Sean K Reynolds Contributor |

Take a look at the Fighter page on the PRD.
Above Table: Fighter, I am able to select the line that says, "Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier." And below that table, I am able to select the "Class Features" text and all the text below it. But I can't actually select any text in the table, starting with "Table: Fighter" and ending with "... weapon mastery." I can't drag across it, and I can't double-click it to select it. I can work around this by starting a drag above the table and ending below it, or by choosing "select all" on the page, but it's odd.
Likewise, in the Staves page on the PRD, I can select the "PRD HOME / MAGIC ITEMS / STAVES" text above the table title, and I can select the "A staff is..." text below the table, but I can't select any text in the table itself. As with the fighter stuff, I can't drag to select the text in the table, or double-click it, but I can work around it by starting above and ending below, or by using "select all."
Likewise for the Feat Descriptions table, the Skill Descriptions table, and so on. Always tables.
The problem occurs whether I use Safari (Mac OS 10.9.4) or Firefox (ditto), but Jodi can select it in any browser (Windows 7).

Chris Lambertz Paizo Glitterati Robot |

Thanks for the heads up. Tables might get another prod with the next update, so this may get corrected then. In the future, please post to the PRD reporting thread here. It's a bit easier for us to track :)