incorporeal undead disrupt undead question

Rules Questions

4 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Does disrupt undead spell effect incorporeal undead fully or is it 1/2 damage due to incorporeal undead traits?

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If the caster is on the material plane it does 1/2 damage (min 1), because it is spell damage that is not also force damage.

If the caster is on the ethereal plane it will do full damage.

It is Positive Energy like channeling, it should do FULL damage anywhere! Magic Missiles do full damage anywhere.

However it is a good question and should be answered by a Paizo rule committee member.

Grand Lodge

it is a shot of positive energy, so unless incorporeal gives a resistance to positive energy, it will be full damage.

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prd wrote:
Incorporeal (Ex) An incorporeal creature has no physical body. It can be harmed only by other incorporeal creatures, magic weapons or creatures that strike as magic weapons, and spells, spell-like abilities, or supernatural abilities. It is immune to all nonmagical attack forms. Even when hit by spells or magic weapons, it takes only half damage from a corporeal source. Although it is not a magical attack, holy water affects incorporeal undead. Corporeal spells and effects that do not cause damage only have a 50% chance of affecting an incorporeal creature (except for channel energy). Force spells and effects, such as from a magic missile, affect an incorporeal creature normally.
disrupt undead wrote:
You direct a ray of positive energy. You must make a ranged touch attack to hit, and if the ray hits an undead creature, it deals 1d6 points of damage to it.

Spells from a corporeal source do half damage unless they are force effects or channel energy. Since disrupt undead is neither a force effect nor channel energy, it'll do half damage.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

This is interesting:

Corporeal spells and effects that do not cause damage only have a 50% chance of affecting an incorporeal creature (except for channel energy).

Channel energy in Pathfinder does cause damage, so I think this is outdated but shows a clear past intention that channel energy should take full effect on incorporeal undead. Marked the original question for FAQ

Good idea marking it for FAQ. It is a wimpy spell but it is often all low level arcane casters have against undead, so it is important to them.

Until I hear otherwise I'm going to continue to allow it to do full damage against incorporeal undead for my players.

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