Reporting season 6 (and Thornkeep and similar)

Pathfinder Society



I GMd 6-01 yesterday and as I started to report it I noticed the 6th season scenarios can not be chosen. Is this the intention or should season 6 be playable (and reportable)? Or am I doing something wrong?

The same question about Thornkeep and other multiple levels encompassing modules. How do you report specific levels?

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Kaapelikala wrote:
The same question about Thornkeep and other multiple levels encompassing modules. How do you report specific levels?

Select the module for your event. When you reach the reporting screen you'll have the option of selecting specific levels.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

You can also just click "show all scenarios" and there'll be numerous options available.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Indeed ! Actually, when you create the event, you cannot select a Season 6 scenario. So, just select a random one. It's only when you Report the event that you can select a Season 6 scenario. A bit weird...

Paizo Glitterati Robot

Removed a post. Suggesting actual violence towards anyone in our community (including staff) is not cool here.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

We're running 5-99 (a season 6 scenario) tonight.

That's the only scenario we're planning to run (it's a slot zero for our upcoming convention), so I can't create the event without adding a fictitious scenario, which isn't something I really want to do.

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