Cintra Bristol |
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There are a handful of major trade routes defined in the Inner Sea World Guide, p.252-3. Most of them are shipping routes (sea travel or up and down the Sellen River); the one land route is the one that goes up over the Crown of the World. There's no map, but the descriptions are pretty clear if you compare them to the Inner Sea map.
I do wish the national write-ups listed major exports.

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Geb: Exports:
-Wheat: to Alkenstar 350K GC (99% via direct inland route); to Nex 1.600K GC (45% inland route trough Alkenstar; 54% direct sea route); to Jamelray [Trade Hub] 1.500K GC ( 100% direct sea route; of the stock 25% to remain in Jamelray; 20% to Zelshabbar and Haqqaman to remain; 5% to Katapesh; 10% to Qadira; 10% to Iblydos; 20% to other Keleshite destination; 10% to various destination); Katapesh [major trade hub] 4.000K GC (99% direct and indirect sea route; of the stock 950K to remain in Katapesh, 350K to Osirion, 250K to Holomog, 450K to Qadira, 600K to various Kelesh destination, 200K to Thuvia, 250K to Taldor, 150K to Nex, 800 to Absalom and Kortos Island, both to be used locally and traded and re-traded), Absalom (direct sea route, excluding trade from intermediary ports like Katapesh) 1250K GC (of which 250K GC to remain in the island, 50K to Thuvia, 250K to Rahadoum, 150K to Cheliax, 50K to Andoran, 200K to Taldor, 50K goes to the Sellen Route, 150K to Qadira and other Kelesh Destination; 50 K to other routes like the Azlanti Ocean Route, for Nidal Varisia...)
Geb: Exports:
-Other cereals including animal fodder: to Alkenstar 80K GC (99% via direct inland route); to Nex 400K GC (45% inland route trough Alkenstar; 54% direct sea route); to Jamelray [Trade Hub] 500K GC ( 100% direct sea route; of the stock 25% to remain in Jamelray; 20% to Zelshabbar and Haqqaman to remain; 5% to Katapesh; 10% to Qadira; 10% to Iblydos; 20% to other Keleshite destination; 10% to various destination); Katapesh [major trade hub] 1.500K GC (99% direct and indirect sea route; of the stock 500K to remain in Katapesh, 150K to Osirion, 50K to Holomog, 200K to Qadira, 200K to various Keleshite destination, 50K to Thuvia, 50K to Taldor, 50K to Nex, 150K to Absalom and Kortos Island, both to be used locally and traded and re-traded), Absalom (direct sea route, excluding trade from intermediary ports like Katapesh) 800K GC (of which 50K GC to remain in the island, 50K to Thuvia, 150K to Rahadoum, 50K to Cheliax, 25K to Andoran, 250K to Taldor, 25K goes to the Sellen Route, 150K to Qadira and other Kelesh Destination; 50 K to other routes like the Azlanti Ocean Route, for Nidal Varisia...)
-Fresh fruit and vegetables: to Alkenstar 100K GC; to Nex 250K GC; to Katapesh 185K GC(mainly for use in the country, partially to e exported)
-Treated fruit and vegetable products: to Alkenstar 15K GC (99% via direct inland route); to Nex 301K GC (45% inland route trough Alkenstar; 54% direct sea route); to Jamelray [Trade Hub] 300K GC ( 100% direct sea route; of the stock 25% to remain in Jamelray; 20% to Zelshabbar and Haqqaman to remain; 5% to Katapesh; 10% to Qadira; 10% to Iblydos; 20% to other Keleshite destination; 10% to various destination); Katapesh [major trade hub] 1.100K GC (99% direct and indirect sea route; of the stock 350K to remain in Katapesh, 100K to Osirion, 30K to Holomog, 200K to Qadira, 100K to various Keleshite destination, 20K to Thuvia, 40K to Taldor, 50K to Nex, 90K to Absalom and Kortos Island, both to be used locally and traded and re-traded). Absalom and Kortos island direct sea route, excluding indirect sea route 250K GC (70K GC for use in the Island, 130K GC to Absalom, 20K GC to Cheliax and the Azlanti Ocean route, 30K GC to other destination).
