Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild retail launch moved to September 24.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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Unfortunately, the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Class Decks, which are required for playing in the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild Organized Play program, have suffered a major delay at the printer, and the new retail release date for the Class Decks will be September 24. As a result, the Adventure Card Guild retail launch is delayed to the same date. We will be launching with seven scenarios on that date, including the first scenario to use Adventure Deck 2, which will also be released that day.

Shortly before the launch, we’ll be releasing a brand-new scenario to stores that can be played with just the Skull & Shackles Base Set. For this special scenario, players can build characters from the Base Set or Character Add-On Deck, and upon completing it, they’ll each receive a free deck upgrade for the first Adventure Card Guild character they bring to launch day. We'll provide more information about that as we draw closer to the launch date.

Please make sure you download the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild Guide to Organized Play as soon as you get a chance to learn everything you need to know about running and playing in a PFSACG event.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

Thanks for the update. There were a few of us wondering about this, so we appreciate that you've kept us in the loop today. :)

Sad to hear, but stuff happens. Is this printer issue affecting the Character Add-On Deck as well or will that be in stock soon?

Nice to see more information on the demo scenario. I'll look forward to that and try to drum up interest in the game with it before the Class Decks hit stores. Good luck with everything!

Grand Lodge

Thanks, Vic. Is there any way we can get that demo you were talking about earlier in the interim? Would be good to teach S&S prior to OP.

Sovereign Court

Theryon Stormrune wrote:
Thanks, Vic. Is there any way we can get that demo you were talking about earlier in the interim? Would be good to teach S&S prior to OP.
Vic Wertz wrote:
Shortly before the launch, we’ll be releasing a brand-new scenario to stores that can be played with just the Skull & Shackles Base Set. For this special scenario, players can build characters from the Base Set or Character Add-On Deck, and upon completing it, they’ll each receive a free deck upgrade for the first Adventure Card Guild character they bring to launch day. We'll provide more information about that as we draw closer to the launch date.

The demo gets you a free upgrade in Guild, and class decks are not needed, so I'm guessing that's what he's talking about

Grand Lodge

Yeah, but I was talking about the demo from PaizoCon and GenCon that isn't a full game but gives you the basics of the game and intro to S&S.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

pluvia33 wrote:
Sad to hear, but stuff happens. Is this printer issue affecting the Character Add-On Deck as well or will that be in stock soon?

The printer has sent some copies of the Add-On Deck to distributors, but not as much as they have ordered. We also finally received some today, but not enough even to cover subscriptions. We're trying to figure out when the rest will be arriving.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

We are planning to release both the demo from Gen Con (which will be generally available) and a new demo (which will be retailer exclusive at first).

Grand Lodge

Thanks again for the info. Sorry to hear about the new snafu(s). But at least we know and can pass that on to the crowd.

Well, we were all kinda expecting to hear something like that during this Labor Day weekend. I just didn't expect the September 24th launch date. Gives more time to prepare cake for the FLGS.

I'm guessing there's also been a bit of a problem with the actual Base Set as well, as I just received word that one of the local stores in my area finally got one. I doubt they also got the Add-On deck, so I'll find out as soon as I can with the store I ordered from.

Hi Vic,

Will subscribers (well, subscription-based purchases) for the class decks be able to get them in time for the release? Obviously you can't guarantee everything, but is that the plan at least?

I'm trying to figure out whether to buy a class deck at my LFGS (which I want to do to support them).

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

We'll be releasing them along with the rest of our September subscription shipments, and our goal is for those to reach most US subscribers by that date. We can't guarantee it, though.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:

Shortly before the launch, we’ll be releasing a brand-new scenario to stores that can be played with just the Skull & Shackles Base Set. For this special scenario, players can build characters from the Base Set or Character Add-On Deck, and upon completing it, they’ll each receive a free deck upgrade for the first Adventure Card Guild character they bring to launch day. We'll provide more information about that as we draw closer to the launch date.

Vic, can this special scenario go to Venture Officers as well? There is a local game day the weekend of September 20th that will have a PFS presence, and my VC would like to support the card game there. I've volunteered to run demos, but an official pre-Guild scenario sounds like just the thing I'd like to offer.

