Pathfinder Quests. The Silverhex Chronicles

GM Discussion

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Martinsville

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I am looking at this and seeing the journal entries. There is three of them.

Is there supposed to be six?

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've posted the introductory briefing, Q and A that I used to PFS Shared Prep.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

P 19 the info about the Warriors morale seems to be missing a line, possibly covered by resources box. When do they flee?


In my version it says they flee when reduced to 6 or fewer hit points.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

Oykiv wrote:
In my version it says they flee when reduced to 6 or fewer hit points.

...engage isolated targets.'

Next Column
'to the death. Otherwise , they retreat when reduced to 6 or fewer hit points.'

So....when do they fight to the death?

Shadow Lodge 2/5

Sewicked wrote:
Oykiv wrote:
In my version it says they flee when reduced to 6 or fewer hit points.

...engage isolated targets.'

Next Column
'to the death. Otherwise , they retreat when reduced to 6 or fewer hit points.'

So....when do they fight to the death?

I guess as long as their allies are alive, they fight to the death?


Errr. Reading it again I see it says:

During Combat The Kellid warriors steer clear of anyone being attacked by the ragers, preferring to engage isolated targets.
to the death. Otherwise, they retreat when reduced to 6 or fewer
hit points.

So yes, there´s something missing before the to the death, maybe when the Kellid ragers are still alive?

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