Fearspect |
Been working on an idea, and was hoping that running it by the forums here might help me fill in some gaps. The quick summary of the build is:
Half Orc (Sacred Tattoo, City Raised, Intimidating, Darkvision)
-Favored class bonus (Skald): Can rage an extra round/day
-Fortune's Favored (Add +1 to any luck bonus you receive)
-Comunity-Minded (Any morale bonus you grant lasts extra 2 rounds)
Skald (Fated Champion) 1/Slayer (Vanguard) 2/Skald (Fated Champion) X
A bit more of a breakdown looks like this:
Level 1: Skald (Fated Champion) 1
Feat: Skald’s Vigor – While maintaining a raging song, gain fast healing equal to the song’s strength bonus
Bonus Feat: Extra Performance – You can use performance an extra 6 rounds per day (PFS replaces Scribe Scroll with this)
*At this point, your allies gain +2 morale to Str and Con, +1 to Will, -1 AC, and you gain Fast Healing 1. You rage for 9 + CHA rounds/day.
Level 2: Slayer (Vanguard) 1
Studied Target (Ex): As a move action, study a target to gain +1 on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, Weapon attack and weapon damage.
Lookout (Ex): Add ½ Level to Initiative Checks (This appears to not be class dependant, worst case it becomes a static +1)
Level 3: Slayer (Vanguard) 2
Tactician (Ex): Add Teamwork Feat (Amplified Rage – When raging adjacent to someone with this feat, increase morale bonus by +4 to Str and Con), once per day as standard action, grant to all allies in 30’ 3 + ½ level rnds (Replaces 2nd level Slayer Talent)
Feat: ??? Generally my feats will probably go into Extra Rage Powers, but noting that those from the feat seem to only work on myself.
*At this point, if you are adjacent to an ally, any ally, while both are raging and you grant this, you will have +6 Str/+6 Con, and the Skald gains Fast Healing 3
Level 4: Skald (Fated Champion) 2
Watcher of the Weave: Gain an insight bonus to initiative equal to ½ your Skald level (Initiative will start going through the roof)
Level 5: Skald (Fated Champion) 3
Feat: ???
Rage Power: ???
Level 6: Skald (Fated Champion) 4
Uncanny Dodge: You are never caught flat-footed, nor do you lose dex bonus to AC when attacked by invisible.
Level 7: Skald (Fated Champion) 5
Feat: ???
Far Seer: Give up spell slots to cast from Sorcerer/Wizard, Bard or Cleric lists. Spells that predict the future cost one less, spells that cause damage use one more.
Level 8: Skald (Fated Champion) 6
Rage Power: ???
Level 9: Skald (Fated Champion) 7
Feat: ???
Level 10: Skald (Fated Champion) 8
Improved Uncanny Dodge: You can no longer be flanked.
Inspiring Rage bonus to stats increases to +4, will bonus is at +3.
Level 11: Skald (Fated Champion) 9
Damage Reduction: Gain DR 1/-
Rage Power: ???
Feat: Improved Skald’s Vigor – Your allies share your fast healing while you rage song
*At this point, you grant your fast healing to allies (and gear would probably be put together to improve morale bonuses). Your initiative is quite high, and you can rage for a total of 27+Cha rounds/day (How long is combat again, generally?)
So that's the core of it. That's 3 Rage Powers and 3 Feats unaccounted for, and I'm kind of torn between focusing on two handed feats (I will probably use a reach two-handed weapon) or just picking 3 personal rage powers. Maybe something like this:
Personal Rage Powers:
-Quick Reflexes: Can make one additional attack of opportunity per round while raging.
-Lesser Spirit Totem: Spirits slam an opponent adjacent to you
-Spirit Totem: Ranged and melee not adjacent to you have a 20% miss chance
Rage Powers:
-Superstitious: Gain a morale bonus vs spells, SLAs and SUs
-Witch Hunter: Extra Damage vs Spellcasters
-Disruptive: Gain the Disruptive Feat
What do you think?