What AP would you like to see next? 2016 / 17 edition

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I always look at these threads and think what's left?

I guess I can come up with a few I'd like to see.

>Viking themed.


>Around the world in 80 days theme, with each book being very culturally different.

>Return to TianXia, I wasn't sold on Asian themed stuff until after I ran Jade Regent, now I'm sold.

>Acadia theme with American Indian myths and themes.

>Planet of Triaxus with warfare between the dragon chiefs tied in.

>I really liked the tie in to the real world of Earth with Rasputin Must Die, I know it probably won't be repeated but it would be really cool to have one book in a AP return to real earth. Assuming Golarian and Earth age at the same rate, it would be somewhere around 1920 for a return, not sure what is hot in that era on earth accept back to Russia during the Russian civil war.

Right now, I'm prepping a Giantslayer AP that takes place in the Stolen Lands after Kingmaker has ended. It promises to be fun. Basically dealing with the aftereffects of Brevoy and the PCs and et cetera with the looming threat of the new AP hanging over everyone.

Having said that, I doubt very much we'll get anything like that in an upcoming AP. Paizo did it's sequel AP with Shattered Star. They also seem very reluctant to do a second sandbox AP (or re-release the one they did).

I think the best way to guess would be to look at the genre niches that haven't been done, with emphasis on places that have been (at least briefly) described in previous supplements. Sort of like Trunau was in Towns of the Inner Sea.

I'd be happy if they extended the map south a little. I've given up on them extending it east or west, frankly. They'll get to that when and if they decide to - no sooner.

So, if we go anywhere new, it'll probably be southern Garund or Vudra.

Silver Crusade

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My current druthers are for an Alkenstar urban AP, or at least a Geb/Mana Wastes/Nex one.

Honestly, though, I'm just excited to see what Paizo comes up with. I would never have thought of Strange Aeons, but I'm really excited to play it.

I suspect that Strange Aeons will take place in the Dreamlands, at least in part.

It has been pointed out elsewhere on these messageboards that if you retain the same calendar offset set in Reign of Winter, Strange Aeons gets you to Earth in the early 1920s, which is a pretty good time for Lovecraft's mythos.

Liberty's Edge

I'm not sure how well Skull & Shackles covers this, but I think there's a niche still for APs that have an aquatic focus. I've always enjoyed stories about undersea exploration. (So, aboleth AP?)

Just had a thought:

The Draconic Circle

1. Beyond the Horizon: Pathfinder meets The Prisoner meets The Truman Show. You have found a dreadful secret about The Glorious Endeavor of Hermea and its mastermind Mengkare. But choosing the usual path of exile for those dissatisfied with life on Hermea will not do for you, because you will not be allowed to leave with the secret. You must escape without the permission of the authorities. (Pathfinder meets The Prisoner meets The Truman Show.) But where to escape to? Hermean agents guard heavily against the easiest escape, to Avistan; and you have reason to believe that the coast of Avistan will be crawling with Hermean agents who normally act as spies and recruiters, but would happily return you to your prison if they found you. The other way to escape is far more dangerous, but less suspected -- to Arcadia! But first, you will have to navigate your way through the ruins of ancient Azlant and its hostile defenders, and horrors that lurk beneath the seas.

2. The Path of Dreams. Your first mandate is to get your secrets out to those who will spread the knowledge so far and wide that it cannot be bottled up again. But the task turns out to be not so simple -- not only does no one in a position of power seem to be willing to believe you, but it turns out that while Hermea's influence in Arcadia was a bit slow to react to your unexpected choice of flight plan, it is far from absent. And thus you must flee again -- this time, to Sarusan! But first, you will have to convince the natives of Arcadia to show you to The Path of Dreams, the only way known to allow one to enter and leave Sarusan while avoiding the myserious memory-robbing process that defends this mysterious continent -- and with centuries of mistrust earned by Avistani colonists among the Arcadians, this will be no easy task!

3. The Nightmare Gauntlet. With Hermean agents hot on your tail, you must navigate the hazards of a continent that does not want you there and lose the Hermean agents without losing your mind! Your next stop: Tian-Xia . . . And yet you have to get there while bearing secrets too terrible to be transported by mortal magic!

