ChaoticBlue |

The other day I was reading the credits in the back of the rule book(don't ask me why ; ] ) and I noticed that Runelords was play tested by Wil Wheaton. I'm just assuming that it's THE Wil Wheaton, and if it is I find it curious that he has never featured the PACG on his web show " Table Top ". I'm also surprised that I didn't find Felicia Day's name on the play test list as well : ).

Mike Selinker Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Wil and I have played the game together a couple times, once in playtests and once in the real version. He seems to like it.

kysmartman |
What he said is that, basically, there are types of games that just don't work in the Tabletop format, and PACG is one of them.
It has a possible very short run-time when successful (if they failed miserably they would just ignore it and start over). Also, they wouldn't do the entire campaign or even a full AP because it would take too long. Plus, I'm not sure how many opportunities for the jokes and banter there are which is really what makes Tabletop so much fun to watch (note: I've only played the game solo).
He's also said he's not going to do any deck-builders (makes me said as I'd love to see Marvel Legendary) or really long games (so no Arkham Horror, Twilight Imperium, or Eclipse). Of course that was before they decided to go solo and Kickstarted Season 3, so he might change some things around.

KingNate |

Wil and I have played the game together a couple times, once in playtests and once in the real version. He seems to like it.
I was just telling Brad Pitt the other day how much I hate it when people drop names. :p

Mike Selinker Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer |

@ mike is it as much fun to play a game with Wil as it looks like on Table Top?
Yes. We have a very good time together. By the way, here's our latest project together, the Maze of Games audiobook.

hfm |

Greyhawke115 |