I need some info on a Cleric of Sarenrae

Product Discussion

I went to MAGEcon last weekend. First co EVER...and I rolled a Cleric

for a game session. I've DM'd for 3.5 but haven't played PF. This weekend

I'm sitting in with a regular playgroup. I'm using the character I rolled

last week. So what kind of background would a Cleric of Sarenrae have.

I don't have the PHB for Pathfinder so any suggestions would be

appreciated. Thanks,M

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Download the cleric pregen. That should be enough to get you started. I'm a strong believer in letting most of the background wait until you've played a character for a few times and let it come to you bit by bit.

The Exchange

try the pathfinder wiki. it has a lot of info.

If you're looking for flavor and info on the deity, then go here.

If you're looking for the rules on how to run a cleric, then go here.

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