Daspolo |
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I was having this idea regarding the Druids' secret language and had this idea for a possible house rule going off of it.
It starts by giving all druids the constant extraordinary ability to speak with animals.
Following this the "druidic language" would be interpreted to be not actually a true language at all, but in fact the druids communicating in the natural humanoid calls(i.e. a dog's would be barking howling and whining. This would be the human equivalent used before language was developed,it would probably sound like some form of moaning)
This would also mean anyone who uses speak with animals would be able to understand it.
What do you guys think about my idea?
Da'ath |
I've had a small worry that this might be somewhat overpowered, but wonder what you think?
It allows access for others to something which only druids had access to in previous editions. While a continuous speak with animals spell might see uber to some, an individual still has to be able to convince an animal to help them, for example, which shouldn't be an easy task for someone, druid or otherwise - not all druids are happy pals of nature, after all.
I think Gnomes get it at level 1 (I don't recall for sure, gnomes and halflings aren't options in our campaigns, i.e. don't exist).
I don't see it as overpowered; others may disagree.
Rabbiteconomist |
I was having this idea regarding the Druids' secret language and had this idea for a possible house rule going off of it.
It starts by giving all druids the constant extraordinary ability to speak with animals.
This is a great idea. It's an ability with a lot of flavor, and adds the mystique of Druids. I back this idea whole-heartedly. I think I'll include this ability from now on, since walk without trace is mostly useless.
I must admit I came to this thread to mention that the script I chose for Druidic in our campaign, like the rest of the scripts I assigned to languages. I went through omniglot.com, and decided the most impenetrable script was Wingdings. It was partly a joke and partly serious (what does that say? *points to airplane-traffic light-phone*)
EDIT - Gnomes do get Speak with animals (1/day I think).
Cyrad RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 |
Keydan |
How about not just any animal, but one kind of animal, like there are druid lodges with patron beasts that have dialects. As a result druids from one lodge can speak with birds, as per speak with animals, or with herd animals, or with wolves/dogs. And they understand each other, even if the year from different lodges, because the base of the language is the same, it's language of intent and emotion, not meaning.
Da'ath |
Exactly how specific can one expect to get when collecting information from a creature with an Intelligence of 2? I mean, it can lead to some hilarious role playing, but the animals are going to look at the world in their own way.
I'm looking at it similarly; in essence its the equivalent of a rogue in the city, chatting up folks, except the rogue's informants are a bit smarter (usually).
Keydan |
Exactly how specific can one expect to get when collecting information from a creature with an Intelligence of 2? I mean, it can lead to some hilarious role playing, but the animals are going to look at the world in their own way.
I as a DM always had fun when any druid tried to talk to animals. I mean you ask a bird with no concept for numbers how many guards are thene inside the keep. And the bird is like "KARR SOME PEOPLE, NOT SHARE FOOD".
A dog may be smarter though, it's like in all those cartoons about when animals talk and they are not bright, not at all. Something like "MORE THAN FEW, GOOD SMELL, LIKE CHEW BONES, FAT GUY IS NICE, HE SHARE".
Da'ath |
Every time I think about "speaking with animals", I recall one of my favorite commercials of all time, which illustrates the dangers of such an ability: Speak With Animals.
kadance |
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Speak Druidic.
School Divination; Level Druid 0
Casting Time 1 swift action
Components V
Range Personal
Target You
Duration 1 minute/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You gain the ability to speak a magical language only comprehensible to others also under the effect of this spell.
Special A druid that prepares this spell in does not count it against the number of 0-level spells they may prepare.