Deaths Adorable Apprentice |

i did it and the PCs seems to be pleased. i only have animal companions to deal with so the start with d6 or 2d6 bonus to int. they will be getting extra feats and stat bonuses when the PC does. i don't think i want to give them path abilities because the animal companion or familiar doesn't need it. There are path options the PC can select that benefit the animal companion or familiar only.

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There are true however I was thinking about this specifically as a result of the mythic familiar in the AP (don't want to say more because spoilers). However I feel comfortable in mentioning there is one so there is canon evidence this can happen in presumably rare cases. So I was thinking that if a familiar is present when the party gets their ascension it wouldn't be out of place to ascend it as well and give it powers that mirror its masters. For example a long lived/immortal could get a familiar with immortality, one who is a caster and needs a strong protector may find it growing physically more powerful while someone who has a lot of travelling may find it gaining plane and starwalking powers to help its companion travel the void and so on.
I'd probably say it needs GM approval if allowed but I can see it happening. I do like the idea of my mythic PC (ranger, arcanist, eldritch knight) having an equally mythic ninja cat familiar (spying and hiding not direct combat) to accompany them throughout the years.