Brom the Obnoxiously Awesome |
So, I'm the writer and illustrator for a little-known comic known (or more, unknown) as "The Adventurers of Linrya (working title)", and some of the other people who also work on it might be joining me for next weeks game (it'll be on the 3rd), and I thought it'd be fun if we all made pathfinder characters based on some of the characters in the book. It works well, because a lot of the systems and "classes" (literally; it's a high school) are based on Pathfinder systems and all the characters in the book are based on all my friends.
I'm trying to build a character based off of myself, and I need a little help. The character was originally described as a witch in the first edition, but I might change it to shaman. I don't know what to do, and I wish I could show you guys the comic, but I can't officially release it without the producer's permission.
The character is like this: He has a familiar (who's soul is bound to a book, because it died young and his mother took pity on it) which he uses to get his spells. His mom was a witch who fell in love with an orc while they were both on the run from the empire, but she was killed, and re-married in the afterlife, so the character has a ghost step family. His mom was something like his patron, but she could also be a spirit. He lives in the Imperial City of Linrya, where he attends a special academy for adventurers. He's always thumbing to the law and the clergy, but is under constant threat of arrest and execution.
So what do you think? Witch, or Shaman? I CAN'T DECIDE!!!