4. The Dragon Merchants. Arriving in the lands of the old Dragon Empire with a temporary reprieve from Hermean pursuit, you almost immediately stumble upon correlations between the evidence of Draconic rule in Tian-Xia and the terrible secrets you bring from Hermea. In the former Dragon Empire, you must brave several challenges, not least of which is forging some unlikely alliances for a quest against Mengkare himself! And then you have to make it through the Keleshite Empire of Casmaron to make it into Avistan -- and the people along the way would be cutthroat enough even without the incentive of a bounty on each of your heads paid by Mengkare!

5. Lighting the Fire. Arriving in Avistan, you must gather your allies, while navigating the treacherous path between forces that would be all too happy to seize your secrets for thier own use -- not least of which are the scheming Satrap of Qadira, the glory-starved royalty of Osirion and Taldor, and Diabolists of Cheliax, and the soul-trapping Gray Gardeners of Galt! With the depravity of the world serving as a painful reminder of how much simpler life was in your original padded prison, can you hold true to your mission?

6. Full Circle. The time has come for the final showdown of you and your allies against Hermea's corrupted ruler -- but Mengkare has allies of his own, including the entire organization of Red Mantis Assassins! Worse, other forces have arisen to work at cross purposes to you -- from the greed-obsessed Aspis Consortium and Prophets of Kalistrade, to the ever-present Diabolists and Hellknights of Cheliax, who wish to impose their own iron-fisted order, to the divinity-obsessed Razmir, to resurgent Demonic cultists and power-mad Technic League agents from the north, and a reconstituted and as-genocidal-as-ever Elven Winter Council!

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Kingmaker style involving both above and underground exploration, or ground and seas. I'd also be happy with an alkenstar AP.

Maybe an AP that focuses on villainous duergar lich who dwells in the heart of a dead pre-industrial planet now haunted by crazed derro bodaks, duergar wights armed with gunpowder and an Aboleth devourer. Of course it would start with harmless investigation into the disappearance of a village, literally, straight into the ground. Maybe the result of duegar mining, who knows what they are looking for but perhaps it explains the plague of strange undead beasts that haunt the nearby woods? Maybe they're looking for the strange object that fell from the night sky?


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
UnArcaneElection wrote:

It has been pointed out elsewhere on these messageboards that if you retain the same calendar offset set in Reign of Winter, Strange Aeons gets you to Earth in the early 1920s, which is a pretty good time for Lovecraft's mythos.


r'yleh? the mountains of madness? miskatonic university? australia?

Yakman wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:

It has been pointed out elsewhere on these messageboards that if you retain the same calendar offset set in Reign of Winter, Strange Aeons gets you to Earth in the early 1920s, which is a pretty good time for Lovecraft's mythos.


r'yleh? the mountains of madness? miskatonic university? australia?

If I were a betting man, I'd say new england. somewhere around salem, deep in lovecraft county. arkham, innsmouth or of course a new lovecraftian city that paizo made up

I'd like to see them complete the trilogy that they started with RotRL and SS. A mythic level adventure in which the remaining Runelords awaken from their sleep and the adventurers have to stop them from conquering the inner sea.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Mwangi Expanse
or hobgoblin wars

samuraixsithlord wrote:
I'd like to see them complete the trilogy that they started with RotRL and SS.

Why do you think it is only a trilogy?

Silver Crusade Contributor

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Cthulhudrew wrote:
samuraixsithlord wrote:
I'd like to see them complete the trilogy that they started with RotRL and SS.
Why do you think it is only a trilogy?

Agreed. Still plenty of Runelords rolling over and hitting Snooze. ^_^

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But where's Xanderghul! And Alaznist!

No, there's still many stories Varisia is hiding beneath her surface.

And that's not even considering the Lamashtu vs Pazuzu throw down shaping up.

Of course, Ilvarandin might have something to say about that...

Silver Crusade Contributor

Xanderghul and Sorshen are going to have disappointing story-arcs, unless we wait long enough for Mr. Jacobs to like the idea of another Mythic path.

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Kalindlara wrote:
Xanderghul and Sorshen are going to have disappointing story-arcs, unless we wait long enough for Mr. Jacobs to like the idea of another Mythic path.

