Life Shaman worth trying?


hello I was going over the classes and one of my favorite ones was the shaman. I liked the lore of it and with all the spirits and hex stuff thought it would be fun to make.

I wanted to make a life/something one but I'm having mind blocks on what work together for the spirit and wandering spirit. I was wondering if this was an idea that could work could someone give me tips on what would be good feats or items to use with it?

The Life shaman is very good. You could build a variant of the Oradin build with it.

Phithis wrote:
The Life shaman is very good. You could build a variant of the Oradin build with it.

how would I go about creating this variant?

2 levels of Paladin + Shaman. We'll call is Shamadin.

Well, possibly more levels of Paladin. That really just depends on how good you want your lay on hands to be. It works by you life-linking party members, then healing yourself.

On a RP side note because I'd be going into paladin this means I'll be stuck with a LG alignment correct?

Also I keep looking over the shaman class cause some casters can't wear armor because of spell failure it says that shamans can wear up to medium armor. Does this mean I can wear medium armor without spell penalty?

If you want to go straight shaman, you'll want to consider Heavens as your go-to wandering spirit. Primarily because of Heaven's Leap. An ability that can port yourself or any ally within 30 feet of you as if Jester's Jaunt was cast. It was godly in playtesting, and it remains a solid as a rock option when you don't know what to expect. Also, the spirit power of Stardust is pretty much Glitterdust but without taking a spell slot or spirit magic slot. Very sound option.

As an added note, spell failure only applies to arcane casters. Divine casters never have spell failure chance through armor. So you could take that level in Paladin and not worry about your spells not working.

Kalvit wrote:

If you want to go straight shaman, you'll want to consider Heavens as your go-to wandering spirit. Primarily because of Heaven's Leap. An ability that can port yourself or any ally within 30 feet of you as if Jester's Jaunt was cast. It was godly in playtesting, and it remains a solid as a rock option when you don't know what to expect. Also, the spirit power of Stardust is pretty much Glitterdust but without taking a spell slot or spirit magic slot. Very sound option.

As an added note, spell failure only applies to arcane casters. Divine casters never have spell failure chance through armor. So you could take that level in Paladin and not worry about your spells not working.

Oh good to know. Man the more I learn about the shaman the more I love it.

BTW on the subject of spirit magic. I was looking at it and the magic
table I'm trying to figure out is it included in the table or is it a added bonus I have to remember. Also I read it as it saying I get 1 extra spell use a day for for each spell slot that I can learn.

example at level 1 I got 3-0 and 1-1 uses. would this increase it to 3-0 and 2-1 uses at level 1?

P.S it says i can choose spells that my spirit gives me but doesn't say I have to so if I'm reading this right that means i could use any spell on my shaman spell list or my chosen spirit list?

Ok, for shaman spells you have to understand that your regular spell slots/bonus for stats only apply to spells on the shaman list. The Spirit Magic feature only produces one spell slot for each spell level solely to cast the spells mentioned in your Spirit's list. It's an added bonus.

Shadow Lodge

Theorycrafted pure healer

L4 Human Shaman (Witch Doctor) w/ Life Spirit

WIS > CHA > CON (if you plan to Shield Other)

Feats: Extra Channel, Fey Foundling, Selective Channel

@L4 you will:
Channel as Cleric of your level: 1 + WIS MOD/Day (& +2 from Extra Channel)
Channel as Cleric (Level - 3): 3 + CHA MOD/Day

Pick Hex Vulnerability spell and Healing Hex. Normally, Healing Hex only works 1/day on a creature. Hex Vulnerability makes the targeted creature become susceptible to a repeat use of your hexes, even if you could not otherwise target that creature with a particular hex for a certain time period. With a duration of 1 rd/lvl, at mid-levels and above, you can use this to fill up L1 slots and use healing hex repeatedly on a creature after fights if pots or wands are low.

After this, you can dip paladin for 2 or 4 levels, and return to Shammy...or just stay straight Shammy.

edit: Heavens Shaman Playtest

lol interesting playtest tho that seemed less like you playing a life shaman and more of you playing a heaven leaping, bless wand spamming, and cursing the sky at all the darkvison type shaman then a healing one. Tho i did find athe spamming of celestial eagle to kill bosses interesting.

okay so going off the help I've gotten i was thinking of because it was going to be healing and not frontline smacking then I could go something like gnome or halfling.

