My Wizard Build- What do you think? (PFS)


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Liberty's Edge

So, this is the build for Zorcudum Jirinidin Lorchovitch, who tells his companions his name is "Linus" (it's customary for a Varisian to give a fake name until he/she is comfortable in his/her party)

Name: Zorcudum "Linus" Jirinidin Lorchovitch
Alignment: CG
Class: Wizard
Faction: Sczarni
Race: Human(Varisian)
Fluff Info: Male, Age 15, 5'3", 128 lbs., Hair Black, Eyes Violet

STR: 12
DEX: 14
CON: 13
INT: 18
WIS: 10
CHA: 10

AC: 12
Touch: 12 Flat Footed: 10
Fort: 3
Reflex: 2
Will: 2
CMB: 1 CMD: 13

Quarterstaff, Dagger, Light Crossbow

Skills with ranks in them:
Diplomacy (1)
Heal (1)
Knowledge(Arcana) (1)
Knowledge(Nature) (1)
Knowledge(Relegion) (1)
Linguistics (1)- Used to learn Varisian
Perception (2)
Peform(Fiddle) (1)
Proffesion(Harrower) (2)
Spellcraft (1)

Eschew Materials, Harrowed(Human Bonus Feat), Scripe Scroll(Wizard)

Special Abilities:
Arcane Bond (Skunk Familiar- "Heliotrope"), Foresight(Divination) Subschool, Forewarned(Divination), Prescience(Foresight)
Classically Schooled Trait, Harrow Chosen Trait.

Estimated Progression:
3rd Level Feat: Simple Weapon Proficiency/ Weapon Finesse/ Spell Focus (Divination ?)
4th Level Ability Score: CON
5th Level Feat: Improved Counterspell/ ?
5th Level Bonus Feat: Fast Study (UM Arcane Discovery)/ ?
7th Level Feat: Improved Familiar
8th Level Ability Score: CON or WIS or INT
9th Level Feat: Golem Constructor (UM Arcane Discovery)/ ?
10th Level Bonus Feat: Opposition Research- Abjuration (UM Arcane Discovery)
At 11th level, I will probably PrC into Harrower, I have no clue what to do from there.
I need a little advice. Let me know which things I should do, especially in the Progression section, where I have little idea on what to do.
Thanks Guys!

First, a wizard should always be putting their ability points into intelligence. Second, why so much charisma. If it's crucial to your roleplaying, then okay, but understand that it's extremely sub-optimal, as a wizard has no use for charisma.

Craft Wondrous Items is a good 3rd level feat; I wouldn't consider the others.

Arcane Strike is a trap for a straight wizard. You'll rarely be hitting anyway. Split Slot is also not very good. Consider Fast Study as an option, but there are many other possibilities as well.

I should add that, if you really want to be charismatic, you'd be much better off being a sorcerer with the Arcane School (which also grants you a familiar).

Ouch. Yeah, thinking about it more. Assuming you definitely want to stick to human, an optimal stat spread would be closer to:

STR: 9
DEX: 14
CON: 14
INT: 19
WIS: 10
CHA: 8

I'm not saying those are the stats you have to choose, but rather to show you the difference between what you have. You need at least some con bonus as a wizard, because your hp are too low otherwise. Strength is useless to a straight wizard; the 9 is just so you can carry your things adequately. Charisma, again, does nothing for a wizard.

If this character is for Pathfinder Society, then you need to reconsider him, because there is no crafting for characters in PFS

At the risk of posting too much, I just recalled that PFS does not allow crafting feats (I have not played PFS in a while, so these things slip my mind). So, though it is an excellent choice, you'll not be able to pick it as a feat if you're going to be using this fella in PFS.

EDIT: Ninja'd

Liberty's Edge

Rudy2 wrote:

Ouch. Yeah, thinking about it more. Assuming you definitely want to stick to human, an optimal stat spread would be closer to:

STR: 9
DEX: 14
CON: 14
INT: 19
WIS: 10
CHA: 8

I'm not saying those are the stats you have to choose, but rather to show you the difference between what you have. You need at least some con bonus as a wizard, because your hp are too low otherwise. Strength is useless to a straight wizard; the 9 is just so you can carry your things adequately. Charisma, again, does nothing for a wizard.

I figured someone would comment on the whole strength thing. The thing is, so far almost EVERY char I've played has been weak strength-wise. I wanted to shake things up a bit. I'll probably trade CON with CHA, though. You're right. I don't need CHA.