I'm not so sure. Granted, you might need a couple mythic levels for it, but you don't need to get all carried away like WotR. I've got a group of players that are now level 19/tier 5 going up against Cthulhu and a small host of Starspawn Tuesday, and based on what I've seen them able to do with the mythic rules, I'm pretty sure they'll handle it without a lot of problems. I'm hoping it'll be something of a challenge, but we'll see . . .

I think you could get away with an awesome AP involving either of those characters with the granting of maybe 2-3 tiers only. Oh, and I've outlawed a great deal of the different mythic feats and whatnot that provide for stacking criticals, so I still gimped my players, and they're still way powerful! Anything built by Paizo will be weak by comparison due to their policy--not that I have a problem with their policy, it's just the way it works.

I think 1-5 mythic ranks should do it. But if they ever use mythic rules for the players again make in the style of Greek myths were your fighting bigger badder monsters from myth and demi gods not demons or devils. Give the players various tasks like the trials of Hercules or an Odyssey style adventure.

Sub-Creator wrote:

I think you could get away with an awesome AP involving either of those characters with the granting of maybe 2-3 tiers only.

In my homebrew stats Xanderghul became mythic through his devotion to the Peacock Spirit and Sorshen became mythic from bathing the the Everdawn Pool) and their mythic potential depends on these variables to continue.

One of my ideas is the characters secretly having to undergo a quest to destroy the sources of their mythic power before they even have a chance to defeat them.

Xanderghul's font of Mythic power is an ethereal temple dedicated to the Peacock Spirit and located withing the dimension of dreams. The Peacock Spirit is just another mask of Nyarlahotep and the PC's must bargain with the Crawling Chaos before he'll strip Xanderghul of his mythic power.

Sorshen's mythic power is derived from the Everdawn Pool and she must bath in it once every new moon to retain her beauty and power.

Dark Archive

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captain yesterday wrote:

But where's Xanderghul! And Alaznist!

If Alaznist ever rises, the PCs darned well get to use a Hellfire Plume in the third act!

I want a dragon themed AP but based off of Runelords. IE Sorsha charmed an elder dragon and their children are wrecking havoc in Varisia.

Or Lastwall!!

Grand Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
samuraixsithlord wrote:
In my homebrew stats Xanderghul became mythic through his devotion to the Peacock Spirit...

There's a popular theory that Xanderghul IS the Peacock Spirit.


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I wonder who could've spread that rumor... Oh, I don't know, maybe Xanderghul!!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Personally, I think that Taldor needs some more love.

Puh-leese, Taldor is so last.. whatever.

This is about me right now!

Grand Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
captain yesterday wrote:
I wonder who could've spread that rumor... Oh, I don't know, maybe Xanderghul!!

That's exactly what he wants you think, sheeple!


Shadow Lodge

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Lord Fyre wrote:
Personally, I think that Taldor needs some more love.

What, being the scene of the first twelfth of Reign of Winter wasn't enough? :P

Well in a TianXia AP Oppara could get some attention.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I wouldn't hold my breath for a Tian Xia AP. Paizo higher ups have suggested here and there that Dragon Empires books sold OK, but not good enough to warrant a major expansion there anytime soon.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Gorbacz wrote:
I wouldn't hold my breath for a Tian Xia AP. Paizo higher ups have suggested here and there that Dragon Empires books sold OK, but not good enough to warrant a major expansion there anytime soon.

It should have been all ninjas.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Hythlodeus wrote:
Yakman wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:

It has been pointed out elsewhere on these messageboards that if you retain the same calendar offset set in Reign of Winter, Strange Aeons gets you to Earth in the early 1920s, which is a pretty good time for Lovecraft's mythos.


r'yleh? the mountains of madness? miskatonic university? australia?

If I were a betting man, I'd say new england. somewhere around salem, deep in lovecraft county. arkham, innsmouth or of course a new lovecraftian city that paizo made up

it might be kind of fun to have the PCs dress up as New England college kids from the 1920s and have to infiltrate Miskatonic University's Rare Book collection. Rowing crew as a challenge, playing football without the forward pass, stealing particular chairs from the rival student newspaper...

Paizo Employee Developer

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From the Office of Expectation Management: Strange Aeons will not be going to Earth.

Gorbacz wrote:
I wouldn't hold my breath for a Tian Xia AP. Paizo higher ups have suggested here and there that Dragon Empires books sold OK, but not good enough to warrant a major expansion there anytime soon.