The Exchange

Vic, do you know if there is a way to add the "ship as soon as available" tag to a particular item in your side cart? I really want to make sure that I get the class deck and add on deck in time to start OP, and if anything else in my September sub is holding it up, would prefer to pay shipping twice to having the whole thing come late. Maybe a call to CS to get this set up?

I am planning on helping at least 4 local shops get the guild started, and ideally want to start as soon as launch hits, and thus am looking at every avenue I can to help get my materials here on time.

Thanks for any thoughts you might have.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

First World Bard,

Yes, we'll release the scenario to Venture Officers as well.


"Ship as soon as available" is pretty much the direct opposite of a sidecart—it's a regular order. There are two ways to get stuff moved from your sidecart into regular orders. The easy way is to wait for it to become available in the store (not as a preorder, but actually in stock); at that point, your sidecart will let you choose to ship the available stuff immediately. The other way is to contact customer service, but please note that they have a *big* backlog.

All that said, the official release date of the Class Decks has been moved; they will ship with the rest of the September releases. The same will probably be true of the Add-On Decks, because we currently don't have enough stock on hand to even fulfill subs, so we have not yet made it available; we think the rest of our Add-On Decks will be arriving just in time for the September shipment. Which is to say that at this time, I think that no matter what you do, it'll all go out together anyway. It's not that long a wait—September subs are set to start next week!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

So it will likely be late October before any scenarios become available for purchase then? Are we still looking at a month delay before the pdfs go on sale for those of us who don't have access to store OP?

Vic Wertz wrote:

First World Bard,

Yes, we'll release the scenario to Venture Officers as well.


"Ship as soon as available" is pretty much the direct opposite of a sidecart—it's a regular order. There are two ways to get stuff moved from your sidecart into regular orders. The easy way is to wait for it to become available in the store (not as a preorder, but actually in stock); at that point, your sidecart will let you choose to ship the available stuff immediately. The other way is to contact customer service, but please note that they have a *big* backlog.

All that said, the official release date of the Class Decks has been moved; they will ship with the rest of the September releases. The same will probably be true of the Add-On Decks, because we currently don't have enough stock on hand to even fulfill subs, so we have not yet made it available; we think the rest of our Add-On Decks will be arriving just in time for the September shipment. Which is to say that at this time, I think that no matter what you do, it'll all go out together anyway. It's not that long a wait—September subs are set to start next week!

I had my Add-on deck moved out of my sidecart in order to get it as soon as possible, rather than waiting for AD2. Would that put me at risk of having to wait until after all the subscriptions ship? I'm wondering if I should move it back...

The Exchange

Thanks for the reply Vic. I just wanted to make sure that a late comic or something of that nature doesn't hold up any PACG items. I will wait to see how quickly after the 9th it takes to get a spawning email, might call CS if it is more than a week, as I am usually about half way through day one.

Just a bit gun shy after the whole August incident. :)

Grand Lodge

ryric wrote:
So it will likely be late October before any scenarios become available for purchase then? Are we still looking at a month delay before the pdfs go on sale for those of us who don't have access to store OP?

Bump. Curious about this as well. I suppose I should have bumped during business hours!

Pathfinder ACG Designer

TanRu wrote:
ryric wrote:
So it will likely be late October before any scenarios become available for purchase then? Are we still looking at a month delay before the pdfs go on sale for those of us who don't have access to store OP?
Bump. Curious about this as well. I suppose I should have bumped during business hours!

Yes, I believe your date assessment is correct. The good news (?) about that is that the late October date will cover both Adventure 1 and Adventure 2, since we're not pushing the release schedule back.

Good thing that buys time for the store I'm working with for organized play. I found out this last Saturday that the weekend around when I'd expect the Character Add-on deck and the Class decks come out will be a busy one. Got to deal with a Magic release event and a major tourney for Yu-Gi-Oh all at the same time that day. So the store will be packed, and I may have to take some of the demo/OP stuff to a nearby restaurant. Yeah, it's gonna get weird.

Sovereign Court

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We're talking about a game where you can be a half orc castine divine magic to defeat dragons and undead ghouls, while a ship somehow swaps control between players instantly across multiple islands.

We specialize in weird.

Lantern Lodge

Andrew K wrote:

We're talking about a game where you can be a half orc castine divine magic to defeat dragons and undead ghouls, while a ship somehow swaps control between players instantly across multiple islands.

We specialize in weird.

^This right here is why I love this community.

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