And I'd get a higher constitution, reducing strength and charisma as required.

I have a diviner who will be taking levels in diabolist, so he wants a high charisma but unless you have a similarly good reason you'll survive longer with more hit points.

Liberty's Edge

whaarg wrote:
If this character is for Pathfinder Society, then you need to reconsider him, because there is no crafting for characters in PFS

UGH. I hate that rule. It makes no sense.

I better be able to craft my Homonculus. I love those lil' guys. Golems too.
Alright, editing out the Crafting Feats.

Okay. I think if you switch Con and Cha, the character becomes much more viable. I would further recommend dropping the 10 to 8 for charisma, and making the Con 14. So:
Str 12
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 18
Wis 10
Cha 8

Having the strength at 12 isn't going to do you any good as a wizard BUT, this stat spread is perfectly viable, so if you really want the strength, go for it.

Brom the Obnoxiously Awesome wrote:
I better be able to craft my Homonculus. I love those lil' guys. Golems too.

Sadly, no. :( One of the reasons I no longer play PFS.

Liberty's Edge

Rudy2 wrote:
Brom the Obnoxiously Awesome wrote:
I better be able to craft my Homonculus. I love those lil' guys. Golems too.
Sadly, no. :( One of the reasons I no longer play PFS.


That is the dumbest rule I have ever heard. Why would they remove that? Is there any actual logical reason for it?

Liberty's Edge

Rudy2 wrote:

Okay. I think if you switch Con and Cha, the character becomes much more viable. I would further recommend dropping the 10 to 8 for charisma, and making the Con 14. So:

Str 12
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 18
Wis 10
Cha 8

Having the strength at 12 isn't going to do you any good as a wizard BUT, this stat spread is perfectly viable, so if you really want the strength, go for it.

I don't wanna drop my CHA that much, as diplomacy, intimidate, etc. are pretty useful skills that I know have come up on many an occasion. I'm okay with the mod being at 0, but not in the negatives.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

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There are a lot of uses for Cha-based skills in PFS. If you dump Cha, you need to know you're going to be taking a back seat in certain scenarios.

If you're unwilling to drop your strength below 12, or your charisma below 10, then I'd recommend dropping your wisdom to 8 and getting 14 dex 14 con. If you're unwilling to do that, then I guess go with Str 12 Dex 13 Con 14 Int 18 Wis 10 Cha 10.

If you want to do social skills, the answer isn't to waste points on Charisma, it's to take the excellent "Student of Philosophy" trait, which lets you use your int bonus instead of charisma on Diplomacy checks to persuade people AND on Bluff checks to lie.

Liberty's Edge

Rudy2 wrote:
If you want to do social skills, the answer isn't to waste points on Charisma, it's to take the excellent "Student of Philosophy" trait, which lets you use your int bonus instead of charisma on Diplomacy checks to persuade people AND on Bluff checks to lie.

Or a Thrush. Or a Pig. You have a point...

There's also Clever Wordplay. Just another option.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

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I disagree that Con is that important for a wizard. By around 5th level, if something is doing hit point damage against you, either you aren't using the defenses available to you or your party's failing to protect you.

I generally prefer 14 Dex 12 Con because of the slight edge in initiative. To me, getting from 12 to 14 Con isn't worth dumping Cha or Wis any. It's a matter of preference, though.

Liberty's Edge

Rudy2 wrote:
There's also Clever Wordplay. Just another option.

Oh wow. I like it. Should I really give up Classically Schooled (+1 Spellcraft) for this though?

Yes, definitely. Getting +1 to a skill is not worth a trait. Especially because the most important use of the Spellcraft skill is to craft items, which you can't do in PFS anyway.

Linguistics (1)- Used to learn Varisian

If you are a human (Varisian), you should start play with Common and Varisian, at no skill point cost.

Nightfiend is correct, and you also get a number of starting bonus languages equal to your intelligence modifier. 4 in your case. So, you can speak a good number of languages. That being said, 1 rank in Linguistics is not a bad use of a skill point, either at 1st or 2nd level, since it does show up in PFS scenarios as I recall, and 1 rank will give you 1 + 3 trained + INT bonus.

Correct me if I'm wrong, I beleave there is a rule about harrowing in the PFS handbook. If you intend to use any of the clsses that provide a bonus while using harrow cards, you might want to research this.