Raw textile and semiprocessed textile fibers of vegetable origins(linen, cotton, hemp): 1100K GC to Alkenstar (were you can find textile industries); 500K GC to Katapesh (partially processed there partially exported all over the world); 350K GC to Absalom (mostly re-traded as raw fibers, especially in Cheliax thanks to slave labor)
-Livestock: 125K GC to Alkenstar, inland route, most of them to be taken to Nex; 55K to Katapesh via direct sea route, mostly to be slaughtered in the county or to be handled to Osirion or to the ma Mwangi Expanse; 10K GC to Mwangi Expanse (direct inland route)
-Leather, cheese, horn and bones, caprine and ovine wool, (cured) meat: 125 K GC to Alkenstar to be processed in industries and consumed; 50K GC to Nex to be consumed; 350 to Katapesh to be processed or retreaded towards the inner sea region: especially to be traded in Absalom, processed in Andoran or Cheliax or sold to markets in Avistan.
Other: sunflower oil, medical plants, drugs, other, mainly to Katapesh 250K GC.
TOTAL AGRICULTURAL (+fishing and farming) EXPORTS: 17.797.000 Golden Coins
Agricultural imports:
fish (from Jamelray, Osirion, Kortos Island, Azlanti Ocean) 75K GC;
beverage from Avistan (Linhorm, Brevan and dwarven beer, Wine from Kyonin, Cheliax, Andoran,Taldor and Cheliax, Grappa from Taldor, whiskey from Varisia) 325K GC;
Karkadè from Osirion 25K GC (being really appreciated due to close ties with Osirian culture)
pesh from Katapesh 400K GC;
natural essences from Kyonin and Vudra 350K GC;
spices and medical plants or plants as material components or ingredients for magic from all the known world (Avistan, Arcadia, Vudra, Kelesh, Mwangi, Tian Xian...) 250K GC
Humanoid (mainly halflings and humans) as a source of meet and blood for certain undeads mainly importing Slaves from Katapesh and Cheliax, often from Mwangi tribesman 1050K GC.
Other 250K GC.
TOTAL AGRICULTURAL IMPORTS 11.450.000 GOlden Coins (including feed for undead)
(Agricultural exports)
Fertilizers of organic origin 35K GC to Geb (+125K GC of synthetic fertilizers)
-Abominations hunted in the Desolation of Mana (as slaves, meat for undeads, exotic skins and trophies or as exotic pets) 150K GC -trade done almost by Gnolls. Main destinations: Geb, Nex, Katapesh.
-Dwarven Bread-Fungi 10K GC to Nex.
Wheat + other cereals 430K GC from Geb and 70K GC from Osirion,
Fresh fruits and vegetables 100K GC from Geb and 30K GC from Nex
Treated fruits and vegetables: 15K GC from Geb, 10K Gc from Osirion, 10K GC from other nations
Raw textiles of vegetal origin: 1100K GC from Geb (linen, cotton, hemp) and 800K GC from Osirion, of which just 350K for local use and 1600K for industrial transformation and selling.
-Meat for local use 280K GC, both livestock to be slaughtered and cured meat, mostly from (in order of importance) Geb, Osirion, Katapesh, Qadira and Kelesh, Mwangi jungles. (Excluded livestock passed over)
-Fish for local use 150K GC, mostly from Osirion (both river fish and sea fish), Kortos Island, Cheliax
-Leather, Horns and bones, caprine and ovine wool 125K GC from Geb, 75K GC from Osirion, 35K GC from Qadira and Kelesh satrapies, 10K GC from Taldor. Roughly 90% to be processed in industries and sold abroad as a finished product
Beverage (from Avistan wine, beer, grappa, whiskey from Vudra and Tian Xia tea, from Osirion karkadè, from Iobaria Vodka) 250K GC
Raw Wood and timber (mainly to be used for clockwork or as building material or in industry, or to create fotnitures): 35K GC from Taldor, 10K GC from Andoran 45K GC from Mwangi Expanses
Other, including spices, drugs, medical plants, ivory (mainly of elephant and rhino) furs (of many creatures in particular leopard) and leather (of basilisk, dinosaur, crocodile, snake or lucertoloid) impirted from the Mwangi expanse mainly to be resold abroad 65K GC
Other 250K GC
AGRICULTURAL AND RELATED IMPORTS OF ALKENSAR (mainly raw materials to be reprocessed) 3.440.000 G coins
Note that most trade between Nex and Geb transits for Alkenstar and usually is done by Alkensari intermediarians.
This is just the starting, with two nations.
Note, just the agricultural import exports are present: not mining, not industrial and artisanal transformation of product, not services like magic ones and not tools, like weapons, magic objects, ships...
Having many Golarion Nations an agricultural economy backbone is a good starting point.
The numbers, even if arbitrary, are based on reasonable and real calculations. And on logic and notions from the setting are based exports, imports, productions.