Strength check bonuses that aren't just for breaking things?


I haven't been able to find much that gives a flat bonus to Strength checks, without it being a check to burst/break objects. Plenty of ways to get Strength check bonuses for breaking things, but not so much for anything else.

The character I am interested in this for is a Half-Ogre Monk, so I don't have the option to get Strength Surge from Barbarian.

Any other bonuses I could look into?

A dip into cleric gives strength domain. Gauntlets of skilled maneuver give a bonus for CMB strength. I might be able to come up with more.

I have the Gauntlets on my wish list, so hopefully I will eventually get them. We are still only level 1.

As for a Cleric dip, I did see that, but I'd rather not dip away from Monk. Any way to gain access to it via a feat instead? ivinity Not sure if your GM is going to let you have it lol

But essentially it gives you a domain for a trait, a great value; plus use of it's 1st level spell for added value.

Maybe I read that wrong, I reread it and I didn't see the actual use of the domain, but check it out and see what you think.

There is the barbarian rage power, Strength Surge.

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