Order 3128888 - please combine shipping

Customer Service

I just placed a new order, but wasn't given the normal option to combine it with my subscription mailing, nor can I now change the shipping instructions. Please could you do that for me?

Customer Service Ray of Funshine

It looks like your September subscription order has already been processed for shipping, so I have moved this order to your sidecart to ship with your October order.

Great, thanks!

You may want to look into the fact that I wasn't offered the sidecart option when checking out, though.

Customer Service Ray of Funshine

Just to double check, did you take the following steps when checking out:

From the shopping cart, hit the "Proceed to Checkout" button
This should bring you to a section with different numbered buttons that you can click on.
Click on "Step 2 - Shipping"
Click the button that says "Change Shipping Details"
This should should bring you to a page the will display all available shipping options and methods for the order at the time is it being placed.

Please let me know either way! Thanks!

Sharaya wrote:

Just to double check, did you take the following steps when checking out:

From the shopping cart, hit the "Proceed to Checkout" button

Yes, that's what I did.

Sharaya wrote:

This should bring you to a section with different numbered buttons that you can click on.

Click on "Step 2 - Shipping"

Okay, this is where it went wrong for me. It jumped straight to step 3 - Payment Method, and I didn't realise that those big square boxes were buttons that you can click on (I thought they were just indicating the steps) so I didn't know I could get back to step 2.

Why does it jump straight to step 3? Isn't step 2 the natural progression from step 1?

Customer Service Ray of Funshine

I'm not entirely sure why it does it that way.

I have previously put in a request with the tech team to make that interface more user friendly. But there is a lot on their project list right now, so I'm not sure what a time frame on that may be.

I'm sure they're very busy! Thanks for sorting it out for me, anyway.

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