Kingmaker in Space


Dark Archive

With the new technology guide and a little inspiration from Traveller, I was thinking of running the Kingmaker in space.

The party would be part of a colonization mission to the planet Brevoy. When they arrive at the Planet, the ship is hit by a comet or meteor and the party "crashes" in the Stolen Lands. Thus starting part I.

In part II, a follow-up supply ship is contacted and provides the initial BP for the colony along with some settlers.

In part III, IV and V, the rival 'kingdoms' will be other survivors from the colony ship the party arrived on. They founded their own settlements.

The Nyrissa and the fey will be the intelligent life inhabiting the planet before the party arrived and thus the opposition to the newcomers.

I was going to keep magic and instead of divine or arcane, have it fueled by nanites or some other super-high tech.

Anyone else try some thing like this? Any good ideas? Thoughts?

what about skull and shackles spell jammer? seems easy enough if you had distant worlds and people of the stars:) and as you said the technology guide:)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Combine Liberally with Second Darkness... IN SPAAAAACE and there's a pretty massive sci-fi mega-campaign.

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I think is a fairly cool sounding idea/premise. You could enforce the 'hard' borders of the region with extreme weather effects or brutal terrain.(lightning storms, magma fields, etc) Gives me an old Star Frontiers-Volternus saga vibe.

Merging the magic into nanites works well enough in theory since arcane can detect divine and vice-versa.

random idea: The trolls could be a survivor fragment group that was infected by something, causing degeneration/bulk. Could even give Hargulka a less monstrous name and have him be met on the ship in transit and the one in his chapter is all he can manage to say now.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Rathendar wrote:

I think is a fairly cool sounding idea/premise. You could enforce the 'hard' borders of the region with extreme weather effects or brutal terrain.(lightning storms, magma fields, etc) Gives me an old Star Frontiers-Volternus saga vibe.

Merging the magic into nanites works well enough in theory since arcane can detect divine and vice-versa.

random idea: The trolls could be a survivor fragment group that was infected by something, causing degeneration/bulk. Could even give Hargulka a less monstrous name and have him be met on the ship in transit and the one in his chapter is all he can manage to say now.

Hank Gulka's Mutant Kingdom

Hulk Gulka?

throw in radiation and he can be a toxic avenger spoof =p

I did this several years back with Savage Tides... Kingmaker in SPAAAAACE is a great idea!

Dark Archive

Rathendar wrote:
throw in radiation and he can be a toxic avenger spoof =p

I like that idea. They crashed into a radiation belt (useful as a barrier to the south) and are simply trying to get back to the humans.

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Rathendar wrote:

I think is a fairly cool sounding idea/premise. You could enforce the 'hard' borders of the region with extreme weather effects or brutal terrain.(lightning storms, magma fields, etc) Gives me an old Star Frontiers-Volternus saga vibe.

Merging the magic into nanites works well enough in theory since arcane can detect divine and vice-versa.

random idea: The trolls could be a survivor fragment group that was infected by something, causing degeneration/bulk. Could even give Hargulka a less monstrous name and have him be met on the ship in transit and the one in his chapter is all he can manage to say now.

Hank Gulka's Mutant Kingdom

"No, Charles. I am called Magneto now."

Bonus points if home base/nation is on an asteroid

Yeah, you're all in space mates, good on you.

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wait, why do it in space if you don't have a spaceship?

a) space is like in the Little Prince/Firefly. occasionally you'll find an interesting asteroid with something living on it, and you either kill it or steal it
b) call the area the 'Stolen Quadrant' or something
c) Reavers. also Thundercats


Dark Archive

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ohako wrote:

wait, why do it in space if you don't have a spaceship?

a) space is like in the Little Prince/Firefly. occasionally you'll find an interesting asteroid with something living on it, and you either kill it or steal it
b) call the area the 'Stolen Quadrant' or something
c) Reavers. also Thundercats


Wow! Great idea! It would take some work, but I like it.

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I want to play this game so much! If you do a PBP I'm in.

