Structural Damage and Anchored Ships

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

This came up during a scenario: if your ship is anchored at a location, and a location somewhere else tells you to take structural damage, does it still apply?

Since the rules don't say anything to the contrary, I would assume the damage still does take place. It just seems a bit odd since your ship is tied up somewhere else, and all the other rules for anchored ships are that they have no effect at different locations.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

Absolutely. If you don't want your ship to be on fire when you walk away from it, don't walk away from it.

So I understand that ships anchored take damage from other locations, but I don't understand Mike's comment.

Sovereign Court

Bidmaron wrote:
So I understand that ships anchored take damage from other locations, but I don't understand Mike's comment.

He's basically saying that if you don't want it to take damage while you're away, then don't be away. Then all the damage will be while your there and you don't have to worry about your ship being destroyed when you aren't there.

It was a joking way of confirming that yes, damage does happen even if noone is on the ship.

The rules as currently written do not prevent characters from discarding cards to stop damage even when they aren't on the ship, so that's why his comment threw me, as it doesn't matter whether you are there or not.

Grand Lodge

I interpreted the comment this way:
There is another location that does damage to the ship.
If you go there, your ship takes damage in spite of the fact it is anchored where you were.
If you don't want your ship to take damage, don't go to the damaging location.

You guys are all over thinking it. Mike meant something like this.

Grand Lodge

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
You guys are all over thinking it. Mike meant something like this.

So what you're trying to say is Fire Bad. A very eloquent reasoning of why you should never leave your ship burning someplace else.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

My first thought was:

"This is organized play, son. If your ship burns, then you do too."

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Theryon Stormrune wrote:
Hawkmoon269 wrote:
You guys are all over thinking it. Mike meant something like this.
So what you're trying to say is Fire Bad. A very eloquent reasoning of why you should never leave your ship burning someplace else.

I think if my ship were burning, I would rather it be in a place I am not. Fire bad, but faraway fire better than up-close fire.

Grand Lodge

And still, all I can think of is the scene from Young Frankenstein with Peter Boyle and Gene Hackman.

In any case, I think Vic has a point … and justification why ships should be made of non-flammable materials. Like stone.

Theryon Stormrune wrote:

And still, all I can think of is the scene from Young Frankenstein with Peter Boyle and Gene Hackman.

In any case, I think Vic has a point … and justification why ships should be made of non-flammable materials. Like stone.

Stones can't float. But very small rocks can.

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We need to build our ships out of witches....or ducks.

Grand Lodge

I think witches and ducks still burn. Small rocks would work but then we'd have to cement them together and cement isn't good for boats, just galoshes.

Other things that float:

Grand Lodge

Let's eliminate cider, gravy and mud as boat building materials ...

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Actually cement can make perfectly good boats.
Wiki Concrete Ship
Usually called a ferrocement ship, they were typically made from steel wires surrounded by cement.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The mythbusters used ice and newspaper for their ship.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Melemkor wrote:
The mythbusters used ice and newspaper for their ship.

They also made a sailboat entirely out of duct tape.

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