With the new technology guide and a little inspiration from Traveller, I was thinking of running the Kingmaker in space.
The party would be part of a colonization mission to the planet Brevoy. When they arrive at the Planet, the ship is hit by a comet or meteor and the party "crashes" in the Stolen Lands. Thus starting part I.
In part II, a follow-up supply ship is contacted and provides the initial BP for the colony along with some settlers.
In part III, IV and V, the rival 'kingdoms' will be other survivors from the colony ship the party arrived on. They founded their own settlements.
The Nyrissa and the fey will be the intelligent life inhabiting the planet before the party arrived and thus the opposition to the newcomers.
I was going to keep magic and instead of divine or arcane, have it fueled by nanites or some other super-high tech.
Anyone else try some thing like this? Any good ideas? Thoughts?