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"Ka ta Master (Archetype)
The kata master takes the visual aspect of his martial art
to its logical extreme, harnessing her f lowing movements
and skilled maneuvers as a psychological weapon against
her enemies. A kata master forsakes the mental discipline
of her more contemplative brethren in favor of these
f lamboyant exhibitions. She often performs in staged
fights and tournaments, utilizing stylized forms to amaze
the audience and shock and dismay her opponents.
Panache: At 1st level, a kata master gains the swashbuckler’s
panache class ability. At the start of each day, a kata master
gains a number of panache points equal to her Charisma
bonus (minimum 1). Her panache goes up or down
throughout the day, but usually cannot go higher than
his Charisma bonus (minimum 1). A kata master gains the
swashbuckler’s derring-do and opportune parry and riposte
deeds. A kata master can use an unarmed strike or monk
special weapon in place of a light or one-handed piercing
melee weapon for granted swashbuckler class features and
deeds. This ability replaces stunning fist."
#1. Does this mean, that a Kata Master, essentially has Swashbuckling Finesse at level 1; but instead of Light or One Handed Piercing items, it only works with Monk and Unarmed Strike items?
#2. Does this also imply that the Monk is now proficient in all Monk weapons?
I hope I'm reading this correctly.

zapbib |
#1: no
#2: no
the kata master is never [b]granted[\b] the swashbuckler finesse class feature, he only have a specific subset of deeds that might need a light or one-handed piercing weapon.
His proficiency are never changed, the word doesn't even come up in the part you quoted, so I don't know where yo go the idea for 2.

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"granted swashbuckler class features and
That's what is throwing me off. What precisely does it mean by this? Why would it mention "granted swashbuckler class features" if it was Only Deeds? Dodging Panache(ex) and Opportune Parry and Riposte(ex) are both deeds, so what exactly is it referring to when it says "Swashbuckler Class Feature"?
Is this referring to if I previously had Swashbuckling Finesse(if I had one level of Swashbuckler)?