Negative Damage

Rules Questions

I’m getting ready to run a game that has an encounter involving a tiny creature. The attack and damage the creature does is, rapier +8 (1d2-2 / 18-20). The creature also has sneak damage 1d6.

Please correct me if I am wrong in any of this.

My question is as follows. Does the 1d2-2 result in 1 nonlethal damage? Assuming it does, what kind of damage, if any, does the sneak attack do?

Also the creature has the ability to reduce person at will. If the player becomes reduced in size, does that have any effect on the damage the tiny creature does to the newly reduced target?

You add it all together, SA isn't separate. So you roll 1d2+1d6-2, and if that's negative (which it can't be), then it would deal 1 nonlethal.

The size of the target has no bearing on damage dealt to it.

Hard to say. It could work in 2 different ways-

1.) The weapon is treated like it was a nonlethal weapon (much like a sap). You could deal nonlethal sneak attack damage.

2.) The sneak attack is added in as part of the equation before you get negative damage. As in, rather than 1d2-2=0 (nonlethal 1) with +1d6 on top, it is 1d2-2+1d6= (averaged) 3 damage.

I am more inclined towards 2, since that is how it works when you are facing DR.

Other problems- Does this character really want to go tiny? Small has some advantage that could be worth the trade off, but tiny is just a debuff as far as dealing damage is concerned, since you have 0 reach. That means he actually has to be IN THE OPPONENT'S SQUARE to attack. Obviously this causes problems since the enemy is going to smack him when he tries it.

Creature is not a PC, it is an encounter. Creature has +20 stealth and invisibility 3 times a day as a SU. And it flies at 50 move. I’m of the mind that your number 2 option is probably correct, which is what Zhayne is also saying. Thank you for responding!

Silver Crusade

It's a quasit, right? The previously postulated position that you add the SA damage in before subtracting the -2 is correct.

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