Example: You can't use the dice option to generate the card effects.

Liberty's Edge

Nightfiend wrote:

Linguistics (1)- Used to learn Varisian

If you are a human (Varisian), you should start play with Common and Varisian, at no skill point cost.

Oh okay. I don't have any books that tell me how to play Varisian as a race. Does it change anything else, like my Bonus Feat, Skilled, etc?

Liberty's Edge

Nightfiend wrote:

Correct me if I'm wrong, I beleave there is a rule about harrowing in the PFS handbook. If you intend to use any of the clsses that provide a bonus while using harrow cards, you might want to research this.

Example: You can't use the dice option to generate the card effects.

I ordered in Card through my local Hobby Town, where I play PFS. It should be in by this week's game. Yay! Deluxe Harrow Cards!

Liberty's Edge

Rudy2 wrote:
Nightfiend is correct, and you also get a number of starting bonus languages equal to your intelligence modifier. 4 in your case. So, you can speak a good number of languages. That being said, 1 rank in Linguistics is not a bad use of a skill point, either at 1st or 2nd level, since it does show up in PFS scenarios as I recall, and 1 rank will give you 1 + 3 trained + INT bonus.

Oh, I didn't know you got bonus languages like that. I picked up Celestial, Dwarven, Sylvan, and Undercommon, and I'll be able to pick up one more, provided Varisian doesn't change around my Human Racial Traits.

Brom the Obnoxiously Awesome wrote:
Does it change anything else, like my Bonus Feat, Skilled, etc?


Silver Crusade

Brom the Obnoxiously Awesome wrote:

So, this is the build for Zorcudum Jirinidin Lorchovitch, who tells his companions his name is "Linus" (it's customary for a Varisian to give a fake name until he/she is comfortable in his/her party)

Eschew Materials, Harrowed(Human Bonus Feat), Scripe Scroll(Wizard)

I need a little advice. Let me know which things I should do, especially in the Progression section, where I have little idea on what to do.
Thanks Guys!

In PFS you also switch Scribe scroll with Spell Focus

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I don't recommend dropping your cha, 10 barely qualifies as "so much" charisma, it just means that your character has at least some bearing on those around him. While I don't agree with Rudy2's optimization plugging, their trait advice is solid. Oh, and there's no reason to have 12 strength, you should never ever ever be melee attacking anything.

I recommend this

Str 10
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 18
Wis 10
Cha 10

Pfs characters are built off of twenty points, correct?

Liberty's Edge

Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Brom the Obnoxiously Awesome wrote:

So, this is the build for Zorcudum Jirinidin Lorchovitch, who tells his companions his name is "Linus" (it's customary for a Varisian to give a fake name until he/she is comfortable in his/her party)

Eschew Materials, Harrowed(Human Bonus Feat), Scripe Scroll(Wizard)

I need a little advice. Let me know which things I should do, especially in the Progression section, where I have little idea on what to do.
Thanks Guys!

In PFS you also switch Scribe scroll with Spell Focus

Spell Focus in what? I'm a diviner, but there don't seem to be many Divination spells that require a save?

Do you think Necromancy, Evocation, Illusion, or what? Keep in mind that Abjuration and Enchantment are my oppositions.

Liberty's Edge

I think I need more advice in Feats...
I have pretty good Abilitys, but I have no clue what I'm doing for feats.

Take spell focus on something weaponized, like burning hands, and then apply the mage's tattoo feat to that same spell. You'll be walking around with a pocket flame-thrower, and the Mage's tattoo feat is geared towards varisian characters.

I'm fairly certain it's a Spell Focus of your choice to replace the Scribe Scroll that PFS does not allow you to use. And yes, Spell Focus (Divination) would be a poor choice. Pick another school, obviously not one of your opposed schools.

You don't need Eschew Materials at all; you get a spell component pouch, and if there are PFS scenarios that steal wizard's spell component pouches, then I'm not aware of them. Harrowed is not an optimal choice for a feat, but it seems integral to your character concept, so that's fine.

Toughness and Improved Initiative are solid, if uninteresting choices for feats.

Liberty's Edge

GypsyMischief wrote:
Take spell focus on something weaponized, like burning hands, and then apply the mage's tattoo feat to that same spell. You'll be walking around with a pocket flame-thrower, and the Mage's tattoo feat is geared towards varisian characters.

