So which of these animal companions would be good choices given...


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

...that I'll be applying the permanent 4 (or less) point evolution from the Hunter archetype? I've played most classes several times but never played a Druid(/Hunter) or a Cavalier before. Druid has just never been top of my list and the staircases, rock walls to be climbed and often narrow dungeon crawls have killed any/every mount idea I ever had.

I've only ever had 2 "animal companions". One was a wolf companion for my ranger who died very quickly given my DMs penchant for difficult encounters and the rangers lower leveled pet. The other pet was a riding gecko who I never brought into the dungeons. Aside from that I've played several summoners but I daresay there's a large divide between companions and Eidolons.

My point is, I don't have much (or functionally any) experience with animal companions so I'm at a loss for my Hunters companion. I really like the primal archetype and that free 4 point evolution can be a huge help. I was thinking:
Bear with Large
Wolf with anything
Lion with anything

Flying won't have much use as our DM HATES players having flying. Almost every dungeon has a low ceiling and the only time we ever get height is when most/all of the enemies fly. So I daresay the flying evolution (or a Roc for that matter) would be a waste.

So given that I'm considering those 3 and can add the evolution, do any of them really stand out and/or are any of them really bad choices?

Silver Crusade

Is this from the Advanced Class guide?

If not, how are you applying evolution points to an animal companion?

If yes, you might have to wait a week as most of us don't have the book yet.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

There's a Hunter archetype called Primal Companion Hunter from the ACG (I mentioned it was an ACG class archetype at the beginning of my post). It swaps out a few things for A) the ability to make your companion into an Eidolon for Hunter minutes per day (more or less) and then B) give your companion a permanent 4 (or less) point evolution that you can change day to day. I REALLY like it. Like, ohmigod one of the best anythings ever.

But even if it's in the ACG, the question doesn't require the ACG to answer (barring the how does that work aspect). It's really more about Large Bear vs Wolf (with a potential 4 point or less evo) vs Lion (with a potential 4 point or less evo). The evolution is derived from the APG+UM Eidolon evolutions so functionally nothing new there either.

Hmm....going huge seems very advantageous given the fact that a lot of these animals can do combat maneuvers due to their natural weapons. The extra CMB due to size (not to mention due to strength) and the ability to do things like trip gargantuan creatures seems sweet.

Size also brings a wider threatened area (10 feet on each side, plus their 15 foot square in the middle, for a 35' across circle). If you played it as a reach build, then the wolf would do some serious damage with AoO's since it only has the one natural attack (which means 1.5x str and power attack).

I will also note- the wolf gets an additional attack at BAB-5 due to the multiattack ability (which both gives the multiattack feat and carries additional effects). There has always been a bit of confusion about that, but generally there is an argument that it still counts as only 1 natural weapon (thus keeping the 1.5x stuff). That and the AoO's could help keep it as a competitive option.

Although poison (especially if you spring the extra 2 evo points for it to do con damage, which seems like a fair trade since you seem to indicate that you only get 1 evo and the rest of the points aren't used; not familiar with the material, so I can't entirely say) seems like a competitive option as well. A DC of 10+CON+1/2HD is hardly something to sneeze at, especially when you are dealing 1d4 CON damage over up to 4 rounds.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

The exact nature of the evolution is it can be any ONE evolution costing up to 4 points. So you could use the large evolution (4) but not the huge evolution (4+2). You could use fly (2) or supernatural fly (2+2).

That's just for the permanent evolution. The level per day is as a normal Eidolon.

Shadows_Of_Fall wrote:

The exact nature of the evolution is it can be any ONE evolution costing up to 4 points. So you could use the large evolution (4) but not the huge evolution (4+2). You could use fly (2) or supernatural fly (2+2).

That's just for the permanent evolution. The level per day is as a normal Eidolon.

Yeah, this is still confusing, since by the time you could grab the size evos, 2 of your options would already be large. Would that let them skip to huge?

How about we just say 'use con damaging poison' was my suggestion instead. It is useful, within the evo range, and brings about less confusion

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Primal Surge (Su):
At 8th level, once per day as a swift action, a primal companion hunter can touch her animal companion and grant it one evolution that costs up to 4 evolution points. The companion must meet the prerequisites of the selected evolution. Unlike the evolutions from primal transformation, this evolution is not set; it can be changed each time the hunter uses this ability. Using primal surge activates the primal transformation ability on the companion if it isn’t already active. This effect lasts until the hunter ends the primal transformation. This does not allow a companion to exceed its maximum number of natural attacks.

This ability can grant only one evolution at a time, even if the chosen evolution could be selected multiple times.

This ability can grant an evolution that allows additional evolution points to be spent to upgrade that evolution (such as damage reduction or f light), and any points left over can be spent on such upgrades. This ability cannot be used to grant an upgrade to an evolution that the companion already possesses. This ability replaces second animal focus.

To clear up the confusion huge (for an eidolon) would require you to get the large (4 point) evolution and then spend an additional 2 points (for a total of 6). The Hunter ability allows you to select 1 evolution that either costs (and/or can be upgraded for a total of) 4 or fewer points.

The reason I listed the wolf/lion evolution and not the bear one is because his would automatically be to make him large sized (because I want a large bear, and Paizo doesn't seem to like grizzlies).

That said con poison for the wolf/lion isn't a bad idea.

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