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The tables suggested by Paradozen are great, but there are a few mistakes. First, and I think it's just a typing mistake, for 4th, 5th and 6th level extracts, it's (1d3-1)x6, (1d3-1)x5 and (1d3-1)x5 instead of (1d3-1)+6, (1d3-1)+5 and (1d3-1)+5. Then, the table suggested for 3rd level extracts is incorrect. I'm sure that the mad scientist is supposed to roll randomly in an equiprobable manner. If you use the rule: "First Roll (1d3-1)x10 then add 1d10 or 1d4 if the result of the first roll is 20 (reroll 24)", it's not equiprobable. Indeed, any number from 1 to 20 occurs about 3.63% of the time, and any number from 21 to 23 occurs about 9.09% of the time. It's a huge difference. The best way to roll on the 3rd level extracts table is (1d4-1)*6 + 1d6 (reroll 24). To sum up, here is what I suggest (based on Paradozen's post): 2nd level: (1d3-1)*10 + 1d10 (reroll 30)
Of course, theses rolls need d3s and d5s. You have to use d6s and d10s to simulate them, but I don't think there's a best way to do it (if you don't want to buy a d3 or a d5). ![]()
Hello everyone, According to that FAQ, "during the course of a scenario, you may have one combat animal and as many noncombat animals as you
Thanks in advance. ![]()
Hi, I will GM this scenario tomorrow, and I have a question. On page 5, the answer to 'Are we stealing the real sun orchid elixir ?' states: Quote: If you successfully locate and steal the mock elixir, however, you may keep it. Again on page 18, the description of the elixir solar vigor states: Quote: If the PCs successfully steal the dummy elixir, they may keep it as a reward for completing their assignment. But on the chronicle sheet, it seems that PCs need to spend 1000gp in order to get the elixir of solar vigor. So, do they get it for free ? Thanks in advance. ![]()
Thanks a lot for your answers, That's how I understand 'match'. It really makes sense to choose the 2 opposition schools of the School savant among the 4 opposition schools of the Arcane bomber. And for the specialization school, I think it's up to the GM. By the way, I have another question : do the opposition school drawbacks (2 slots for 1, -4 to skill checks for crafting) apply to all spells, or only to spells of the class ? For example: a wizard / sorcerer. If she casts a spell using a sorcerer slot, does she have to use 2 slots if the spell belongs to one of the wizard opposition schools ?
Thanks. ![]()
Hi everyone, If I want to play a Wizard (Arcane bomber) / Arcanist (School savant), how do I choose my opposition schools ? The hybrid classes introduction states: Quote: Parent Classes: Each one of the following classes lists two classes that it draws upon to form the basis of its theme. While a character can multiclass with these parent classes, this usually results in redundant abilities. Such abilities don't stack unless specified. If a class feature allows the character to make a one-time choice (such as a bloodline), that choice must match similar choices made by the parent classes and vice-versa (such as selecting the same bloodline). The new classes presented here are all hybrids of two existing core or base classes. As an Arcane bomber, I need to choose 4 opposition schools. As a School savant, I need to choose 1 specialization school and 2 opposition schools. According to the bold sentence in the quoted text, how do I make these two one-time choices match ? Can I choose the 4 and 2 opposition schools independantly ? Can I choose the specialization school among the 4 opposition schools of the Arcane bomber ? Thanks in advance for your answers, Arp ![]()
Hello everyone, I'll run The Sky Key Solution at the PaizoCon Fr in two weeks, and there are two issues that I'd like to solve. The first one: on page 16, encounter B2, under Creatures, it's written "The rebels use the statistics for the First Humans encounter
The second one: on page 24, five lines before the end of the first column, it's written "the roiling dome of green light that encompasses nearly a square mile of territory". Then, on page 25, three lines before the end of the first column, it's written "The area encompassed by the
Thanks in advance, Arp ![]()
Hello, I was wondering if Coherent Rage was allowed in PFS. I don't think so as it doesn't explicitly appear in the Additional Resources (under Faction Guide). But I'd like to be sure. Thanks in advance. Simon ![]()
Hello everyone, I'm preparing Trial by Machine, and there's something I don't really understand. The goal of this mission is quite clear : "You'll know when you reach the finish line " (Player Handout #1). So, why the PCs would want to go into area B3 after recovering the amulet from Meleren ? For what purpose ? I mean, Ambrus Valsin told them not to wander. So, I don't get it... Thanks for your answers Arp ![]()
Thanks for the answer. It's a bit weird. How does the minotaur lose its greataxe and get a battleaxe while running after Janira ? And why is it broken ? Indeed, Janira doesn't know the spell Shatter and she gives away her Scroll of Shatter to the PCs. Logically, the only difference between the minotaur before and after should be its hit points. What do you think ? Thanks EDIT : Sorry, I made a mistake. Janira keeps her Scroll of Shatter. ![]()
Hello everyone, I've got a question for you. In this scenario, if the PCs choose to fight the minotaur before exploring the caves, do I have to use the stat block given on page 21 (with the broken battleaxe) ? If not, does it mean that the minotaur has a greataxe ? or perhaps an unbroken battleaxe ? Thanks in advance. Arp Upramis ![]()
Hello everyone, There is a something that I don't really understand in Tide of Twilight. When the PCs are fighting to save Falbin, his house and his garden, they have to extinguish the fire. But I have a few questions : 1) Can the fire spread diagonally ? 2) Can the fire affect the whole area drawn in the scenario ? 3) The secondary success condition is : "The PCs prevented more than 20 squares of Falbin's garden and house from catching fire." Is it "20 squares of each" or "a total of 20 squares" ? 4) In what area is the garden ? Is it the 40 square rectangle surrounded by a fence ? 4) If you've already played this scenario, how challenging is this success condition ? Thanks for your answers ! Arp ![]()
But what about the first penalties to Int and Cha, I mean when you gain the template ? Are they ability damage ? I think they are permanent penalties, because it's a template. So if you gain the template on the first day, then on the second day you have a permanent -2 penalty in both Int and Cha, plus 2 points of abilty damage in both Int and Cha. And if you end the ritual, you lose the template so you immediately gain 2 points in both Int en Cha (and lose 2 points in Con), but you don't recover from your ability damages. You have to wait for it. Am I right ? ![]()
Hello everyone, I'm new as a Pathfinder Society GM, and I have a question for you. I know that we can't earn any Prestige Point anymore with faction missions, but still I would like to keep these missions on play, just for fun. I'll soon organise a Season 3 scenario, and there is something that I don't understand. When there is a faction mission telling the PC to get a piece of information from someone, why is it impossible to find the content of the information ? Do I have to say "Ok, your character succeeds in getting the piece of information", and that's all ? It's a bit weird not telling exactly what the PC learns about. Thanks in advance for your answers Arp |