A decent 20 point buy to start at for level 1 in my eyes looks like

L1 Gnome Shaman (Witch Doctor) / Life Spirit ( Wandering Spirit/Heaven)
20 point buy
STR 8 -2(Gnome)
DEX 10
CON 16 +2(Gnome)
INT 10
WIS 16
CHA 16 +2(Gnome)

I guess with this charisma score i would be the face so i took gift of tongues for better bluffing and diplomacy.
Traits: haven't decided

Note worthy abilities:

Channel positive energy: 1+ charisma modifier/day ( 1d6 + shaman level as cleric level)

Life link: link to an ally within 30 feet first 5 points of damage they would take is instead subtracted from your hp. Number of links based on total level.

I do wonder if the witchdoctor is worth going because is seem to give up a lot of hexes for just channel energy and spell countering ( but then again have 2 diff uses of channel energy, 1 at my level and the other a1 my level -3 ,might be worth it if they actually stack together). If not the witchdoctor then maybe hospitaler archetype paladin for 4 levels so that i still get the channel energy but also get lay on hands and hexes or would this be going too many levels into paladin?

Shadow Lodge

You are misunderstanding lifelink. Furthermore, and muddying the waters, the Shaman Lifelink does not work like the Oracle lifelink. I would suggest skipping it.

Yeah, the features do leave something to be desired. Really do think the Shaman should have been an all or nothing class for its powers. Either a prepared charisma caster with hexes and other spirit boons keyed to the stat, or nothing keyed to it.

I probably would have also taken the channel usages being 2 + Charisma modifier as an intermediary between the cleric and oracle channel uses.

Sammy T wrote:
You are misunderstanding lifelink. Furthermore, and muddying the waters, the Shaman Lifelink does not work like the Oracle lifelink. I would suggest skipping it.

how are the 2 different? Also i do find it weird that shaman use their wisdom for their spells but the spirit and some of the hexes are tied to charisma.

Oracle Lifelink works when the linked ally has at least 5 hp under their full total. Shaman Lifelink works when the linked ally is literally at -5 hp or lower. One can top off, the other just stabilizes.

huh I see now. How did they think this would be a good ability. It doesn't even say it stabilizes just that they heal 5 points and I take 5 points. Does that still count as far as healing spells are concered with down and bleeding out players or not? What was the overall goal with them making the ability like that?

It's partly the fault of the guys in the playtest, myself included. We pointed out that nearly all the hexes and abilities the spirits gave were merely a copy and paste of the Oracle Mystery powers. This was quite evident with the Lore Spirit in the playtest, which even had the Intelligence booster of the Lore Mystery. The intent of the statement as of that second round of playtesting was to lessen some of the MAD issues the Shaman had, and to make the class seem more than a mere amalgam. Make some hexes that were more original than the copy/paste, reduce the need for Charisma.

There were things done to expand on the character in the ways we were asking for, but some things kind of went south. The extra hexes that are independent of the Spirit chosen were the positive side. The loss of the Dex replacement for the Nature Spirit and the Life Spirit's Lifelink ability changes were clearly under the "things went south" category.

I do think, however, that the devs may have just missed something due to a more ongoing question about the Shaman's spell list. Maybe a typo occurred that nobody caught or particularly felt worried about. Maybe someone was tired when a round of internal testing was finished and didn't quite put in that bit of input that would have changed it. We don't know. I really don't know how tired the development team at Paizo gets from doing this and then dealing with a laundry list of complaints from customers.

If you're not doing this for PFS, then I'd suggest talking with your GM about houseruling the Lifelink to work like the Oracle's. Maybe talk about the Channel thing as well.

Alright for non PFS I'm sure the gm would let me get away with slightly changing life link . Tho I really do hope its a error and that there's some way to fix it even tho the book came out already. Guess I shouldn't try a life shaman for PFS stuff in the meantime tho.

should I bring up the ( possible) shaman life link error in the rules section or just take it on the chin that the way its written is the way the creators of the class intended the skill to be played?

Also I'm a bit curious if I took a level in life shaman and a level in life oracle does this mean i get the life mystery stuff as well as the abilities gained from life spirit? By that I mean could I get 1 type of channel energy based of my oracle level and another based off my shaman level for multiple uses of said ability?

Grand Lodge

I'm actually looking not at life shaman, but at the possibility of being a life mystery Oradin with the Spirit Guide Archetype. I'm trying to still wrap my head around the wandering spirit concept. As written, it sounds like you can choose a different wandering spirit to bond with each session. Is this correct?

So... you could go Heavens for the teleport, or nature to erode constructs. I'm still trying to figure out if Lore will actually give you an number of arcane spells known up to your charisma modifier, as written in hex. If so... wow. This could be the most flexible oracle archetype ever.


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Azten wrote:
2 levels of Paladin + Shaman. We'll call is Shamadin.


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