ACG Playtest characters affected by official release

Pathfinder Society


Idk if this has happened to anyone else, but I have a lvl 4 Shaman that I've been playing through the play test. I took the feat augmented summons when the class still had the spell summon nature's ally. Now upon the final release the shamans spell book has neither summon nature's ally or monster, leaving the feat selection wasted. For situations like this do I have pay gold/prestige for a retrain or do I get to pro bono for play testing

Silver Crusade 2/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

For a situation like this you would get a free feat change. Any time a class changes in such a way that a feat choice, (or even an ability score) is rendered useless, you can change it.

For example, if someone had made a Warpriest that was totally channeling-focused (for whatever reason) using the playtest version, and had 12 Wisdom and 18 Charisma, when the new version of the Warpriest came out that dropped Charisma requirement, they would be able to change their ability scores for free.


Thank you

Shadow Lodge 4/5

They said they would have specific rules for once the book was out, but so far I have not seen it.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **

There are rules in the guide.


I have a somewhat similar situation with my level 5 playtest arcanist. Both the Bloodline Development and School Understanding exploits that I took got nerfed a bit(a change I agree with). I wanted the extra fire damage from the Draconic bloodline arcana, now I just have claws with my 5 STR gnome. Getting both Prescience and Forewarned from the Foresight School seemed pretty sweet, now that I only get one or the other there seem to be better options for my character.

Can I make different choices(for free) with my exploits given the changes to the ones I selected during the playtest, or do I need to spend the prestige?


pauljathome wrote:
There are rules in the guide.

What rules are you referring to?

I know the general rules for rebuilding when a feat or class ability changes in the guide, but additional resources specifies:
Additional Resources, ACG wrote:
All playtest versions of the ten new base classes from this book are no longer legal for play as of 8/14/14. Anyone playing the playtest version of one of the ten new base classes must have updated his or her character as of 8/14/14. Updating your character means adjusting only the things that have changed, but not rebuilding the character.

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