Things and game design changed a lot since then.

With some more support etc, this could also change.
Dragon Empires is of course compared to Rokugan and the other "stuff" it can be compared too in different editions.
TianXia still stays pale there and needs a lot more support, but it also offers a lot of possibilities.
Of course if it´s mainly replacing "knights" with samurai and introducing some "better" weapons, not much changes.

Dragn Empires and TianXia have to cater to some expections, like king fu being possible. There exist now a lot more tie ins than did back in the day with pop culture ("benders", avatar, Korra and Kineticists anyone?)
Lots of stuff that could make that experience a lot more awesome.
But of course enthusiasm has to come from two sides there^^

Adam Daigle wrote:
From the Office of Expectation Management: Strange Aeons will not be going to Earth.

that's why I'm not a betting man

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Neither am I, anymore.

And don't get me started on radios, man do I hate radios!!!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

As an L5R fan, I'll just mention that if it hadn't been such a blindsiding, the recent sale of the L5R IP to Fantasy Flight could have opened a window for Tian Xia to shine, since Rokugan is on mothballs until 2017 or so...

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Kingdom of Death: In his eternal madness, the ghost necromancer king Geb has unleashed the full-might of his kingdom of death upon all of Garund. Colossal necromantic war machines comprised of screaming corpses are pulled by zombie giants while graveknight and vampire generals lead hosts of corporeal and spectral undead upon the nations of the Inner Sea's southern continent. The assault is such that the City of Nex itself is besieged! Only the mysterious matriarchy of Holomog seems to be having luck repelling the undead legions. When Arazni causes a magical mishap while attempting to manipulate the dimensional forces of the empyreal nation of warrior women, she inadvertently empowers the heroes with mythic potential! Now chosen by divine mandate as the heroes of Holomog, the party must rally the armies of the surviving kingdoms of Garund, secure an alliance with Old-Mage Jatembe and his the Ten Magic Warriors, and put down for good a threat to the Inner Sea that is nearly equal to the Whispering Tyrant!

The Aucturn Enigma: The mysterious countdown clocks of Osirion have stopped and the entire Inner Sea is bracing for what the ramifications could mean. All across Golarion, strange living alien ships are landing and old horrors awake from the depths of the darklands as if responding to the call of some greater evil. When an expedition funded by the Ruby Prince ends with the discovery of a way to stem the coming invasion, the heroes must lead the way on an interstellar journey across the various planets of Golarion. Can our heroes prevent the coming invasion or will Golarion become the latest world whose inhabitants are destined to be stock of the Dominion's fleshfarms?

Seal of the Worldbreaker: A colossal pyramid has emerged near the sands of the Scorpion Coast and has awakened an ancient mad horror that has insidious plans for Golarion. Rahotep, a mummy lord once known as the Scorpion Pharaoh who worshiped Rovagug, has initiated an unholy alliance with the Elemental Lords to destroy the Star Towers and break the seal that imprisons his god. With Magnimar currently rebuilding, demons breaking free from the Worldwound, Osirion under assault from the Sky Pharaoh, and Cheliax in the midst of civil war, it falls to a ragtag party of heroes and the valiant captain and crew of an renowned airship to try and stop the release of the destroyer of worlds!

Skeld wrote:
samuraixsithlord wrote:
In my homebrew stats Xanderghul became mythic through his devotion to the Peacock Spirit...

There's a popular theory that Xanderghul IS the Peacock Spirit.


Nah the Peacock Spirit is one of Nyarlathotep's masks. The Crawling Chaos was behind the corruption of Xin's virtues and Xanderghul is his patsy.

Berselius wrote:
secure an alliance with Old-Mage Jatembe and his the Ten Magic Warriors,

Where has the old rascal been hiding?

samuraixsithlord wrote:
Berselius wrote:
secure an alliance with Old-Mage Jatembe and his the Ten Magic Warriors,
Where has the old rascal been hiding?

Obviously one of the parts of the Path is finding him. ;) :D

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samuraixsithlord wrote:
Skeld wrote:
samuraixsithlord wrote:
In my homebrew stats Xanderghul became mythic through his devotion to the Peacock Spirit...

There's a popular theory that Xanderghul IS the Peacock Spirit.


Nah the Peacock Spirit is one of Nyarlathotep's masks. The Crawling Chaos was behind the corruption of Xin's virtues and Xanderghul is his patsy.

