Hrist Valkyr |
Hey All,
My family has been enjoying the PFACG a lot and one of my twin daughters is in LOVE with Merisiel. I know non of the Tales books feature her (or any iconics) as main characters but do any of them feature a female rogue type character? She saw the advertisement on the side of the ACG box for Pathfinder Tales and is very curious. She's old enough that I'm not worried about any content that might be in them but I know she'd more enjoy a sneaky style story, preferable with a strong female character.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
Thanael |
PF tales with strong female protagonists:
Pathfinder Tales stories with a female protagonist:
Plague of Shadows and Stalking the Beast focus around Elyanna. [a female elf ranger] (Stalking the Beast also has a female gunslinger portrayed as a primary character.)
Blood of the City's protagonist is Luma, a female half-elf urban druid.
Called to Darkness's protagonist is Kagur, a female kellid barbarian.
Skinwalkers' protagonist is Jendara, a female ex-cleric. [of the pirate goddess, she's a mother now. She's also featuring in Mother Bears the free web fiction]
Dark Tapestry (the Legacy of Fire journal) is about a female (half-?)elf druid.
Guilty Blood (the Carrion Crown Journal) also has a female lead.
Light of a Distant Star (the Shattered Star Journal) has a female lead.
The Treasure of Far Thallai (the Skull and Shackles Journal) has a female lead.
I might have missed a few.
I'm only including novels here where the driving character was female. We can get quite a few more when we realize that Pathfinder Tales books often follow the 'adventuring party' model, leading to strong female characters that, while maybe not the protagonist, are co-protagonist, or at least more than 'supporting'.
PF Tales with roguish protagonists:
Liar's Blade features a male rogue protagonist with an intelligent sword.Also check out these two threads: - about fantasy novels with strong female protagonists
- about PF Tales novels PG ratings
Thanael |
Oh I just remembered a very nice novel with a strong female and roguish protagonist: A Soul for Tsing by Chris Jackson, who also wrote a Pathfinder Tales novel. The book features a young woman trying to support her ailing mother by doing night jobs aside from her dayjob as a waitress in a rough an tumble part of the city. Here's a bookfinder search for it. As with all of Chris Jackson's books I read so far, they can easily be viewed as Pathfinder or D&D fiction even though it doesn't say so on the cover.
Itchy |
The Worldwound Gambit is an Ocean's 11 style heist. The leader of the group is a dude, but the party is a good mix of male and female characters. The party Rougue is a halfling who is a traps specialist. She is brilliant with traps, but not so much with people.
The book is written in Present-tense which bugs some folks, but I think it adds to mystery and tension.
A web comic with a strong female protagonist is Order of the Stick by Rich Burlew. It started as a spoof on the D&D 3.5 rules, but has morphed into a deep (and funny) fantasy story that uses those rules as a backdrop (sort of). It's ongoing, but there is a lot to read. Haley, the rougue doesn't start out as a really strong female lead, but she gets there!
Hrist Valkyr |
Thank you both very much for the info and suggestions! I'll pick up The Worldwound Gambit for sure (she's also awkward around people and loves puzzles which are kind of like traps). I'll grab A Soul for Tsing as well since I think that sounds right up her alley. She's a slowish reader so those two should last her a couple months.
I've been a fan of OOTS since #194 and helped his reprint drive on Kickstarter! She has read all the compilations that are out and loves them.
Thanks again!
leo1925 |
There are a lot of rogue-ish protagonists in pathfinder tales (too many if you ask me) but sadly nearly (if not) all of them have a male cast in this role. The pathfinder tales (that i know of) that have such a protagonist or co-protagonist are song of the serpent, liar's blade, worldwound gambit, city of the fallen skies, reign of stars and wizard's mask (i am not including any of Dave Gross' tales because, thankfully, Radovan doesn't behave like the rogues in the mentioned tales).