How can I get the old organized play doc - with shadowLodge

Pathfinder Society

2/5 5/5 *

Does anyone know a way to get the the old Organized Play Document with the shadow lodge traits?

Getting files together for GenCon and saw my Former Shadow Lodge character has a trait that is no longer in the Organized Play book.



huntsfromshadow wrote:

Does anyone know a way to get the the old Organized Play Document with the shadow lodge traits?

Getting files together for GenCon and saw my Former Shadow Lodge character has a trait that is no longer in the Organized Play book.


PFS Guide 4.3 wrote:

Shadow Lodge Traits

Members of the Shadow Lodge faction can take the
following campaign traits at character creation or by
taking the Additional Traits feat.

Aid Allies: When using the aid another action, you give
your ally a +3 bonus instead of a +2 bonus.

Fortified: Some members of the Shadow Lodge aren’t
completely convinced of the Decemvirate’s sincerity and
fear potential reprisals. Through alchemical techniques
and endurance training, you gain the ability to negate
a critical hit or sneak attack scored against you once
per day. This ability functions as the fortification armor
special ability, with a 20% chance of success.

Medic: Your experience caring for wounded Pathfinder
agents has granted you a +2 trait bonus on Heal checks
made to treat diseases and poisons. Additionally, your
caster level is considered one higher when casting spells
of the healing subschool with remove in the spell’s name.

Shadow Diplomat: Balancing the political infighting
of the Society’s factions grants you a +1 trait bonus on
Diplomacy checks, and Diplomacy becomes a class skill
for you.

Grand Lodge 4/5

I suspect he will need the actual document, not just a section of it quoted, to qualify for the trait, as though it were someone in the Additional Resources.

I was lucky, and had a copy of the Season 5 Guide on a different PC, as I didn't notice til after I deleted it, that Hunter's Eye appears to have been replaced...

Then again, being forced to exchange that trait, on my only PC who has it, for another, still legal trait, would not have been much of a loss....

He has used the range benefit during one scenario, in his entire career, and he is currently at 12.0. As a Fighter class, the free longbow or short bow proficiency never came into any use at all.

Sovereign Court 4/5

This is why I cannot bring myself to delete my Season 4 and Season 5 copies of the Guide.

Lantern Lodge 3/5

Oh dear, never saw this coming...

Would they make the older guides available for download?

Shadow Lodge *

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Secane wrote:

Oh dear, never saw this coming...

Would they make the older guides available for download?

Is that something that could be placed on the PFS GM Shared Drive? Or would there be Community Use issues?

Liberty's Edge

kinevon wrote:

I suspect he will need the actual document, not just a section of it quoted, to qualify for the trait, as though it were someone in the Additional Resources.

I was lucky, and had a copy of the Season 5 Guide on a different PC, as I didn't notice til after I deleted it, that Hunter's Eye appears to have been replaced...

Then again, being forced to exchange that trait, on my only PC who has it, for another, still legal trait, would not have been much of a loss....

** spoiler omitted **

I think I benefitted from the free range once, most combats taking place within the first range band.

Of course, I got the free proficiency as well, and it was for flavour reasons, so it wasn't a huge loss, but I'm wondering if any of the replacement traits would work better...

Since I forked out for a +1 bow, would that be refundable, or swappable for another weapon, if I traded the trait and no longer had proficiency?


No, retraining doesn't allow you to cash in items for a refund.

(besides, the day will come when the party's melee BDF is staring at a flying creature, dumbfounded, and you'll be able to hand him a +1 bow.)

Grand Lodge 4/5

Dangleberry Tagnut wrote:
kinevon wrote:

I suspect he will need the actual document, not just a section of it quoted, to qualify for the trait, as though it were someone in the Additional Resources.

I was lucky, and had a copy of the Season 5 Guide on a different PC, as I didn't notice til after I deleted it, that Hunter's Eye appears to have been replaced...

Then again, being forced to exchange that trait, on my only PC who has it, for another, still legal trait, would not have been much of a loss....

** spoiler omitted **

I think I benefitted from the free range once, most combats taking place within the first range band.

Of course, I got the free proficiency as well, and it was for flavour reasons, so it wasn't a huge loss, but I'm wondering if any of the replacement traits would work better...

Since I forked out for a +1 bow, would that be refundable, or swappable for another weapon, if I traded the trait and no longer had proficiency?

Unfortunately, as long as you have a copy of any of the older Guides, and that trait goes back to the original Season 1 Guide, you have to keep it, even if you change out of the Liberty's Edge faction.

Heh. My fighter archer (typecasting, not archetype) used the trait once, in a 7-11, and, unless I miss my guess, all the trait did, looking at the NPC I was firing at, was make me a little more confident in using all my abilities on the bowshots.

The Sarkorian Prophecy:
Range: 180', approximately
Target AC: 19 (yes, 19 in sub-tier 10-11)
Fighter's BAB: +10 (9 levels of Fighter, 1 level of Cleric, 1 level of Ranger)
Dex mod: +6
Weapon Focus: +1
+1 bow: +1
Range penalty: -2 (ignored per trait)
Deadly Aim: -3
Rapid Shot: -2
Manyshot: No change
To hit adjustment, total: +11/+11/+6, with 4 arrows
With trait: +13/+13/+8
So, to hit on an 8 or 6, 8 or 6, 13 or 11.

Yeah, totally worth burning a trait for. [\end snark]

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