^ seconded, count me in ^

I call nano-caster. Technomage kinda thing.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
I want to play this game so much! If you do a PBP I'm in.

Sorry, this a home game :( I need some to time to brew it up. We are currently doing Serpent Skull and Carrion Crown (alternate gms).

no worry. the brainstorming on the thread is the fun part!

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Entombed at the heart of the moon is the last cybernetic survivor of the CYBORG Civilization that ruled this region of space, and the Varnhold Rover may have just awoken it.

The Varnhold Vanishing is explained by an incredibly powerful teleportation device that has moved all the human residents into stasis chambers, uploading their minds into microchips to be bartered in the Dark//Net. So the Cyborgs can rise again.

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I'm currently running Skull and Shackles in space ("Skulljammer") using DSP's ultimate psionics in place of any magic using class.

It's a lot of fun! I've borrowed from Distant Worlds, Iron Gods and the Technoogy Guide but also Numenera's Cypher system. It's a great way to represent lost/malfunctioning tech. I've converted a lot of the Numenera Cyphers to PF rules and would be happy to share if you're interested.

Players love it so far it's got a very Treasure Planet vibe. I think it would work really well for Kingmaker too

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
KidDangerous wrote:

I'm currently running Skull and Shackles in space ("Skulljammer") using DSP's ultimate psionics in place of any magic using class.

It's a lot of fun! I've borrowed from Distant Worlds, Iron Gods and the Technoogy Guide but also Numenera's Cypher system. It's a great way to represent lost/malfunctioning tech. I've converted a lot of the Numenera Cyphers to PF rules and would be happy to share if you're interested.

Players love it so far it's got a very Treasure Planet vibe. I think it would work really well for Kingmaker too

I'd be interested in seeing Numenara Cyphers converted to PF rules.

Also Skulljammer is badass.

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One thing that could be cool is if the fey are a sort of parasitic, mutagenic hive-minded species that is native to the planet.

Under normal circumstances this is no big deal. The native lifeforms that they normally bond with are animalistic, small, and generally harmless. Creatures like Perlivash and Tyg-Titter-Tut are their most common forms, but on occasion you'll have a predator species like Howl-of-the-North-Wind, the various Owlbears, Zzamas, and such like. There's still no humanoid-level intelligence there to be hijacked, just an animal instinct that is perfect fodder for the more intelligent fey parasite to overwrite, resulting in a creature that appears to be little more than an animal (if, in some cases, an oversized one) but has a cunning intelligence and a hivemind connection (how loose or strong this is is up to you, depending how much free will you want each of your various fey creatures to have) to nearly everything else on the planet.

So from a distance, examining the planet finds a lush, fertile paradise world occupied by a vast array of animal life and very little in the way of humanoids. (If you go this route, you'll want to make the more humanoid fey like Melusine, Tyressia, Falchos, the Culchek spriggans, the Horned Hunter, etc. more animalistic and bestial in appearance. Perhaps even change Nyrissa herself.)

The players are far from the first species to stumble onto this world and attempt to make it their own. Eons ago, the planet was discovered by a race of aliens with a strong affinity for biotechnology. Rather than craft vast mechanical spaceships with which to make their travels, they instead grew them, then transferred their consciousness into massive bodies, near invulnerable, impenetrable to the rigors of space, and vigorously armed with deadly bio-weaponry. Explorers and conquerors, these aliens discovered this planet and sent a small team of four to investigate, wearing state-of-the-art biotech bodies for the rigors of the journey: Choral, Ilthuliak, Javvetoc, and Tarlaxian.

While they did indeed find a verdant world teeming with life, they also discovered the parasitic hivemind. And unlike Vordakai and his cybernetically-enhanced kin, their biotech-grown dragon bodies were all too vulnerable to the invasion and bonding the parasitic fey initiated. Tarlaxian and Javvetoc (or Jabberwock as s/he soon came to be known) were warped and twisted by the invading force, the former going so far as to grow a second head and the latter becoming a babbling, screeching pile of claws, fangs, fire, and lunacy. Ilthuliak's transformation was more internal, more subtle, and Choral didn't notice she'd succumbed until it was too late. He himself managed to fight off the infection and escape the planet before he too was taken, launching himself back into the blackness of space where his dragon body could survive but the fey parasites couldn't. Something about those very parasites keeps his three companions from following him back, keeping them landbound on this bizarre world and preventing the hivemind from spreading to other planets.

