Hawkmoon269 |

Yes, you should receive promos even with just the character add-on deck. Vic's comment here is that you could either drop just the Base Set or the Base Set and Character Add-on Deck, but that if you dropped both you wouldn't get promos indicates that if you keep the character add-on deck you'll get the promos.
Promos are really based on the month of the subscription, not the products in the subscription.

Hawkmoon269 |

Thanks. So how do I go about starting off with the add-on deck?
Instructions are here. If you are currently subscribed, cancel your subscription ASAP. Only July 31st, Paizo will run the subscription authorization (don't worry, its ok that you aren't a subscriber at that moment). Then on August 1st you subscribe again, choosing to start with the Character Add-on Deck instead of the Base Set.
Basically, what Paizo seems to want to do is get the subscriptions with the base set authorized, then have people sign up to start with the character add-on deck.

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We're waiting on a shipment to come in and we are going to have to delay the auth/order spawning until August 4th.
I know that some of you are waiting on the availability of the Skull & Shackles Add-On Deck as a starting item for the Adventure Card Game subscription. This is tied to the auth/spawning and so will not be up until the 5th.
You can follow along with how the August New Releases are proceeding in the customer service forum: http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2r8th?August-New-Release-Shipment-thread.
We also have the blog with FAQ for Gen Con pick up here: http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5lgbu?Gen-Con-2014-Subscription-Pick-Up .
I'd really like to keep questions about new release shipping and Gen Con pick up consolidated to those threads. This tends to be the kind of thing that for every question asked, a half dozen more people are also curious about it and so having all the questions/answers in one or two threads is much easier to direct people too. Therefore, I'm going to go ahead and lock this one up.
Sara Marie