Who else but Nyarlathotep?

It's Nyarlathotep! Nyarlathotep! When he shows up, your out of luck!

It's Nyarlathotep! Nyarlathotep!


(meanwhile, at a fancy dinner party)

Fancy Host: Oh dear, I hope nothing happens to spoil this fancy dinner party.


It's Nyarlathotep! Nyarlathotep! He'll kick you in the nuts and call you a schmuck!

It's Nyarlathotep! Nyarlathotep!

Nyarlathotep: CONSUME!

Cole Deschain wrote:
As an L5R fan, I'll just mention that if it hadn't been such a blindsiding, the recent sale of the L5R IP to Fantasy Flight could have opened a window for Tian Xia to shine, since Rokugan is on mothballs until 2017 or so...

And I haven't even heard anything about FFG continuing the RPG line.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
RussianAlly wrote:
And I haven't even heard anything about FFG continuing the RPG line.

I'm sure they have top men working on it, but they aren't even going to have a card game until 2017, and I expect any RPG plans are contingent upon how the brand seems to be performing.

Point is....there's a thematic void Paizo could step into, just not sure the desire is there-or if it is, the capacity. Publication schedules aren't exactly something to be casually disrupted.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Adam Daigle wrote:
From the Office of Expectation Management: Strange Aeons will not be going to Earth.

that's what the Veiled Masters want you to think!

No it's not.

Silver Crusade Contributor

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Cole Deschain wrote:
RussianAlly wrote:
And I haven't even heard anything about FFG continuing the RPG line.
I'm sure they have top men working on it, but they aren't even going to have a card game until 2017...

Who are these writers and/or developers?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Kalindlara wrote:
Cole Deschain wrote:
RussianAlly wrote:
And I haven't even heard anything about FFG continuing the RPG line.
I'm sure they have top men working on it, but they aren't even going to have a card game until 2017...
Who are these writers and/or developers?

Top. Men.

(They haven't even spilled the beans on if they're rebooting the setting,or retconning recent events,or whatever. There is literally NOTHING concrete going on, hence the Raiders of the Lost Ark quip)

Cole Deschain wrote:
Kalindlara wrote:
Cole Deschain wrote:
RussianAlly wrote:
And I haven't even heard anything about FFG continuing the RPG line.
I'm sure they have top men working on it, but they aren't even going to have a card game until 2017...
Who are these writers and/or developers?

Top. Men.

(They haven't even spilled the beans on if they're rebooting the setting,or retconning recent events,or whatever. There is literally NOTHING concrete going on, hence the Raiders of the Lost Ark quip)

Yeah... after the new Star Wars I'm not really sure I'm looking forward to their "top men" :P On the other hand, our group's been using L5R rules and setting so heavily modified that by now I don't think it really matters.

Wow what´s wrong with the new FFG Star Wars?
Not d20 anymore, but a really good game so far in my eyes.
There´s a lot of streamlined stuff that can be handled very well and makes for lots of cinematic scenes in the game.

But i´m with Russian Ally here, Paizo could really step into that void!
A bit more support for unarmed combat and cool kung fu moves, some more backup for TianXia et voila!
TianXia has several monster nations, lots of dragons and other stuff people were crying for for a long time.
With some thought, Paizo could hit several flies with one hit!

Hayato Ken wrote:
Wow what´s wrong with the new FFG Star Wars?

Eh, I prefer Saga Edition myself (it's a damn shame WotC never gave it the support it did 3.5 D&D).

Hayato Ken wrote:
But i´m with Russian Ally here, Paizo could really step into that void! A bit more support for unarmed combat and cool kung fu moves, some more backup for Tian Xia et voila! Tian Xia has several monster nations, lots of dragons and other stuff people were crying for for a long time. With some thought, Paizo could hit several flies with one hit!

Well, Pathfinder probably could give us a very large book dedicated to Tian Xia and giving us a much more intimate look at the Dragon Empires of Golarion. As for Legend of the Five Rings, I never felt drawn to that world as the options for play where quite limited in my view. WotC tried to spice it up (aka giving it two brand new races, two new classes, and such) but if Paizo ever does something similar to L5R I'd personally prefer to it to be with Tian Xia and Pathfinder RPG.

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