Good idea. So evocation it is. Also, there's such thing as a Varisian tattoo. It's pretty much the same thing, but you cast the spell using the Varisian word for the spell. It would also fit, as my character is COVERED in tattoos. Seriously, I blew 20 gp on all my tats.

The feat GypsyMischief refers to is actually Varisian Tattoo, but he's absolutely correct about it being a good choice, since you'll have the Spell Focus anyway.


EDIT: Ninja'd

Liberty's Edge

Rudy2 wrote:

I'm fairly certain it's a Spell Focus of your choice to replace the Scribe Scroll that PFS does not allow you to use. And yes, Spell Focus (Divination) would be a poor choice. Pick another school, obviously not one of your opposed schools.

You don't need Eschew Materials at all; you get a spell component pouch, and if there are PFS scenarios that steal wizard's spell component pouches, then I'm not aware of them. Harrowed is not an optimal choice for a feat, but it seems integral to your character concept, so that's fine.

Toughness and Improved Initiative are solid, if uninteresting choices for feats.

Oh okay. No Eschew then. I normally just get a Componet pouch, but i didn't know what to do with my feat, so...

I don't really need improved init as a Diviner, but Toughness is a great idea.

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I would seriously consider working in Toughness as your level 1 feat, and put off Harrowed or Varisian Tattoo until level 3. The +3 hp Toughness grants you right from the start will help your survivability a lot, and it will scale up later.

Liberty's Edge

Rudy2 wrote:
I would seriously consider working in Toughness as your level 1 feat, and put off Harrowed or Varisian Tattoo until level 3. The +3 hp Toughness grants you right from the start will help your survivability a lot, and it will scale up later.

I'll get Varisian Tattoo at level 3. I wish I could keep editing my original post. Dang.

Hunh, weird. It's called Mage's Tattoo on the SRD...puzzliing

Linky link.

But yeah man, toughness is always a quality feat. Same with improved initiative. Going first wins battles.

Liberty's Edge

GypsyMischief wrote:

Hunh, weird. It's called Mage's Tattoo on the SRD...puzzliing

Linky link.

But yeah man, toughness is always a quality feat. Same with improved initiative. Going first wins battles.

Yeah, I thought they were two different things, too. Traded out Eschew for Toughness and got a Component pouch

The d20pfsrd calls it Mage's Tattoo because "Varisian" is a copyrighted term of the Golarion setting which they therefore are not allowed to use. The Archives of Nethys gets away with using the proper words because they are not selling anything.

Liberty's Edge

Rudy2 wrote:
The d20pfsrd calls it Mage's Tattoo because "Varisian" is a copyrighted term of the Golarion setting which they therefore are not allowed to use. The Archives of Nethys gets away with using the proper words because they are not selling anything.

OHHHHH... Wow. Good call. I never would have realized that. ;)

Bam! Legal knowledge check succeeded!

Liberty's Edge

Is it true you can sacrifice one of your Feats to give one to your familiar? Or is that just something a Witch Beastbonded can do?

Faction: Sczarni

You might want to do a little background checking on skills that have cropped up on Sczarni faction missions. As I'm a bit worried you do not have the skill set to help you complete those missions.

Liberty's Edge

Matt2VK wrote:

Faction: Sczarni

You might want to do a little background checking on skills that have cropped up on Sczarni faction missions. As I'm a bit worried you do not have the skill set to help you complete those missions.

Perhaps then, I should rethink the Raccoon or Squirrel Familiar (+3 to sleight of hand).

Don't worry, I'm not all too concerned with that AtM. I will definitly be able to get skills like Bluff and Sleight of Hand later on, as Humans gain an additional skill rank per level. Seriously though, Humans are boss.

If you want to be good at bluffing, then take the student of Philosophy trait I linked earlier instead of Clever Wordplay. Student of Philosophy helps both Diplomacy AND Bluff.

You're unlikely to ever be good at sleight of hand. It's not a class skill for you, bear in mind.

Liberty's Edge

Rudy2 wrote:

If you want to be good at bluffing, then take the student of Philosophy trait I linked earlier instead of Clever Wordplay. Student of Philosophy helps both Diplomacy AND Bluff.

You're unlikely to ever be good at sleight of hand. It's not a class skill for you, bear in mind.

Good point. Alright, I'll change it. I think it's a lot more specific, but I think it'll be better for a Sczarni.

If you're going with the Improved Familiar, you'll probably want one able to use wands. For that you might also want to put points into UMD.

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