Nerdtothe3rd |

Well here we are ladies and gents,
The race of this build is going to be a Drow Noble with the class being the Swashbuckler from ACG.
Now I am eager to try this character out, perhaps for a BBEG.
Level 5 character seems like a good starting ground.
Editor's Note
Lead Pathfinder designer Jason Bulmahn states that Drow Noble characters should be one level less than characters of standard races but this information was rolled into the CR of the creature, rather than being separate as it should have been. While messageboard posts are not considered official errata, GMs are encouraged to consider this when trying to determine how powerful Drow Noble characters might be.
^ Now this is interesting, it suggests a Drow Noble should be a level 4 character, losing 1 class level. Now if this was a caster class I might agree more, but having played a Drow Noble and seen others play one without the universe ending and them only doing slightly better then the rest of the party (Mostly due to just being more experienced clever players) I don't really need to follow this. So level 5 should suit us just fine.
Which feats would be best, I am thinking a Rapier or Short Sword focus, after all they seem to have a racial affinity for those. Perhaps the Hand Crossbow as a ranged alternative.

Arksangiel |
The race of this build is going to be a Drow Noble with the class being the Swashbuckler from ACG.
Which feats would be best, I am thinking a Rapier or Short Sword focus, after all they seem to have a racial affinity for those. Perhaps the Hand Crossbow as a ranged alternative.
I really like the moonlight stalker line of feats, given the ability to make things really really dark and faerie fire your opponent.
Quicken Spell-Like Ability at 11 will help to pop off faerie fires every round.
But, for 5?
Look into the Kirin Style line of feats, and Focused Shot. This will allow the addition of 3x INT to damage with the hand crossbow to start it off, and as a scheming BBEG, your character will probably have a decent intelligence. Sneak up on the party and staying hidden will allow an opening Kirin Style Focused Shot in the surprise round.
You can use the crossbow in one hand, and keep your Rapier in the other for Opportune Parry and Riposte (you did take Combat Reflexes to spam this, didn't you?)

Nerdtothe3rd |

He would be a long term baddie so level 5 on would be good as I dont plan on him dieing soon (I have him given a few free escape routes)
Fencer's Grace after taking Inspired Blade (For INT focus) and allowing me to take that at level 1 means at level 3 I can take Combat Reflexes
Trouble is this leaves me wanting for Feats. Focused Shot requires Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot. I get a total of 4 feats by level 5 (Without Flaw Shenanigans)
Kirin also requires IUS which I have no room for on this build without just giving him feats.

Arksangiel |
He would be a long term baddie so level 5 on would be good as I dont plan on him dieing soon (I have him given a few free escape routes)
Fencer's Grace after taking Inspired Blade (For INT focus) and allowing me to take that at level 1 means at level 3 I can take Combat Reflexes
Trouble is this leaves me wanting for Feats. Focused Shot requires Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot. I get a total of 4 feats by level 5 (Without Flaw Shenanigans)
Kirin also requires IUS which I have no room for on this build without just giving him feats.
Well, if he's a long-term baddie then every time he comes back he could have an new take on the same thing:
Level 5, I'm smarter than you!
Level 10, I'm smarter than you and my brains cause me to hit harder than you!
Level 15, I'm smarter than you and my brains can make you bleeeeeed!!! Hahahaha.
Also has the side effect of giving him tons of skill points and the ability to be a bit of a skill monkey allows for disguises and bluffs and all sorts of drow-like things. Especially if he tries to split the party with words and take characters individually. Your party will get paranoid about every NPC they see.

Nerdtothe3rd |

Yeah especially since I rolled VERY well for him (I let the party roll up stats so for a bbeg I want him to have the same chances) He got 2 18s, 2 16s, and 2 15s (No I don't know the odds)
I do want to build him to beat them with his rapier (Inspired Blade) and use the handcrossbow as a secondary offense. But also giving him Dangerously Curious trait to allow him to use UMD checks.