting and strong combat casting. Having alahazra and Damiel in the party allows for both characters to have more options for their support spells.

I would also suggest Alahazra and Jirelle. Alahazra is just amazing with her scouting abilities and Jirelle is an all around strong character (good secondary stats, lowers structural damage, etc.).

Jirelle seems VERY strong in S&S (And possibly quite poor elsewhere, which make be another reason to use her now) - with very little in the way of extra kit, she's ready to go against most ships you'll deal with in the first couple of adventures.

Thanks for the advice so far! Friend decided on Oloch and Jirelle. I have Damiel and still deciding on last one. The problem is I love melee classes but I guess I should go with a caster to round it out.

Desant wrote:
Thanks for the advice so far! Friend decided on Oloch and Jirelle. I have Damiel and still deciding on last one. The problem is I love melee classes but I guess I should go with a caster to round it out.

Having a full allotment of casters doesn't seem at all mandatory in S&S. At least through AD2, the available spell assortment seems fairly underwhelming (and you already have two characters who can take the better healing and utility spells), being heavy on attack spells, and with things like Augury out of the mix. The caster characters *themselves* are mostly pretty good, but that's because they have good powers (Alahazra, Feiya), not because having 5+ spells is automatically appealing in this set. And if later spells turn out to be awesome, you can always take card feats for more spell slots on Oloch and Damiel down the road.

Of course, another melee character will be competing with either Oloch or Jirelle for any weapon upgrades, so if you want to go that way, it might pay to pick a Dex/finesse+1 character (like Merisiel or Lem) so you can use a mix of melee and guns and use a bigger portion of the loot pie.

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