If you don't want to go with the mutation idea used above, this could be an explanation for what's happened to many of the villains in this AP - the Stag Lord, Hargulka, Drelev and Armag, Irovetti, they all could have at one level or another succumbed to the infection and invasion of the fey hivemind, with various results. Nyrissa herself could be the hive queen, with Thousandbreaths as her "nest".

Orthos - that is brilliant! Love the idea.
You could even take it further & make the 'hive-mind' aspect an intelligence
involving the planet as a whole...

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Skulljammer Cyphers:

I made the Cyphers into cards: ng ng

EDIT:(you need to remove the space between "n" and "g" at the end of the URL. I don't know why that's there, it's not there when I type it into the text box :S)

I used the paizo item cards in a sleeve with the printed slip behind it . On the back of the printed slip I wrote "Craft (Tech) DC 20 to identify". The exact skill check used (and the DC) varied by item. Whenever the PCs defeated a tech-based enemy such as a robot or found a stash of tech such as a crashed ship they drew a certain number of cards but couldn't use them until they were identified. Each player can have 3 cyphers at a time (more with higher levels).

The items are ranked by colour code similar to the items in the technology guide (yes I play Destiny too much);
Brown: malfunctioning, rusted or broken tech, equiv: 0th level power
White: standard cypher, equiv: 1st
Green: uncommon cypher, equiv 2nd
Blue: rare cypher, equiv 3rd
Red: very rare cypher (or item specifically designed to benefit a certain PC), equiv 4th
Amber: legendary cypher, equiv 5th
Silver: partially reconstructed tech, equiv 6th
Gold: reconstructed tech or still-functioning device, equiv 7th
Purple: psionic device, replicates an existing power (which itself will be a set level), has a psionic aura.

As the PCs gain levels I will be siphoning the cards out of the deck and replacing them with more green, blue, red etc cards. White cards will always remain the bulk of the deck at all levels with some purples thrown in.

Whenever a card is used, the depletion roll is made. Most are depletion: 1 which means one use only. If the item depletes the card goes back into the deck (or I switch the item card but the effect goes back in).

So far, the players are loving it. Its adding a new dimension to the game and a bit of randomness.

KidDangerous wrote:

I made the Cyphers into cards:

Skulljammer Cards 1

Skulljammer Cards 2

EDIT:(you need to remove the space between "n" and "g" at the end of the URL. I don't know why that's there, it's not there when I type it into the text box :S)

It's an anti-spam measure by the forums. If you make the URLs into actual links, the spaces go away.

{url=address goes here}text goes here{/url}

change { } to [ ] to make links.

And linkified yours for you =) Hope that helps.

Orthos wrote:
KidDangerous wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

It's an anti-spam measure by the forums. If you make the URLs into actual links, the spaces go away.

{url=address goes here}text goes here{/url}

change { } to [ ] to make links.

And linkified yours for you =) Hope that helps.

I did try that but the links just re-directed to ... ah well, must have done it wrong. Thanks though!

KidDangerous wrote:
Orthos wrote:
KidDangerous wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

It's an anti-spam measure by the forums. If you make the URLs into actual links, the spaces go away.

{url=address goes here}text goes here{/url}

change { } to [ ] to make links.

And linkified yours for you =) Hope that helps.

I did try that but the links just re-directed to ... ah well, must have done it wrong. Thanks though!

You probably forgot the http:// at the beginning. That happens if you leave that off.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The cyphers are awesome.

How is this going for you? I'm looking to do the exact same thing and I came across this post in researching.

if I played this I would have to make a Grippli Bard named Kermit:-)

captain yesterday wrote:
if I played this I would have to make a Grippli Bard named Kermit:-)

*sings to the depths of space..* It's not easy being green...

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