Ranged Attacks vs Creatures with Hardness that are not Animated Objects

Rules Questions

Sovereign Court

Page 174, CRB covers damaging objects. Ranged attack damage is halved before applying hardness.
Page 174 goes on to cover Animate Objects, implicitly extending this same rule to them.

However it's not 100% clear this extends to OTHER creatures that are not Animated Objects that also have the hardness rule. (for example, Foo Dogs whilst using their Stone Form ability)

Is it a fair leap to assume that any creature with hardness will use the damaging objects rules (to include implications for ranged attacks and energy typed damage), or are the only creatures those rules are to apply to are Animated Objects?

I think it applies to anything with hardness.

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Animated Objects are constructs and thus, are not objects. Because they are constructs they are creatures.

The quote on page 175 states that animated objects are not treated as objects (for the purposes of AC).

Note: If you are referencing the critical hits section of text where it states that Animated Objects are immune to critical hits then you are using an older version of the CRB and should consider updating your copy. It is no longer present.

In any case, no, you do not apply the 1/2 damage rule to creatures because creatures are not objects.

Here is James Jacobs on the topic

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