Contriving in-character excuses for system knowledge?


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Sometimes there are things in the Pathfinder system that don't make sense from the perspective of the characters in the game.

In my particular case, I have a character who's come into possession of a golden gun that makes enemies bleed gold coins - every point of damage is bled out as 1 gp. Naturally, I've started making plans already:
Having a level in Spellslinger, the character can put the Wounding property on the gun, causing it to deal bleed damage. My current master plan is therefore to capture a troll and have it perpetually bleed gold for me. But how do I know when to stop putting bullets in it?

Trolls have regeneration 5, so damaging the troll enough to make it unconscious, then applying 5 bleed damage from a series of Wounding attacks would seem to strike the right equilibrium.

But how would my character come to know this?

PS: As an aside, I know this would tip over the wealth by level balance, but my DM has a knack for turning such things from get-rich-quick to horrible disaster - which is all part of our fun. :)

Grand Lodge

How would your character come to know this? Why, the way of all doctors and scientists gone wrong -- through careful analysis and experimentation. Just look at Dachau and Tuskegee for historical examples.

I could see your character with the troll, a timing device (clock, portable sun dial, hour glass) and a sheaf of notes.

Day One:

Attempted to render troll unconscious. Had arm ripped out of its socket, but got enough gold from the experiment to get it reattached.

[Insert Chart of Choice Here]

What is your alignment again?


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Better idea - don't.

If your GM is nice enough to give you a cool magic item, and you make his life a pain by exploiting and abusing it, is that really going to encourage him to be so generous in the future?

Hmm wrote:

How would your character come to know this? Why, the way of all doctors and scientists gone wrong -- through careful analysis and experimentation. Just look at Dachau and Tuskegee for historical examples.

I could see your character with the troll, a timing device (clock, portable sun dial, hour glass) and a sheaf of notes.

Day One:

Attempted to render troll unconscious. Had arm ripped out of its socket, but got enough gold from the experiment to get it reattached.

[Insert Chart of Choice Here]

I think I'll take this to heart. I guess I'll need multiple test subjects.


What is your alignment again?


Chaotic Neutral, at the moment - he's done some evil things (in the name of profit) and some good things (as long as they haven't got in the way of profit). Since this is a Planescape game, sliding into Chaotic Evil because of this might be one angle in which the enterprise could be stopped. :V

Mechanically, I'd say you'd have to Knowledge (Local or Nature) to know about the troll's regeneration, and a Heal check to know when you've hit the sweet spot to balance bleeding and regeneration.

Echoing everyone else, I'd advise you to tread lightly. Most GM's don't like perpetual gold schemes. Even if you keep it going for 1 day, you'll be making 432,000 gp in 24 hours.

5gp/rd x 10 rds/min= 30/ min
30/min x 60 min/hr= 1,800/hr
1,800/hr x 24 hrs/day= 432,000/day

That's a sizable chunk of change. Be ready for something to go wrong.

revaar wrote:

Mechanically, I'd say you'd have to Knowledge (Local or Nature) to know about the troll's regeneration, and a Heal check to know when you've hit the sweet spot to balance bleeding and regeneration.

Echoing everyone else, I'd advise you to tread lightly. Most GM's don't like perpetual gold schemes. Even if you keep it going for 1 day, you'll be making 432,000 gp in 24 hours.
** spoiler omitted **
That's a sizable chunk of change. Be ready for something to go wrong.

Obviously, these are CURSED gold coins. Careful, you'll turn into an intelligent skeleton if you possess them. And we all know what happens to undead. . .

As a side note, I sincerely hope you don't have any paladins/other stupid types with something against a reasonable "get rich quick" scheme. Really, those paladins and goodly clerics and such are all far too unreasonable. Complaining about every little thing.

Doesn't regeneration make you immune to bleed damage?

5gp/rd x 10rds/min =50gp/min
50gp/min x 60min/hr =3000gp/hr
3000gp/hr x 24hr/day = 72,000gp/day

Still a lot of money though. I expect the value of gold in your local region to go down significantly as you start to spend this all.

24 × 1800 = 43.200. Also 5 gp/round equals 50g per minute, 3000g per hour and 72k per day.

Still a lot, but you are a a tadbit off on the math. He'd need 10 days to do this ;)

Legowaffles wrote:

Obviously, these are CURSED gold coins. Careful, you'll turn into an intelligent skeleton if you possess them. And we all know what happens to undead. . .


Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Legowaffles wrote:

Obviously, these are CURSED gold coins. Careful, you'll turn into an intelligent skeleton if you possess them. And we all know what happens to undead. . .

Command Undead?

The natural thing to do is to shoot your teammates and share your wealth for their health.

Silver Crusade

Here's a similar plan. That one worked out for the profiteer.

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Matthew Downie wrote:
Doesn't regeneration make you immune to bleed damage?

By RAW Bleed can be stopped with a DC 15 Heal check or any magical healing, but Regeneration is an Extraordinary ability and therefore not magical.

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